[QUIZ] Negative Sleep (#87)

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by MenTaLguY

(Inspired by recent insomnia and a #ruby-lang snippet on Anarchaia...)

Let's suppose there existed a sleep which accepted negative arguments. Would it
actually imply time travel? In the case of a negative argument, the obvious
description of sleep's behavior (halt the thread for the given minimum number of
seconds) would be trivially satisfied by behaving as if sleep(0) had been
called. That's not a very interesting result.

Of course, that's not the only way to define sleep. You could also view a sleep
as specifying the relationship between the computations on either side of it.
In that case, sleep(1) might request that the second computation begin at least
a second after the completion of the first one. Negative sleeps would simply
reverse the order of the two computations, sleep(-1) meaning that the first
computation should begin at least a second after the completion of the second.

That sounds slightly impossible to implement, doesn't it? But consider
something like this:

  ( Computation.new { ... } + Sleep.new(-1) + Computation.new { ... } ).run

Another possible definition for sleep would be a minimum delta time between the
end of the first computation and the beginning of the second one. In that case,
the implementation of sleep would have to ensure that the second computation
above would begin executing no less than one second before the completion of the
first one. Multiple threads (and the ability to predict or control a
computation's duration) might prove useful.

Your assignment for this quiz is twofold:

  1) Devise an "interesting" definition for sleep which allows negative
     durations. Alternately, use one of the definitions given here.
  2) Write some Ruby code demonstrating behavior which satisfies that
     definition. As with the above example, you needn't provide a drop-in
     replacement for Kernel.sleep.

If your solution does involve time travel, please ensure that it isn't posted
before the end of the 48-hour spoiler period (or before the beginning of the

Here is one more solution to the Sokoban quiz. I think people might be interested in seeing this one because 1) it uses a different implementation strategy then the solutions posted back in 2004, and 2) it is somewhat more complete than those solutions.

I know that the Sokoban quiz was posted a long time ago. But I didn't even know that Ruby existed back then. I first heard about Ruby and became interested it in April of this year. In June, I picked up Best of Ruby Quiz. It was from that book that I learned about the Sokoban quiz.

I had a lot of fun implementing Sokoban in Ruby. The only difficulty I encountered was in dealing with the Curses module, for which l was not able to locate up-to-date documentation. In the end, I had to fall back on trial-and-error to get the code involving Curses methods to work.

Regards, Morton

--------------------------- start of code ---------------------------

#! /usr/bin/ruby -w
# Author: Morton Goldberg


# Date: July 13, 2006
# An implementation of the Sokoban game based on the model-view-controller
# design pattern. It also avoids using case blocks, using hashes instead.
# The user interface is implemented with Curses. Games are saved and
# restored using YAML.

require 'curses'

WELCOME = 'Welcome to Sokoban 1.0 -- press h if you need help'

# The SOKOBAN environment variable must be defined and point to the folder
# where the file "levels.txt" can be found. Further, any files written out
# (such as saved games, level maps, and completion certificates) will be
# written to this folder.

# LEVELS is the name of a file containing a collection of level maps to be
# loaded during start-up.
LEVELS = "levels.txt"

# GAME is the name given to a saved game. If such a file exists in FOLDER,
# the game can be restored from it at any time during play.
GAME = "sokoban.yaml"

# Unit vectors representing one-step moves in the four cardinal directions.
UVEC = {
    ?e => [0, 1],
    ?w => [0, -1],
    ?n => [-1, 0],
    ?s => [1, 0]

# A sokoban represents the warehouse worker. It knows the following things:
# Where it is
# How to move around the level map
# How to push crates
class Sokoban

    # Transition table for simple moves.
    MOVE_TABLE = {
       '@ ' => ' @',
       '@.' => ' +',
       '+ ' => '.@',
       '+.' => '.+'

    # Transition table for crate-pushing moves.
    PUSH_TABLE = {
       '@o ' => ' @o',
       '@o.' => ' @*',
       '@* ' => ' +o',
       '@*.' => ' +*',
       '+o ' => '.@o',
       '+o.' => '.@*',
       '+* ' => '.+o',
       '+*.' => '.+*'

