[QUIZ] Rock Paper Scissors

Hello all, I'm doing Rock Paper Scissors from Ruby Quiz book.
the answer (without cheating) gives example of CNBiasInverter,

CNBiasInverter vs. JEGQueuePlayer
CNBiasInverter: 653.5
JEGQueuePlayer: 346.5
CNBiasInverter Wins

while I agree that if oponent has some weight bias on giving out position,
but if he has repeatable cycle, you can do better than that.

so I do following
#file cycle.rb
class CycleDetecter
  def self.detect_cycle(arr)
   1.upto(CYCLE_MAX_LENGTH) do |i|
     if isCyclic arr,i
       return Cycle.new(i)
   return Cycle.new(-1)
  def self.isCyclic(arr, cycle)
    #puts arr.inspect
    cycle.times do |i|
       n = 1
       while i+n*cycle < arr.size
         if arr[i] != arr[i + n* cycle]
           return false
         n += 1

    return true

class Cycle
  attr_accessor :cycle
  def initialize(cycle)
    @cycle = cycle
  def to_s
  def == (other)
    cycle == other.cycle

#file weight.rb
class WeightedDetecter
  def self.detect_weight(arr)
    arr.each do |x|
      if x == :rock
      elsif x==:paper
        paperSize +=1
      elsif x== :scissors
        scissorsSize += 1
    Weight.new([rockSize*1.0/arr.size, paperSize*1.0/arr.size,


class Weight
  attr_accessor :weight
  def initialize(weight)
    @weight = weight
  def == (other)
    weight == other.weight

arr = [:rock,:rock,:paper,:scissors]
puts WeightedDetecter.detect_weight(arr).inspect

#file femto_stragety_player.rb
require 'player/stragety/cycle'
require 'player/stragety/weight'
class FemtoStragetyPlayer < Player
  QUEUE = [ :rock, :paper, :scissors ]
  def initialize( opponent_name )
    @myIndex = 0
    @oponent_choices = []

  def choose
      oponentStragety = judgeOponent
      #puts oponentStragety.class
      if oponentStragety.class == Cycle
        result = competeCycle(oponentStragety)
      elsif oponentStragety.class == Weight

        r = rand
        weight = oponentStragety.weight
        if r<weight[0]
          result = QUEUE[1]
        elsif r<weight[0] + weight[1]
          result = QUEUE[2]
        else # r<weight[0] + weight[1] + weight[2] = 1
          result = QUEUE[0]
        #puts "fallback to random choice"
        #fallback to random choice
        result = QUEUE[Integer(rand*3)]
    @myIndex += 1 #add myIndex for next run turn
    #puts "#{oponentStragety},#{@oponent_choices.inspect}, #{result.inspect}"
  def judgeOponent

    if @oponent_choices.size > 0
      startIndex = @myIndex - CycleDetecter::CYCLE_MAX_LENGTH * 2
      startIndex = 0 if startIndex < 0
      arr = @oponent_choices[startIndex, CycleDetecter::CYCLE_MAX_LENGTH * 2]

      result = CycleDetecter.detect_cycle(arr)
      #puts "#{@oponent_choices.inspect}, #{startIndex},
#{arr.inspect}, #{result.inspect} \n"
      if result == Cycle.new(-1)
        result = WeightedDetecter.detect_weight(arr)
      return result

  def competeCycle(cycle)
  def findWinHand(hand)
    if hand == :rock then
       return :paper
    if hand == :paper then
       return :scissors
    if hand == :scissors then
       return :rock

  def result( your_choice, opponents_choice, win_lose_or_draw )
    @oponent_choices << opponents_choice
    # (optional) called after each choice you make to give feedback
    # your_choice = your choice
    # oppenents_choice = opponent's choice
    # win_lose_or_draw = :win, :lose or :draw, your result


and get the following result, better than CNBiasInverter

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. JEGQueuePlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 998
  JEGQueuePlayer: 2
  FemtoStragetyPlayer Wins

(file femto_stragety_player.rb is under subdir 'player'
cycle.rb and weight.rb is under 'player/stragety'
because the main file dynamic requires in femto_stragety_player,
so the working dir is dir up 1 level than 'player' , so in file
femto_stragety_player.rb , I write require 'player/stragety/cycle.rb'
rather than 'stragety/cycle.rb' , do anyone knows how to handle this?)

compare to random player:
several runs: can see from the number, that sometimes
FemtoStragetyPlayer beats FemtoRandomPlayer, sometime
be beaten by FemtoRandomPlayer (score up or down around 20)
cause when compared to RandomPlayer, the computing of weight
also make FemtoStragetyPlayer back to Random.

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. FemtoRandomPlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 482.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer: 518.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer Wins

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. FemtoRandomPlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 510.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer: 490.0
  FemtoStragetyPlayer Wins

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. FemtoRandomPlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 482.5
  FemtoRandomPlayer: 517.5
  FemtoRandomPlayer Wins

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. FemtoRandomPlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 483.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer: 517.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer Wins

FemtoStragetyPlayer vs. FemtoRandomPlayer
  FemtoStragetyPlayer: 513.0
  FemtoRandomPlayer: 487.0
  FemtoStragetyPlayer Wins
