[QUIZ] Number Spiral (#109)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.



by Bob Showalter

(Taken from the puzzle by William Wu at

[Editor's Note: This was also a code golf problem a few months back:
http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals --JEG2]

Write a Ruby program to print out a "spiral" of numbers that fill a NxN square.
Your program will take a single argument to specify the dimensions of the square
(1 or higher). The number zero represents the center of the spiral, and the
succeeding integers spiral out in a clockwise (or counterclockwise; your choice)
direction from the center until the square is filled.

Your program should write the output line by line, without using an array to
build up the data first.

Here's the output for an 8x8 spiral:

  56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
  55 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
  54 29 12 13 14 15 16 37
  53 28 11 2 3 4 17 38
  52 27 10 1 0 5 18 39
  51 26 9 8 7 6 19 40
  50 25 24 23 22 21 20 41
  49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42

* Ruby Quiz, 01/12/2007 03:29 PM:

The number zero represents the center of the spiral

Let me suggest that you address the issue of the centre being
ill-defined under the condition that the number of columns/rows is
even. Given that altogether four positions meet the condition leaving
this question open will result in a multitude of different outputs
that are solutions of the task. In my opinion a programming quiz
should use a well-posed problem so that the different programs can be
compared directly. Especially if the problem can be solved by
constructing a clever mathematical formula which my intuition suggest
to be the case with the number spiral problem (I did not yet try to
verify this).


Ok, I like a challenge and my maths needed some dusting down.

Here is my solution, after a fair bit of scribbling on paper to work
out the formula for sprial_value_at(x,y).

I found it a bit frustrating that ranges in Ruby can only be
ascending; but soon found that we have #downto, which achieves the
desired result.

Thanks to Bob & James for setting this quiz.


#! /usr/bin/env ruby


On 12/01/07, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

Write a Ruby program to print out a "spiral" of numbers that fill a NxN square.
Your program will take a single argument to specify the dimensions of the square
(1 or higher). The number zero represents the center of the spiral, and the
succeeding integers spiral out in a clockwise (or counterclockwise; your choice)
direction from the center until the square is filled.

Your program should write the output line by line, without using an array to
build up the data first.

# Marcel Ward <wardies ^a-t^ gmaildotcom>
# Sunday, 14 January 2007
# Solution for Ruby Quiz number 109 - Number Spiral

# Prints a clockwise spiral, starting with zero at the centre (0,0).
# Note, here x increases to the east and y increases to the north.
def spiral(size)
  # maximum -ve/+ve reach from the centre point "0" at (0,0)
  neg_reach = -pos_reach = size/2
  # we miss out the bottom/left sides for even-sized spirals
  neg_reach += 1 if size % 2 == 0

  # Compute width to allocate a cell based on the max value printed
  cell_width = (size**2 - 1).to_s.size + 3

  pos_reach.downto(neg_reach) do
    spiral_line((neg_reach..pos_reach), y, cell_width)

def spiral_line(x_range, y, cell_width)
  x_range.each do
    print spiral_value_at(x, y).to_s.center(cell_width)

# calculate the value in the spiral at location (x,y)
def spiral_value_at(x, y)
  if x + y > 0 # top/right side
    if x > y # right side
      4 * x**2 - x - y
    else # top side
      4 * y**2 - 3 * y + x
  else # bottom/left side
    if x < y # left side
      4 * x**2 - 3 * x + y
    else # bottom side
      4 * y**2 - y - x


Here's my solution to the quiz. I used a recursive solution. An
odd-sized spiral is the smaller-by-one even-sized spiral with a number
added to the end of each row, and a new row across the bottom. And an
even-sized spiral is the smaller-by-one odd-sized spiral with a number
added to the beginning of each row and a new row across the top.

I decided to make my solution use relatively few lines of code.
However in doing that I added some inefficiencies, where a value might
be calculated multiple times in a loop/iterator when it would have been
better to calculate it once before the loop/iterator, and use that
stored value in the loop/iterator.

With respect to not building the solution in an array and then
displaying the array, I read that to mean not creating a
two-dimensional array (i.e., array of arrays) in which to build the
entire spiral. I assemble each line of output in an array before
displaying that line, but each line is displayed before any subsequent
lines are calculated. The solution could be adapted to avoid even the
one-dimensional array.