    # Given a level's map, return the position of the token representing
    # the sokoban. When successful, returns an array of form [row, col];
    # otherwise, it returns nil.
    def Sokoban.find(level_map)
       level_map.each_with_index do |row, i|
          j = row.index(/[@+]/)
          return [i, j] if j
       return nil

    attr_reader :row, :col

    # Argument position must be an array of the form [row, col].
    def initialize(position)
       @row = position[0]
       @col = position[1]

    # Perform a simple move; i.e., no crate push.
    # Argument token must be is one of ?e, ?w, ?n, or ?s.
    # Argument map must be a level map.
    def move(token, map)
       dr, dc = UVEC[token]
       r, c = @row + dr, @col + dc
       old = map[@row][@col, 1] + map[r][c, 1]
       new = MOVE_TABLE[old]
       if new then
          rows = [@row, r]
          cols = [@col, c]
          @row = r
          @col = c
          return [rows, cols, old, new]
          return [nil, nil, nil, nil]

    # Perform a crate-pushing move.
    # Argument token must be is one of ?e, ?w, ?n, or ?s.
    # Argument map must be a level map.
    def push(token, map)
       dr, dc = UVEC[token]
       r, c = @row + dr, @col + dc
       rr, cc = r + dr, c + dc
       old = map[@row][@col, 1] + map[r][c, 1] + map[rr][cc, 1]
       new = PUSH_TABLE[old]
       if new then
          rows = [@row, r, rr]
          cols = [@col, c, cc]
          @row = r
          @col = c
          return [rows, cols, old, new]
          return [nil, nil, nil, nil]

    def to_s
       "[#@row, #@col]"


# A model represents the state of the level being played. It maintains the
# level map and knows the following things:
# What moves are valid
# When a level is complete
# How to perform valid moves
# How to undo previous moves
class Model

    PASS = ' ' # marks empty passage cell
    EMPTY = '.' # marks empty storage cell
    CRATE = 'o' # marks crate in pasaage cell
    FILLED = '*' # marks crate in storage cell

    # The collection of level maps.
    # Levels are 1-based, so level 0 is just a place holder and is not used.
    @@maps = ['#']

    # Load a collection of Sokoban level maps from the specified path.
    def Model.load_maps(path)
       File.open(path, "r") do |f|
          map = []
          f.each_line do |line|
             if line =~ /^\s*#/ then
                map << line.chomp
             elsif ! map.empty? then
                @@maps << map
                map = []
          @@maps << map unless map.empty?

    # Returns the number of levels available for play.
    def Model.levels
       @@maps.length - 1

    attr_reader :map, :rows, :cols, :sokoban, :moves_made

    # Argument level must be an integer in range 1..Model.levels.
    def initialize(level)
       @level = level
       @moves_made = 0
       @history = []
       # Need a deep copy because it will be destructively modified during
       # game play.
       @map = @@maps[@level].collect {|r| String.new(r)}
       @rows = @map.length
       @cols = (@map.collect {|r| r.length}).max
       @sokoban = Sokoban.new(Sokoban.find(@map))

    # Returns true if the move is valid and false if it is not. A valid move
    # produces the appropriate change in the level's map.
    # Game moves are represented by single character tokens (?e, ?w, ?n, ?s)
    # indicating the direction of the move.
    def move(token)
       dr, dc = UVEC[token]
       adjacent = @map[@sokoban.row + dr][@sokoban.col + dc, 1]
       if adjacent == PASS || adjacent == EMPTY then
          rows, cols, old, new = @sokoban.move(token, @map)
       elsif adjacent == CRATE || adjacent == FILLED then
          rows, cols, old, new = @sokoban.push(token, @map)
          return false
       return false unless new
       # Move is valid, so update the level map.
       rows.length.times do |k|
          map_row = @map[rows[k]]
          map_row[cols[k]] = new[k]
       # Update the undo history.
       @history << [rows, cols, old]
       @moves_made = @history.length
       return true

    # Complete undo is simple to implement, but rather memory intensive.
    def undo
       return false if @history.empty?
       rows, cols, old = @history.pop
       rows.length.times do |k|
          map_row = @map[rows[k]]
          map_row[cols[k]] = old[k]
       @moves_made = @history.length
       @sokoban = Sokoban.new([rows[0], cols[0]])
       return true

    # The level is complete when the level map contains no crate tokens.
    def level_complete?
       crates = @map.collect do |row|
       ! crates.any?


