[QUIZ.SOLUTION] Dice Roller (#61) We don't need no steenking leexer/parsers

Leexer/parsers? We ain't got no Leexer/parsers. We don't need no
Leexer/parsers. I don't have to show you any steenking Leexer/parser.
Just call eval and use Ruby's fine lexer/parser (apologies to Mel
Brooks, John Huston and Banditos Mexicanos everywhere).

This approach uses regex substitutions to first munge the input
expression to deal with the default cases (like d6 to 1d6 and 1% to
1d100), then it substitutes ** for d and hands it over to the
evaluator and prints the result.

Eval does what we want after an override of Fixnum.** to give us our
dice-rolling d-operator behavior. Conveniently, ** has the desired
precedence relative to the other operators, plus it is binary and
left-associative. This feels so evil. Seduced by the Dark Side I am.

Note that we get lot's of additional behavior we don't need, but the
original spec said the BNF was incomplete, so I was lazy and left the
undef[ining] of >>, << et al is 'as an exercise...' I don't know
enough D&D to know if they might be useful.

BTW. In the spirit of 'why can't we all just get along?': the dice
rolling algorithm is ported from this Python code at

from random import randrange
def dice(num,sides):
  return reduce(lambda x,y,s=sides:x + randrange(s), range(num+1))+num

here is the Ruby:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

roll.rb (806 Bytes)


# roll.rb

# fix up Fixnum to override ** with our desired d behavior
class Fixnum
  def ** (sides)
    # validation
    if sides<1
      raise "Invalid sides value: '#{sides}', must be a positive Integer"
    if self<1
      raise "Invalid number of rolls: '#{self}', must be a postitive Integer"
    # roll the dice
     (0..self).to_a.inject{|x,y| x + rand(sides)}+self

dice_expression = ARGV[0]

# default number of rolls is 1, substitute d6 => 1d6
dice_expression = dice_expression.gsub(/(^|[^0-9)\s])(\s*d)/, '\11d')

# d% => d100
dice_expression = dice_expression.gsub(/d%/,'d100 ')

# this feels so dirty...substitute d => **
dice_expression = dice_expression.gsub(/d/, "**")

(ARGV[1] || 1).to_i.times { print "#{eval(dice_expression)} " }

} here is the Ruby:
} #!/usr/bin/env ruby
} #
} # roll.rb
} #
} # fix up Fixnum to override ** with our desired d behavior
} class Fixnum
} def ** (sides)
} # validation
} if sides<1
} raise "Invalid sides value: '#{sides}', must be a positive Integer"
} end
} if self<1
} raise "Invalid number of rolls: '#{self}', must be a postitive Integer"
} end
} # roll the dice
} (0..self).to_a.inject{|x,y| x + rand(sides)}+self

I think I may be misunderstanding something here. You use 0..self, when I
would think it would have to be either 0...self or 1..self to get the right
number of rolls. Am I off? In my solution I used 1..self in much the same

} end
} end



On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 03:57:20AM +0900, Paul Novak wrote:

Here's my own solution, which isn't nearly as pretty or clever as some
of the stuff I've seen. I had started revising it, but it started
looking more and more like Dennis Ranke's solution, which wasn't good
since I was looking at his code to see how to do certain things in
Ruby. =)

In any case, I've decided to post my original, not-so-clever version.
But I'm glad to see all the entries; it'll be interesting to write up
a summary. I've certainly learned a lot.