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def odd_spiral(size, row)
  if row < size - 1 : even_spiral(size - 1, row) << (size - 1)**2 + row
  else (0...size).collect { |n| size**2 - 1 - n }

def even_spiral(size, row)
  if row == 0 : (0...size).collect { |n| size**2 - size + n }
  else odd_spiral(size - 1, row - 1).unshift(size**2 - size - row)

size = (ARGV[0] || 8).to_i
(0...size).each do |row|
  puts ((size % 2 == 0 ? even_spiral(size, row) : odd_spiral(size,
          map { |n| n.to_s.rjust((size**2 - 1).to_s.length) }.join("

Here is my solution. I used a recursive printing routine to handle the
insides of the middle rows.


class NumberSpiral
  def initialize(n)
    @size = n
    @format = "%#{(n*n - 1).to_s.length+1}d"
    if n % 2 == 0
      @top_row = proc{|x| (x*(x-1)).upto(x*x-1) {|i| print_num(i) } }
      @bottom_row = proc{|x| ((x-1)*(x-1)).downto((x-1)*(x-2)) {|i|
print_num(i) } }
      @middle_first = proc{|x,row| print_num(x*(x-1)-row) }
      @middle_last = proc{|x,row| print_num((x-2)*(x-2)-1+row) }
      @top_row = proc{|x| ((x-1)*(x-2)).upto((x-1)*(x-1)) {|i|
print_num(i) } }
      @bottom_row = proc{|x| (x*x-1).downto(x*(x-1)) {|i| print_num(i)
} }
      @middle_first = proc{|x,row| print_num((x-1)*(x-2)-row) }
      @middle_last = proc{|x,row| print_num((x-1)*(x-1)+row) }

  def print_num(i)
    printf @format, i

  def print_row(size, row)
    if row == 0
    elsif row == size - 1
      @middle_first.call(size, row)
      print_row(size-2, row-1)
      @middle_last.call(size, row)

  def print_clockwise
    @size.times {|i| print_row(@size, i) ; puts ; puts if i < @size-1 }

if ARGV.size == 0 or not ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/
  puts "Usage: #$0 N"
  puts "Output: Prints a \"spiral\" of numbers that fill a NxN


On Jan 12, 9:29 am, Ruby Quiz <j...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


by Bob Showalter

(Taken from the puzzle by William Wu athttp://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/riddles/cs.shtml)

[Editor's Note: This was also a code golf problem a few months back:http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals --JEG2]

Write a Ruby program to print out a "spiral" of numbers that fill a NxN square.
Your program will take a single argument to specify the dimensions of the square
(1 or higher). The number zero represents the center of the spiral, and the
succeeding integers spiral out in a clockwise (or counterclockwise; your choice)
direction from the center until the square is filled.

Your program should write the output line by line, without using an array to
build up the data first.

Here's the output for an 8x8 spiral:

        56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

        55 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

        54 29 12 13 14 15 16 37

        53 28 11 2 3 4 17 38

        52 27 10 1 0 5 18 39

        51 26 9 8 7 6 19 40

        50 25 24 23 22 21 20 41

        49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42

Here is one that uses an empirical algorithm but with an array (Saw the
constraint a little late) . Uses :clock or :counter parameter to print
either spiral.

class Array
   def cnext
    @p ||= -1
    @p += 1
    @p = 0 if @p == self.length

class ClockState
  def initialize
    @seq = [:left, :up, :right, :down]
    @count = 1
    @count_state = 0
    @times = 0
    @val = @seq.cnext

  def next
    if @count == @count_state
      @val = @seq.cnext
      @count_state = 0
      @times += 1
      if @times == 2
        @count += 1
        @times = 0
    @count_state += 1

class Spiral
  def initialize(dim)
    @m =
    dim.times do
      @m << Array.new(dim, 0)
    @x = dim/2
    @y = dim/2
    @val = 0
    @sz = dim

  def left
    @x -= 1

  def up
    @y -= 1

  def right
    @x += 1

  def down
    @y +=1

  def make_spiral dir_hash={:dir=>:clock}
    c = ClockState.new
    while ((@x < @sz) && (@y < @sz))
      if dir_hash[:dir]==:counter
        @m[@x][@y] = @val
      elsif dir_hash[:dir]==:clock
        @m[@y][@x] = @val
        raise "Legal values are :clock and :counter"
      @val += 1

  def print_spiral
    fmt_sz = (@sz*@sz).to_s.length + 2
    for i in 0...@sz do
      print "\n"
      for j in 0...@sz do
        printf("%#{fmt_sz}d", @m[i][j])

s = Spiral.new(20)
s.make_spiral :dir=>:clock



On 1/12/07, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz
if you can.


by Bob Showalter

(Taken from the puzzle by William Wu at

[Editor's Note: This was also a code golf problem a few months back:
http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals --JEG2]

Write a Ruby program to print out a "spiral" of numbers that fill a NxN
Your program will take a single argument to specify the dimensions of the
(1 or higher). The number zero represents the center of the spiral, and
succeeding integers spiral out in a clockwise (or counterclockwise; your
direction from the center until the square is filled.