# A view knows how to draw a visual representation of the level being played.
class View

    include Curses

    # A view must be initialized with an instance of Model.
    def initialize(model)
       @model = model
       # The spaces needed on the left side of level's map to center it.
       @left_margin = ' '* ((cols - @model.cols) / 2)
       # Put four blank lines before the top line of the level's map.
       @top_margin = 4

    # Draw the level's map in the screen buffer.
    def draw
       @model.map.each_with_index do |row, i|
          setpos(@top_margin + i, 0)
          addstr(@left_margin + row)


# Provide a Curses-based approximation to the alert box widgets provided
# by GUIs. Somewhat crude but useful as well as easy to use.
class AlertBox < Curses::Window

    # Aids in determining the size of an alert's frame.
    # Returns the height and width of a frame will closely fit the
    # specified text. Provides for a border and left and right margins.
    def AlertBox.size(text)
       text = text.split("\n")
       [text.length + 2, (text.map {|m| m.length}).max + 6]

    # Aids in centering an alert on the screen.
    # Returns a frame that will closely fit the specified text. Provides
    # for a border and left and right margins.
    def AlertBox.center(text)
       h, w = size(text)
       [(Curses::lines - h) / 2, (Curses::cols - w) / 2, h, w]

    # rect is the alert's frame, an array of the form [top_row, top_col,
    # heigth, width].
    # text is the alert's content, a string consisting of one or more
    # lines.
    def initialize(rect, text)
       @top_y = rect[0]
       @top_x = rect[1]
       @height = rect[2]
       @width = rect[3]
       @text = text.split("\n")
       super(@height, @width, @top_y, @top_x)
       box(?#, ?#, ?#)

    # Display the alert on the screen.
    def show
       @text.length.times do |i|
          setpos(i + 1, 3)

    RESULT = {?y => true, ?n => false}

    # Display the alert and wait for a key press.
    # Return true if the user preses y.
    # Return false if the user presses n.
    # Beep on any other keystrokes.
    def ask_y_or_n
       key_chr = nil
       loop do
          key_chr = getch
          break if key_chr == ?y || key_chr == ?n


# A controller gets the player's keystrokes and translates them in to game
# actions.
class Controller

    require 'yaml'
    include Curses

    # Keystroke command dispatch table
    DISPATCH = Hash.new(:beep)

    # general commands
    DISPATCH[?A] = :abort # abort
    DISPATCH[?h] = :key_help # show help
    DISPATCH[?l] = :new_level # change level
    DISPATCH[?m] = :map_help # show map legend & sokoban position
    DISPATCH[?n] = :up_level # advance to next level
    DISPATCH[?p] = :dn_level # return to previous level
    DISPATCH[?q] = :quit # quit
    DISPATCH[?r] = :restore # restore game
    DISPATCH[?s] = :save # save game
    DISPATCH[?w] = :write_map # write map to file

    # movement
    DISPATCH[Key::RIGHT] = :go_east # right arrow = one step east
    DISPATCH[Key::LEFT] = :go_west # left arrow = one step west
    DISPATCH[Key::UP] = :go_north # up arrow = one step north
    DISPATCH[Key::DOWN] = :go_south # down arrow = one step south
    DISPATCH[?z] = :undo # undo previous move

    def initialize
       unless FOLDER then
          puts "SOKOBAN environment variable not set"
       map_file = FOLDER + LEVELS
       if File.exists?(map_file) then
          puts "Can't find Sokoban levels file"
          @command_line = lines - 1
          @status_line = lines - 2
          @level = 1
          @model = Model.new(@level)
          @view = View.new(@model)
          @key_chr = nil
          puts $debug unless $debug.empty?

    # Command ask-and-dispatch loop
    def run
       catch(:game_over) do
          loop do

    # Handle request to abort -- exit immediately without reminding tihe
    # user to save.
    def abort

Do you want to save your game before you quit?

