[QUIZ] Refactoring (#75)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion.



by Pat Eyler

This week's quiz is a bit of a departure from the normal. Instead of submitting
different implementations of the same code, we'd like you to submit different
implementations of the same process -- Refactoring.

Refactoring is the art of improving the design of existing code, without
changing it's functional behaviour. It is well documented in the book
'Refactoring' by Martin Fowler, and on his website:


The quiz this week is to submit refactorings of code you use -- whether your own
code, a library or application for RubyForge, or even something from the
Standard Library. Any submission should implement a refactoring from:


or other citable sources, e.g.:


Each Submission should follow this outline:

  Refactoring name (and citation if needed)
  Original code
  Explanation of the purpose and mechanics of the refactoring
  New code
  (optionally, unit tests created/used to verify the code)

Submissions will be combined into an online catalog of Ruby Refactorings,
probably on the RubyGarden wiki.

I've created a page on the wiki to hold refactorings as they are submitted.



On 4/14/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

Submissions will be combined into an online catalog of Ruby Refactorings,
probably on the RubyGarden wiki.


I'll start us off this week. (Thanks for the easy but educational quiz Pat!)

James Edward Gray II

Replace Conditional with Polymorphism


On Apr 14, 2006, at 7:46 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

by Pat Eyler

This week's quiz is a bit of a departure from the normal. Instead of submitting
different implementations of the same code, we'd like you to submit different
implementations of the same process -- Refactoring.


This is a traditional refactoring pattern located on page 255 of my copy of the book this quiz is named after. It can also be found on the [Refactoring Catalog site](http://www.refactoring.com/catalog/replaceConditionalWithPolymorphism.html\).

Smelly Code

This is actual code from a Rails application we are building at work. I noticed the problematic method when bug hunting in the system the same day I had been reading in Refactoring. (This method is not related to the bug I was after, it works fine.)

Here are the relevant pieces of the three classes involved:

     class TimePeriod < ActiveRecord::Base
       validates_presence_of :name, :start_date, :end_date

       # Returns +true+ if the passed +date+ is in the TimePeriod, but not in any
       # attached closed day ranges.
       def include?( date )
         case self
         when ClosedPeriod
           (start_date..end_date).include?(date) and
           not closed_periods.any? { |closed| closed.include?(date) }

     class SchedulePeriod < TimePeriod
       has_many :closed_periods, :dependent => :destroy

     class ClosedPeriod < TimePeriod


These classes are used to represent simple time spans in our application. A SchedulePeriod might represent a semester at a university, for example, which could have a related ClosedPeriod for Spring Break. (These are stored in the database in the time_periods table, making use of ActiveRecord's Single Table Inheritance.)

What's Wrong Here and Why "Fix" It?

Obviously, the method I intend to refactor is the only one shown TimePeriod#include?. This method displays the code smell of a case statement used to determine action based on object types. Message dispatch like this is Ruby's domain and not suited for case statements. I will use Replace Conditional with Polymorphism to eliminate this.

It might be interesting to note that this method got to the current state through a very natural process of code decay. When the database was first being established, we threw together a quick TimePeriod class that looked something like:

     class TimePeriod < ActiveRecord::Base
       has_many :closed_periods, :class_name => "TimePeriod",
                                 :foriegn_key => "closed_period_id",
                                 :dependent => :destroy

       validates_presence_of :name, :start_date, :end_date

       # Returns +true+ if the passed +date+ is in the TimePeriod, but not in any
       # attached closed day ranges.
       def include?( date )
         (start_date..end_date).include?(date) and
         not closed_periods.any? { |closed| closed.include?(date) }

This is the same thing, but tracked using only one object that can have "closed_periods" of its own type. This worked just like the current version does. However, when we began working through the controllers to create, find, and relate these objects, it became apparent that it would be easier on us programmers to keep everything straight if we broke them down into separate objects. Thus the change and the introduction of the smelly method.