Your program should write the output line by line, without using an array
build up the data first.

Here's the output for an 8x8 spiral:

        56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

        55 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

        54 29 12 13 14 15 16 37

        53 28 11 2 3 4 17 38

        52 27 10 1 0 5 18 39

        51 26 9 8 7 6 19 40

        50 25 24 23 22 21 20 41

        49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42

n = ARGV[0].to_i
square = Array.new(n+2) { Array.new(n+2) }

# boundaries
(n+1).times {|i|
  square[i][0] = square[i][n+1] = square[0][i] = square[n+1][i] = 0

dirs = [[1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1]]

# spiral inwards from a corner
x, y, i, d = 1, 1, n*n - 1, 0

while i >= 0 do
  # add a number
  square[x][y] = i

  # move to the next square in line
  x += dirs[d][0]
  y += dirs[d][1]
  if square[x][y]
    # if it is already full, backtrack
    x -= dirs[d][0]
    y -= dirs[d][1]
    # change direction
    d = (d - 1) % 4
    # and move to the new next square in line
    x += dirs[d][0]
    y += dirs[d][1]
  i -= 1

# remove the boundaries
square.shift; square.pop
square.map {|i| i.shift; i.pop}

puts square.map {|i| i.map {|j| "%02s" % j}.join(" ")}

My first attempt... A recursive solution recognizing than a spiral of
even dimension can be formed by a top row, a left column, and an odd
spiral. Likewise, an odd spiral is a smaller even spiral with a right
column and bottom row.

The functions erow and orow reflect the even/odd-ness of the spiral,
not the row.

DIM = ARGV[0].to_i
FLD = (DIM ** 2 - 1).to_s.size + 2

def fmt(x)
  " " * (FLD - x.to_s.size) + x.to_s

def orow(n, i)
  m = n ** 2
  x = m - n

  if i == n - 1
    (1..n).inject("") { |o, v| o + fmt(m - v) }
    erow(n - 1, i) + fmt(x - n + i + 1)

def erow(n, i)
  m = n ** 2
  x = m - n

  if i == 0
    (0...n).inject("") { |o, v| o + fmt(x + v) }
    fmt(x - i) + orow(n - 1, i - 1)

def spiral(n)
  if (n % 2).zero?
    n.times { |i| puts erow(n, i) }
    n.times { |i| puts orow(n, i) }


Dear Ruby Quiz,

this isn't really a solution to the quiz 109 because it violates
some (if not all) of the rules. But as James noted there was a
code golf problem very similar to this quiz and here is my
solution to that.
(see http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals for detailed
description of the code golf problem)


puts f[w=gets(' ').to_i,gets.to_i].map{|i|['%3i']*w*' '%i}

It draws a number spiral, starting with '1' in the upper left
corner and the highest number in the middle, it also features
spirals that are not quadratic.

Yes, you will get some score at the codegolf site if you repost
this solution there - but nowadays you will only get to Rank 9
with this solution and of course you will start to feel ill and
you won't be able to sleep for days and other nasty things might
happen if you do so.

If someone can derive an even shorter solution from this i would
be very interested to see it (the best ruby solution today has 7
bytes less)



Hi all!
This is my first partecipation to Ruby Quiz. I developed a pretty messy
solution for clockwise (ck) solution. When I started to tackle the
counter-ck solution I started messing around with lambdas everywhere,
but eventually I found out that I just could reverse each line of a ck
solution to have the correct output. Also I didnt code the ck/cck
picking part, so you need to change it manually in initialize
My approach is still of the kind "over-use all the power of the
language" to crack the solution instead of a more reccomendable
mathematical one. But there is time to it.
I tried to comment my code extensively, maybe to understand it you need
to go through the example spiral output and check what it does ...
I loved all the really compact solutions that have been posted so far,
keep them coming!
This community just rocks!
Take care you all!
Francesco Levorato aka flevour