Press y to save
Press n to quit without saving

    # Handle request to quit -- befoe exiting, remind tihe user to save.
    def quit
       alert = AlertBox.new(AlertBox.center(SAVE_ALERT), SAVE_ALERT)
       save if alert.ask_y_or_n

Sokoban keystroke commands
General commands
A immediate quit
h display this message
l go to another level -- you will
        be asked for the level number
m show legend for level map
n go to next level
p go to previous level
q quit -- you will be asked to save
r restore saved game
s save game to disk
w write level map to disk

Movement commands
Right-arrow move one step east
Left-arrow move one step west
Up-arrow move one step north
Down-arrow move one step south
z undo previous move

Press any key to dismiss

    # Handle request for infomation on keystroke commands.
    def key_help
       alert = AlertBox.new(AlertBox.center(KEY_INFO), KEY_INFO)

Sokoban map symbols
@ sokoban (warehouse worker)
+ sokban on storage bin

. empty storage bin
o crate needing to be stored
* crate stored in a bin

# wall or other obstacle

Press any key to dismiss

    # Handle request for infomation on map symbols.
    def map_help
       say("Sokoban is at #{@model.sokoban}")
       alert = AlertBox.new(AlertBox.center(MAP_INFO), MAP_INFO)

    # Handle request to change to another level.
    def new_level
       current = @level
       msg = ask_level
       if @level == current then

    # Handle request to go to the next level.
    def up_level
       nxt = @level + 1
       if nxt > Model.levels then
          @level = nxt
          set_level("Starting level #@level")

    # Handle request to go to the previous level.
    def dn_level
       nxt = @level - 1
       if nxt < 1 then
          @level = nxt
          set_level("Starting level #@level")

    # Change to the requested level.
    def set_level(msg)
       @model = Model.new(@level)
       @view = View.new(@model)

    # Handle request to write the current level map out to disk.
    # The level map is written to FOLDER. The file name is generated from
    # the current level and the number of moves made. For example, if a map
    # is written out for level 3 at move 117, the map file is named
    # "level_map.3.117.txt".
    def write_map
       path = FOLDER + "level_map.#@level.#{@model.moves_made}.txt"
       text =
          "Level: #@level\nMove: #{@model.moves_made}\n\n" +
       File.open(path, 'w') {|f| f.write(text)}
       say("Level map written to disk")

    # Handle request to save the current state of game to a YAML file from
    # which it can be restored at some later time.
    def save
       game_file = FOLDER + GAME
       game = {'level' => @level, 'model' => @model}
       File.open(game_file, 'w') do |f|
          YAML.dump(game, f)
          say("Game saved to disk")

    # Handle request to restore a game from a YAML file.
    def restore
       game_file = FOLDER + GAME
       if File.exists?(game_file) then
          game = YAML.load_file(game_file)
          @level = game['level']
          @model = game['model']
          @view = View.new(@model)
          say("Game restored from disk")
          say("Cant find game file on disk")

    # Handle request to move eastward.
    def go_east
       go(?e, "Moved east")

    # Handle request to move westward.
    def go_west
       go(?w, "Moved west")

    # Handle request to move northward.
    def go_north
       go(?n, "Moved north")

    # Handle request to move southward.
    def go_south
       go(?s, "Moved south")

Level Completed
You qualify for a certificate to commemorate your success

Press y to have the certificate issued
Press n to skip the certificate

    # Ask the model to move the sokoban in the direction indicated by token.
    # if move succeeded, check for level completion.
    def go(token, msg)
       if @model.move(token) then
          if @model.level_complete? then
             say("Congratulations! You have completed level #@level")
             alert = AlertBox.new(AlertBox.center(CERTIFICATE_ALERT),
             write_certificate if alert.ask_y_or_n

    # Ask the model to undo the sokoban's last move. Decrement the move count
    # if successful.
    def undo
       if @model.undo then
          say("Undid move #{@model.moves_made + 1}")

    # Display a message on the status line. The message will be prefixed by
    # the level number and the move count.
    def say(text)
       text = "Level #@level, move #{@model.moves_made}: " + text
       setpos(@status_line, 0)