Refactored Code

Looking at the refactoring check list, I see that I first need to cover the method with tests to ensure that I won't break anything. Luckily, these were already in place for the code. Here is one such test, just to give you an idea of how they look:

     spring_break = TimePeriod.find_by_name("Spring Break")
     current = Date.civil(2006, 3, 1)
     loop do
       # all days in March should validate, except for Spring Break
       assert_equal( !spring_break.include?(current),
                     time_periods(:march).include?(current) )

       current += 1
       break if current.month == 4

Now according to the refactoring catalog, I need to do two things. The first is: "Move each leg of the conditional to an overriding method in a subclass." That doesn't sound too tough. Here's the first such move:

     class ClosedPeriod < TimePeriod
       # Returns +true+ if the passed +date+ is in the ClosedPeriod.
       def include?( date )

I ran the tests and nothing broke. I'm now ready to move the second leg:

     class SchedulePeriod < TimePeriod
       has_many :closed_periods, :dependent => :destroy

       # Returns +true+ if the passed +date+ is in the SchedulePeriod, but not in
       # any attached closed day ranges.
       def include?( date )
         (start_date..end_date).include?(date) and
         not closed_periods.any? { |closed| closed.include?(date) }

Again the tests gave the green light. All is good.

The second piece to this refactoring is to: "Make the original method abstract." I considered that for a brief instance, mentally translating the Javaism into Ruby. My decision made, I highlighted TimePeriod#include? and tapped the delete key on my keyboard. I briefly considered having it raise an exception, but Ruby is going to do that for me anyway and this was less work.

The tests still pass. Refactoring complete.

You may want to do another refactoring to move the duplicated date range test (`(start_date..end_date).include?(date)`) out of the two methods, but that's a different pattern and probably not too critical in this example.

Extract method calls (

Consider a cache that needs to be kept up to date.
For example, primitives in a complex vector scene:
redrawing the scene takes a relatively long time,
degrading framerate, but not redrawing the scene
when something changes is even worse. So I need
to detect when the cached rendering is outdated.

To do this, I keep track of the time of the last
rendering, and compare the vector object mtimes
to it. If a mtime is more recent than the last render
time, the scene needs to be redrawn.

Original code:

class VectorObject
  attr_reader :x, :y, :z, :path, :stroke, :fill, :mtime

  def x= x
    @x = x
    @mtime = Time.now

  def y= y
    @y = y
    @mtime = Time.now

  def z= z
    @z = z
    @mtime = Time.now

  def path= pt
    case pt
    when Path
      @path = pt
    when Array
      @path = Path.new(pt)
    @mtime = Time.now

  ... and so on for stroke and fill


Detecting repetition, it makes code fragile and a pain to edit.
First pass, refactor `@mtime = Time.now` out to a method:

class VectorObject
  attr_reader :x, :y, :z, :path, :stroke, :fill, :mtime
  def touch!
    @mtime = Time.now

  def x= x
    @x = x

  ... similarly for other accessors

A bit better. Still quite unwieldy though.
But! Metaprogramming to the rescue!
Alias the original methods to _non_touching and
replace them with a version that calls the original
method, followed by touch!, and returns what the
original method returned:

class VectorObject
  def self.touching! *mnames
      alias_method "#{mn}_non_touching", mn
        rv = __send__ "#{mn}_non_touching", *args

  attr_reader :mname
  attr_accessor :x, :y, :z, :path, :stroke, :fill
  touching! :x=, :y=, :z=, :path=, :stroke=, :fill=

Finally, move #touching! out from the class and into a module:

module Touchable
  def touching! *mnames
      alias_method "#{mn}_non_touching", mn
        rv = __send__ "#{mn}_non_touching", *args

class VectorObject
extend Touchable
  attr_reader :mname
  attr_accessor :x, :y, :z, :path, :stroke, :fill

  def path= pt
    case pt
    when Path
      @path = pt
    when Array
      @path = Path.new(pt)

  touching! :x=, :y=, :z=, :path=, :stroke=, :fill=

Now we can use attr_accessor for creating
the simple methods, override #path= with
a magical setter, and not type touch! a lot.