#! /usr/bin/env ruby


# Francesco Levorato aka flevour <flevour ^a-t^ gmaildotcom>
# Sunday, 14 January 2007
# Solution for Ruby Quiz number 109 - Number Spiral

class Array
  def decrease_all
    self.map! { |x| x = x - 1}
  def increase_all
    self.map! { |x| x = x + 1}
  def enqueue(x)
    self.insert(0, x)

  # sort of a hackish method to remove unwanted numbers from @left and
  # i haven't figured out a valid reason to explain why i need to
remove these values
  # but otherwise things won't work and I haven't time to think more on
the topic
  def delete_invalid
    self.map! {|x| (x > 1) ? x : nil}

class NumberSpiral
  # this solution addresses clockwise from center to outside filling
  # my approach is based on the observation that each row of the matrix
is composed
  # of 3 parts: 0 or more columns, a series of consecutive numbers, 0
or more columns
  def initialize(n, direction = :ck)
    @n = n
    @dim = @n*@n
    # left contains the first part of a row
    # right contains the third part of a row
    # in a 8x8: if the row is 54,29,12,13,14,15,16,37
    # left: [54, 29], right: [37]
    @left = []
    @right = []
    # just wanted to try out this block thingie Ruby is so famous about
    @format = Proc.new { |x| print sprintf("%3s", x.to_s + " ") }
    @direction = direction # :ck or :cck

  # the 3 following methods, h,l,d are were the funniest part of the
quiz: finding
  # the relationships intercurring between special elements of the
  # they are used to build only the first (N/2 + 1) rows, as the other
ones are
  # built according only to the data structures @left and @right

  # to explain these 3 methods, define the following function
  # pivot(row): returns the number at given row just before the start
of the second part
  # of the row (the part containing the consecutive

  # given a row number
  # returns the distance from the pivot to the first "spiral wall"
below it
  # subtracts 1 not to overlap with l(x) results
  # in a 8x8: given row 7 returns length from 54 down to 50
  def h(x)
    2*x - @n - 1

  # given a row number
  # returns the width of the next horizontal segment going from pivot
  # the center of the spiral
  # in a 8x8: given row 6 returns length from 25 to 20
  def l(x)
    2 * ( x + 1 ) - @n

  # given a row number, returns the difference between the pivot and
the number
  # just at its right
  # in a 8x8: given 7 returns the difference between 55 and 30
  def d(x)
    2 * ( l(x) + h(x) ) - 1

  def print_me
    row = @n
    start = @dim - @n
    # prints first row
    print "\n"

    # prepare for loop
    pivot = start - 1
    @left << pivot

    # prints the top rows, it stops after printing the row containing
the zero
    while(pivot >= 0) do
      row = row - 1
      pivot = pivot - d(row)

      # gets middle consecutive numbers
      middle = consecutive_numbers(pivot)

      @left << pivot

      @right.enqueue(middle.last) # last number of consecutive series
will be in the right part in next iteration

      pivot = @left.last
      print "\n"

    row = row -1

    # prints the remainder of the spiral
    while(row > 0) do
      from= @left.pop

      middle = consecutive_numbers(from, :down)
      last_printed = middle.last


      row = row - 1
      print "\n"

  def consecutive_numbers(n, go = :up)
    array = []
    (@n - @left.size - @right.size).times do
      array << n
      if go == :up
        n = n + 1
      else # go == :down
        n = n - 1

  def print_row(middle)
    if @direction == :ck
      (@left + middle + @right).each(&@format)
      (@left + middle + @right).reverse.each(&@format)

if ARGV[0]
  puts "Call me: #{$0} <matrix_dim>\n"

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Script to print an N by N spiral as shown in the following example:


# 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
# 55 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
# 54 29 12 13 14 15 16 37
# 53 28 11 2 3 4 17 38
# 52 27 10 1 0 5 18 39
# 51 26 9 8 7 6 19 40
# 50 25 24 23 22 21 20 41
# 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42
# Let item with value 0 be at x, y coordinate (0, 0). Consider the
# spiral to be rings of numbers. For the numbers 1 through 8 make
# up ring level 1, and numbers 9 through 24 make up ring level 2.
# To figure out the value at a particular x, y position, note that
# the first value at any level is (2 * level - 1) ** 2 and use that
# value to count up or down to the coordinate.