    # Display a prompt for imput on the command line.
    # Return the user's response (a string).
    def ask_str(prompt)
       w = prompt.length
       setpos(@command_line, 0)
       setpos(@command_line, w)

    COMMAND_PROMPT = '>> '

    # Prompt for and get a keystroke command.
    def ask_cmd
       setpos(@command_line, 0)
       setpos(@command_line, CURSOR_COLUMN)
       @key_chr = getch

    LEVEL_PROMPT = "What level do you want to play? "

    # Ask the user for a level number. If the response is valid, accept it;
    # if not, the current level persists.
    def ask_level
       prompt = LEVEL_PROMPT + "[1 - #{Model.levels}]: "
          response = ask_str(prompt).to_i
          if (1..Model.levels).include?(response) then
             @level = response
             msg = "Starting level #@level"
             raise RangeError
          # Resume current level.
          msg = "Level change cancelled"
       return msg

    # Write a certificate of completion for the current level out to disk.
    # The certificate is written to FOLDER. The file name is generated from
    # the USER environment variable, the current level, and the number of
    # moves it took to complete the level. For example, if user "mg"
    # completes leve 3 in 435 moves, the certificate file is named
    # "mg.3.435.txt". The file's contents repeat the information contained
    # in the file name in a more readable format and adds the date.
    def write_certificate
       user = ENV['USER']
       date = Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
       path = FOLDER + "#{user}.#@level.#{@model.moves_made}.txt"
       text = <<-TXT
          Sokoban Certificate of Completiion
          Date: #{date}
          Level: #@level
          Moves: #{@model.moves_made}
          Player: #{user}
       text.gsub!(/^\s+/, '')
       File.open(path, 'w') {|f| f.write(text)}


$debug = []

--------------------------- end of code ---------------------------

As I was suffering from insomnia I had to try to solve this one :wink:
Please find my solution attached.


submission_rdober_Q87.tar.bz2 (2.46 KB)

* Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> [060714 07:49]:

You could also view a sleep as specifying the relationship between
the computations on either side of it. In that case, sleep(1) might
request that the second computation begin at least a second after
the completion of the first one. Negative sleeps would simply
reverse the order of the two computations, sleep(-1) meaning that
the first computation should begin at least a second after the
completion of the second.

Alright, I basically took that definition of negative sleep, although
I had to decide what should happen when there are three or more
statements separated by negative sleeps and what should happen if a
negative sleep is before after everything else. I decided both

I decided to implement it as a class that takes procs and runs them in
the right order, which I think came out pretty cleanly.


Mitchell Koch

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# Negative sleep via time machine
# Author: Mitchell Koch
# Definition of negative sleep: the statement after the sleep call is
# run that many seconds before the statement before the call, meaning
# that is equivalent to the order of the two statements as well as the
# sign of the number of seconds to sleep both being inverted.
# If there are three or more statements with negative sleeps between
# them, they should be inverted two at a time from top to bottom.
# Using negative sleep before or after everything else is called is
# undefined and raises errors here.

class TimeMachine
  def initialize
    @statements =
    yield self

  # Give the machine something to do
  def do(&proc)
    @statements << proc
    if @swapidx
      if @swapidx < 0
        # calling at beginning error
        raise "Cannot warp time before anything else is called"
      # swap the last statement and the one before the sleep call
      @statements[-1], @statements[@swapidx] =
        @statements[@swapidx], @statements[-1]
      @swapidx = false

  # Define the time between two events
  def sleep(n)
    @swapidx = @statements.size-1 if n < 0
    @statements << Proc.new { Kernel.sleep n.abs }

  # Activate the machine
  def run
    if @swapidx
      # calling at end error
      raise "Cannot warp time after everything else is called"
    @statements.each { |s| s.call }

# For minus one seconds,
# wuh?
# sleep...
TimeMachine.new do |t|
  t.do { puts "sleep..." }
  t.sleep -1
  t.do { puts "For minus one seconds, " }
  t.sleep -1
  t.do { puts "wuh?" }

Your assignment for this quiz is twofold:

  1) Devise an "interesting" definition for sleep which allows negative
     durations. Alternately, use one of the definitions given here.