On 4/14/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion.


by Pat Eyler

This week's quiz is a bit of a departure from the normal. Instead of submitting
different implementations of the same code, we'd like you to submit different
implementations of the same process -- Refactoring.

Refactoring is the art of improving the design of existing code, without
changing it's functional behaviour. It is well documented in the book
'Refactoring' by Martin Fowler, and on his website:


The quiz this week is to submit refactorings of code you use -- whether your own
code, a library or application for RubyForge, or even something from the
Standard Library. Any submission should implement a refactoring from:

        Catalog of Refactorings

or other citable sources, e.g.:

        Refactoring: Extract Mixin

Each Submission should follow this outline:

        Refactoring name (and citation if needed)
        Original code
        Explanation of the purpose and mechanics of the refactoring
        New code
        (optionally, unit tests created/used to verify the code)

Submissions will be combined into an online catalog of Ruby Refactorings,
probably on the RubyGarden wiki.

Hi Ruby Quiz,

Sorry, this is likely to be rather uninteresting, and I'm not even quite
following the rules, I think, but here is a refactoring that's not on
(Fowler's) official lists, even though it applies to Java as much as to
Ruby, that I did the other day; let's call them "Merge Redundant
Exception Handlers." Also, there's the more Ruby-exclusive "Remove
Unused Scope"

This code is from the Gem Server tutorial for win32/service on
RubyForge. It's by Daniel Berger, and refactored publicly without his
permission; I hope he doesn't mind.

   def service_main
         @s.mount_proc("/yaml") { |req, res|
            res['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
            res.body <<
Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(File.join(Gem.dir, "specifications")).to_yaml
      rescue Exception => e
         File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }

         @s.mount_proc("/") { |req, res|
            specs =
            specifications_dir = File.join(Gem.dir, "specifications")
            Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(specifications_dir).each do

path, spec|

               specs << {
                  "name" => spec.name,
                  "version" => spec.version,
                  "full_name" => spec.full_name,
                  "summary" => spec.summary,
                  "rdoc_installed" =>
                  "doc_path" => ('/doc_root/' + spec.full_name +
            specs = specs.sort_by { |spec| [spec["name"].downcase,
spec["version"]] }
            template = TemplatePage.new(DOC_TEMPLATE)
            res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
            template.write_html_on(res.body, {"specs" => specs})
      rescue Exception => e
         File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }

         {"/gems" => "/cache/", "/doc_root" => "/doc/"}.each do

mount_point, mount_dir|

            @s.mount(mount_point, WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler,
File.join(Gem.dir, mount_dir), true)
      rescue Exception => e
         File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }

      rescue Exception => e
         File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }

Refactoring 1: Merge Redundant Exception Handlers
/You have a series of exception handling blocks with identical handlers./
*Merge the code into a single exception handling block.*


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e
  rescue Exception => e
    barf e


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e

Refactoring 2: Remove Unused Scope
/You have a begin...end block that introduces a scope that is unused./
*Remove the unused scope.*


  def foo


  def foo

Here is the refactored code:

   def service_main
      @s.mount_proc("/yaml") { |req, res|
         res['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
         res.body << Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(File.join(Gem.dir,

      @s.mount_proc("/") { |req, res|
         specs =
         specifications_dir = File.join(Gem.dir, "specifications")
         Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(specifications_dir).each do

path, spec|

            specs << {
               "name" => spec.name,
               "version" => spec.version,
               "full_name" => spec.full_name,
               "summary" => spec.summary,
               "rdoc_installed" =>
               "doc_path" => ('/doc_root/' + spec.full_name +
         specs = specs.sort_by { |spec| [spec["name"].downcase,
spec["version"]] }
         template = TemplatePage.new(DOC_TEMPLATE)
         res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
         template.write_html_on(res.body, {"specs" => specs})

      {"/gems" => "/cache/", "/doc_root" => "/doc/"}.each do

mount_point, mount_dir|

         @s.mount(mount_point, WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler,
File.join(Gem.dir, mount_dir), true)

   rescue Exception => e
      File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }


Dave Burt wrote:

Hi Ruby Quiz,

Sorry, this is likely to be rather uninteresting,

Actually, I find it very interesting ... but then, you have to consider
my tastes. :slight_smile:

Refactoring 1: Merge Redundant Exception Handlers
/You have a series of exception handling blocks with identical
*Merge the code into a single exception handling block.*


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e
  rescue Exception => e
    barf e


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e

You need to be careful here. If 'barf' does not thrown an exception,
but merely prints an error message of some kind, then the refactoring
changes the behavior (which technically, makes it *not* a refactoring).