class Spiral

   def initialize(size)
     @size = size
     @center = size/2

   # returns the value for a given row and column of output
   def position_value(row, col)
     x, y = coordinate = coordinate_for(row, col)
     level = [x.abs, y.abs].max
     if x < level && y > -level
       # return number for top left portion of ring
       first_number(level) +
           steps_between(first_coordinate(level), coordinate)
       last_number(level) -
           steps_between(last_coordinate(level), coordinate)

   def maximum_value
     @size * @size - 1

   def first_number(level)
     (2 * level - 1) ** 2

   def last_number(level)
     first_number(level + 1) - 1

   def first_coordinate(level)
     [-level, -level + 1]

   def last_coordinate(level)
     [-level, -level]

   def coordinate_for(row, col)
     [col - @center, @center - row]

   def steps_between(point1, point2)
     (point1[0] - point2[0]).abs + (point1[1] - point2[1]).abs

if __FILE__ == $0
   size = ARGV[0].to_i
   spiral = Spiral.new(size)
   width = spiral.maximum_value.to_s.length + 3
   (0...size).each do |row|
     (0...size).each do |col|
       print spiral.position_value(row, col).to_s.rjust(width)
     print "\n\n"

Here's the solution I came up with before submitting this idea:

# spiral.rb
# RubyQuiz #109
# Bob Showalter

class Integer

  def odd?
    self % 2 == 1


class Spiral

  # order must be > 0
  def initialize(order)
    raise ArgumentError, "order must be > 0" unless order.to_i > 0
    @order = order

  # writes the spiral to stdout
  def output
    puts "\n"
    0.upto(@order - 1) do |r|
      row_for(@order, r)
      puts "\n\n"


  # emits row r for spiral of order p
  def row_for(p, r)
    if p <= 1
    elsif p.odd?
      if r == p - 1
        row_for(p - 1, r)
        col(p, r)
      if r == 0
        col(p, r)
        row_for(p - 1, r - 1)

  # emits the full row (top or bottom) for spiral of order p
  def row(p)
    x = p * (p - 1)
    y = x + p - 1
    x.upto(y) {|i| cell(p.odd? ? x - i + y : i) }

  # emits the single column cell for row r of spiral of order p
  def col(p, r)
    x = p * (p - 1)
    r = p - r - 1 if p.odd?
    cell(x - r)

  # emits a single cell
  def cell(i)
    printf ' %3d ', i


n = (ARGV.first || 3).to_i

My second attempt/solution... Slightly different in that it does a
counter-clockwise spiral, but basically follows a similar idea as my
previous solution, though I think this looks nicer.

N = ARGV[0].to_i
FW = (N ** 2 - 1).to_s.size + 2

def fmt(x)
   " " * (FW - x.to_s.size) + x.to_s

def o(n, r, c)
   x = (n - 1) ** 2
   if c == 0 then x + r
   elsif r == n - 1 then x + r + c
   else e(n - 1, r, c - 1)

def e(n, r, c)
   x = (n ** 2) - 1
   if r == 0 then x - c
   elsif c == n - 1 then x - c - r
   else o(n - 1, r - 1, c)

def spiral(n)
   (0...n).map do |r|
      if (n % 2).zero? # even
         (0...n).map { |c| fmt(e(n, r, c)) }
         (0...n).map { |c| fmt(o(n, r, c)) }

puts spiral(N)

Here is my solution:

n = (ARGV[0] || 8).to_i
(0...n).each do |row|
   lev = (row-n/2).abs
   m = [2*lev+1,n].min
   p = (n-m+1)/2
   (0...p).each do |col|
     s = (n/2-col)*2
     s = s*(s-1)-(row-col)
     printf "%2d ",s
   delta = n/2<=>row
   s = lev*2
   s *= (s-delta)
   s += m-1 if delta<0
   m.times do
     printf "%2d ",s
     s += delta
   (0...n-p-m).each do |col|
     s = (lev+col+1)*2
     s = s*(s+1)-(p+m+col-row)
     printf "%2d ",s

Quiz #109 even leaves it up to the implementer whether to go clockwise
or counter-clockwise. So it's designed to have some flexibility in it.
In fact, it's typical of the Ruby Quiz to define a core problem and
leave many of the details up to the individual implementers. And given
that the Quiz is designed to enhance understanding and appreciation of
Ruby (and not to be an exam or contest) that seems reasonable.