class Dice

  TOKENS = {
     :integer => /[1-9][0-9]*/,
     :percent => /%/,
     :lparen => /\(/,
     :rparen => /\)/,
     :plus => /\+/,
     :minus => /-/,
     :times => /\*/,
     :divide => /\//,
     :dice => /d/

  class Lexer
     def initialize(str)
        @str = str

     include Enumerable
     def each
        s = @str
        until s.empty?
           (tok, pat) = TOKENS.find { |tok, pat| s =~ pat && $`.empty? }
           raise "Bad input!" if tok.nil?
           yield(tok, $&)
           s = s[$&.length .. -1]

  class Parser
     def initialize(tok)
        @tokens = tok.to_a
        @index = 0
        @marks = []

     def action

     def commit

     def rollback
        @index = @marks.last

     def next
        tok = @tokens[@index]
        raise "Out of tokens!" if tok.nil?
        @index += 1

  def initialize(str)
     @parser = Parser.new(Lexer.new(str))
     @dice = expr

  def roll

  def expr
     # fact expr_

  def expr_(lhs)
     # '+' fact expr_
     # '-' fact expr_
     # nil


        tok = @parser.next
        res = lhs
        case tok[0]
        when :plus
           rhs = fact
           res = expr_(proc { lhs.call + rhs.call })
        when :minus
           rhs = fact
           res = expr_(proc { lhs.call - rhs.call })
           res = lhs


  def fact
     # term fact_

  def fact_(lhs)
     # '*' term fact_
     # '/' term fact_
     # nil


        tok = @parser.next
        res = lhs
        case tok[0]
        when :times
           rhs = term
           res = fact_(proc { lhs.call * rhs.call })
        when :divide
           rhs = term
           res = fact_(proc { lhs.call / rhs.call })
           res = lhs


  def term
     # dice
     # unit term_

        res = dice(proc { 1 })
        res = term_(unit)


  def term_(lhs)
     # dice term_
     # nil
        res = term_(dice(lhs))
        res = lhs


  def dice(lhs)
     # 'd' spec


     tok = @parser.next
     case tok[0]
     when :dice
        rhs = spec
        res = proc { (1 .. lhs.call).inject(0) {|s,v| s += rand(rhs.call)+1 }}
        raise "Expected dice, found #{tok[0]} '#{tok[1]}'\n"


  def spec
     # '%'
     # unit


     tok = @parser.next
     case tok[0]
     when :percent
        res = proc { 100 }
        res = unit


  def unit
     # '(' expr ')'
     # INT (non-zero, literal zero not allowed)


     tok = @parser.next
     case tok[0]
     when :integer
        res = proc { tok[1].to_i }
     when :lparen
           res = expr
           tok = @parser.next
           raise unless tok[0] == :rparen
           raise "Expected (expr), found #{tok[0]} '#{tok[1]}'\n"
        raise "Expected integer, found #{tok[0]} '#{tok[1]}'\n"


# main

d = Dice.new(ARGV[0] || "d6")
(ARGV[1] || 1).to_i.times { print "#{d.roll} " }

This isn't so much a solution to the quiz, but more of an addition to
the whole dice rolling thing. Assume you have an array of numbers
between 1-6... outputs the face of the dice in ascii art, one for each
element in the array:

class Array
  def to_dice
    logic = [
    lambda{|n| '+-----+ '},
    lambda{|n| (n>3 ? '|O ' : '| ')+(n>1 ? ' O| ' : ' | ')},
    lambda{|n| (n==6 ? '|O ' : '| ')+
       (n%2==1 ? 'O' : ' ')+(n==6 ? ' O| ' : ' | ')},
    lambda{|n| (n>1 ? '|O ' : '| ')+(n>3 ? ' O| ' : ' | ')}

    5.times {|row|
      self.each {|n| str += logic[row%4].call(n) }

puts [1,2,3,4,5,6].to_dice


No, the mis-understanding is all mine. You are right, otherwise it
will include an extra roll. It should be:
(1..self).to_a.inject(0){|x,y| x + rand(sides)}+self

Further proof of the value of good unit tests. (Since (1..1).to_a
returns a single-member array, you need to provide inject with an
initial value to make it work.)




On 1/9/06, Gregory Seidman <gsslist+ruby@anthropohedron.net> wrote:

} # roll the dice
} (0..self).to_a.inject{|x,y| x + rand(sides)}+self

I think I may be misunderstanding something here. You use 0..self, when I
would think it would have to be either 0...self or 1..self to get the right
number of rolls. Am I off? In my solution I used 1..self in much the same