For example, from some (simplified) gem code I was working on just last

  def generate_docs
    rescue Exception => e
      puts "Problems in RI docs"
    rescue Exception => e
      puts "Problems in RDocs"

Merging the exception blocks in this case would mean that errors in
generating the RI documents would skip the generation of the RDocs.
Definitatly not a good thing.


-- Jim Weirich

Refactoring 2: Remove Unused Scope
/You have a begin...end block that introduces a scope that is unused./
*Remove the unused scope.*


  def foo


  def foo

Here is the refactored code:

   def service_main
      @s.mount_proc("/yaml") { |req, res|
         res['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
         res.body << Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(File.join(Gem.dir,

      @s.mount_proc("/") { |req, res|
         specs =
         specifications_dir = File.join(Gem.dir, "specifications")
         Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems(specifications_dir).each do
>path, spec|
            specs << {
               "name" => spec.name,
               "version" => spec.version,
               "full_name" => spec.full_name,
               "summary" => spec.summary,
               "rdoc_installed" =>
               "doc_path" => ('/doc_root/' + spec.full_name +
         specs = specs.sort_by { |spec| [spec["name"].downcase,
spec["version"]] }
         template = TemplatePage.new(DOC_TEMPLATE)
         res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
         template.write_html_on(res.body, {"specs" => specs})

      {"/gems" => "/cache/", "/doc_root" => "/doc/"}.each do
>mount_point, mount_dir|
         @s.mount(mount_point, WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler,
File.join(Gem.dir, mount_dir), true)

   rescue Exception => e
      File.open(@logfile,'w+'){ |f| f.puts "Start failed: #{e}" }


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

If 'barf' does not thrown an exception,
but merely prints an error message of some kind, then the refactoring
changes the behavior (which technically, makes it *not* a refactoring).

Not only printing, anything that causes a side-effect.


Jim Weirich wrote:

Dave Burt wrote:

Hi Ruby Quiz,

Sorry, this is likely to be rather uninteresting,

Actually, I find it very interesting ... but then, you have to consider
my tastes. :slight_smile:

Refactoring 1: Merge Redundant Exception Handlers
/You have a series of exception handling blocks with identical
*Merge the code into a single exception handling block.*


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e
  rescue Exception => e
    barf e


  rescue Exception => e
    barf e

You need to be careful here. If 'barf' does not thrown an exception,
but merely prints an error message of some kind, then the refactoring
changes the behavior (which technically, makes it *not* a refactoring).

What about using another method and yield here?

def barf_on_exception
rescue Exception => e
  barf e

barf_on_exception {foo}
barf_on_exception {bar}

Or even:

def on(ex, m)
rescue ex => e
  send m, e

on(Exception, :barf) {foo}
on(Exception, :barf) {bar}

But I'm not sure that it's really better than the original exception clause.


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Meador Inge wrote:

If 'barf' does not thrown an exception,
but merely prints an error message of some kind, then the refactoring
changes the behavior (which technically, makes it *not* a refactoring).

Not only printing, anything that causes a side-effect.

It's not about the side-effect at all (I think) it's about not exiting
the overall scope. I should stop posting in the wee hours.

This might be a correction, but it's 1:30am, so I can't be too sure.

  rescue Exception => e
  rescue Exception => e


  rescue Exception => e

ONLY IF handler doesn't return or does throw an exception.

Does that hold? I'd like to get an actual re-factoring out of this :slight_smile:

Oh, by the way,
Jim said:

Actually, I find it very interesting ... but then, you have to
consider my tastes. :slight_smile:

You're tastes are indeed strange, Jim!