However, addressing your narrower point, the sample output provided in
the quiz statement does use an even number (8) to define the size. And
as you can see from the sample output, the 0 is located just to the
right and just below the exact center. So you could reasonably use
that to nail down that detail.




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Josef 'Jupp' Schugt wrote:

* Ruby Quiz, 01/12/2007 03:29 PM:
> The number zero represents the center of the spiral

Let me suggest that you address the issue of the centre being
ill-defined under the condition that the number of columns/rows is
even. Given that altogether four positions meet the condition leaving
this question open will result in a multitude of different outputs
that are solutions of the task. In my opinion a programming quiz
should use a well-posed problem so that the different programs can be
compared directly. Especially if the problem can be solved by
constructing a clever mathematical formula which my intuition suggest
to be the case with the number spiral problem (I did not yet try to
verify this).


Here's a modified version of my previous solution that uses no arrays
other than ARGV. For the general approach, see the discussion in my
previous posting. And please note that it's written to favor brevity
over clarity.



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def odd_spiral(size, row, col)
  if row == size - 1 : size**2 - 1 - col
  elsif col == size - 1 : (size - 1)**2 + row
  else even_spiral(size - 1, row, col)

def even_spiral(size, row, col)
  if row == 0 : size**2 - size + col
  elsif col == 0 : size**2 - size - row
  else odd_spiral(size - 1, row - 1, col - 1)

size = (ARGV[0] || 8).to_i
(0...size).each do |row|
  (0...size).each do |col|
    v = size % 2 == 0 ? even_spiral(size, row, col) : odd_spiral(size,
row, col)
    print v.to_s.rjust((size**2 - 1).to_s.length), ' '

oops - didn't read the question carefully enough. ignore.



On 1/15/07, Martin DeMello <martindemello@gmail.com> wrote:

n = ARGV[0].to_i
square = Array.new(n+2) { Array.new(n+2) }

Simon Kröger wrote:

Dear Ruby Quiz,

this isn't really a solution to the quiz 109 because it violates
some (if not all) of the rules. But as James noted there was a
code golf problem very similar to this quiz and here is my
solution to that.
(see http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals for detailed
description of the code golf problem)

puts f[w=gets(' ').to_i,gets.to_i].map{|i|['%3i']*w*' '%i}

It draws a number spiral, starting with '1' in the upper left
corner and the highest number in the middle, it also features
spirals that are not quadratic.

Yes, you will get some score at the codegolf site if you repost
this solution there - but nowadays you will only get to Rank 9
with this solution and of course you will start to feel ill and
you won't be able to sleep for days and other nasty things might
happen if you do so.

If someone can derive an even shorter solution from this i would
be very interested to see it (the best ruby solution today has 7
bytes less)



I can't get this to work.

E:\Ruby>ruby try.rb
4 4
try.rb:2:in `%': too few arguments. (ArgumentError)
        from try.rb:2
        from try.rb:2:in `map'
        from try.rb:2

Simon Kröger wrote:

Dear Ruby Quiz,

this isn't really a solution to the quiz 109 because it violates
some (if not all) of the rules. But as James noted there was a
code golf problem very similar to this quiz and here is my
solution to that.
(see http://codegolf.com/oblongular-number-spirals for detailed
description of the code golf problem)

puts f[w=gets(' ').to_i,gets.to_i].map{|i|['%3i']*w*' '%i}

It draws a number spiral, starting with '1' in the upper left
corner and the highest number in the middle, it also features
spirals that are not quadratic.

Yes, you will get some score at the codegolf site if you repost
this solution there - but nowadays you will only get to Rank 9
with this solution and of course you will start to feel ill and
you won't be able to sleep for days and other nasty things might
happen if you do so.

If someone can derive an even shorter solution from this i would
be very interested to see it (the best ruby solution today has 7
bytes less)

A reduction:

    ==>["stuff", [:x, 4], [:y, 5], [:z, 6]]
["stuff"]+(a,b=[[4,5,6],[:x,:y,:z]];b.zip a)
    ==>["stuff", [:x, 4], [:y, 5], [:z, 6]]

Looking at the website, it seems like Eric I and I came up with
similar solutions, but I'll say he wins, because his solution looks
better, arrived first, and uses rjust. =)


On 1/15/07, Matthew Moss <matthew.moss.coder@gmail.com> wrote:

My second attempt/solution... Slightly different in that it does a
counter-clockwise spiral, but basically follows a similar idea as my
previous solution, though I think this looks nicer.