This is what negative sleep basically meant for me: if we are negative
sleeping, in relation to other threads, then do not wait for those other
threads to finish first. Very negative sleepers are very awake and
process more often as compared to not so negative sleepers. So a way to
think about this is a negative awake setting. With this in mind, this
seems like it is really the same as thread priority, set to the negative
of the sleep value.

I came to this by thinking about this in the approach of how sleep is
oftentimes used (to wait for other threads to complete) and thought
about what the opposite behavior should be.

Note: Like normally, other threads need to play nice and sleep sometimes
in order to allow other threads to process, and thusly to allow those
others to negative sleep as well.

  2) Write some Ruby code demonstrating behavior which satisfies that
     definition. As with the above example, you needn't provide a
     replacement for Kernel.sleep.

module Kernel
  def n_sleep(n_sleep_time)
    Thread.current.priority = -n_sleep_time

# test stuff
if __FILE__ == $0
  Thread.new { n_sleep(-3); 1.upto(10) {print "A"; sleep(0.1)} }
  Thread.new { n_sleep( 1); 1.upto(10) {print "B"; sleep(0.1)} }
  Thread.new { n_sleep(-2); 1.upto(10) {print "C"; sleep(0.1)} }
  n_sleep(10); 1.upto(10) {print "m"; sleep(0.1)}
  loop {break if Thread.list.size == 1}


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


I tried to keep it simple. The code blocks in an Insomnia object are
assumed to be executed infinitely fast. Sleeping a negative amount means
that the following block is run before the preceding block.

Code blocks are stored in a hash where the key is the relative time (@t) and the
value is an array of Proc objects. The run method simply sorts by time and calls
the procs after sleeping (Kernel) the required number of seconds.


class Insomnia
   # It's really sick to call this method 'do',
   # but I can't think of a better name...
   def do(&block)
     @blocks[@t] << block

   def sleep(seconds)
     @t += seconds

   def run
     times = @blocks.keys.sort
     t_now = times.min
     times.each do |t|
       Kernel.sleep(t - t_now)
       t_now = t
       @blocks[t].each {|b| b.call}

   def initialize
     @blocks = Hash.new {|h, t| h[t] = []}
     @t = 0

Insomnia.new do |i|
   i.do { puts "Something will explode in ten seconds:" }
   i.do { puts "Boom!" }

   # countdown:
   1.upto(9) do |num|
     i.do { puts num.to_s }

Ruby Quiz schrieb:

That sounds slightly impossible to implement, doesn't it? But consider
something like this:

  ( Computation.new { ... } + Sleep.new(-1) + Computation.new { ... } ).run


This is not a submission, I just wanted to show that with some evil hacks it isn't even necessary to invent a new syntax:

   C:\tmp>type test-negative-sleep.rb
   require "negative-sleep"

   def log msg
     where = caller[ 0 ]
     time = Time.now.strftime "%H:%m:%S"
     puts "#{where} #{time} #{msg}"

   with_negative_sleep do
     log "before"
     sleep( -2 )
     log "after"

   C:\tmp>ruby test-negative-sleep.rb
   test-negative-sleep.rb:12 20:07:42 after
   test-negative-sleep.rb:10 20:07:44 before



When I read this quiz, it reminded me of the time I was working on a
huge realtime 24/7 distributed unix system. Each machine had a time
daemon keeping it in synch with a central time server. During the
first live tests, my application would occasionally core-dump. When I
first saw the traces, It looked like either one of my queues was
getting corrupted, or the system time had jumped backward. The lead
of the services group assured me that it was absolutely impossible
that the daemon could set the clock back. So I spent 2 long days
inspecting core dumps and trace logs, going through my code line by
line, adding more logging, questioning my sanity. In the end, I
presented the lead with a stack of logs proving that the time daemon
was infact occasionally setting the clock backward by one second.

That gave me this idea for how to implement negative sleep:


On 7/14/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

        1) Devise an "interesting" definition for sleep which allows negative
           durations. Alternately, use one of the definitions given here.
        2) Write some Ruby code demonstrating behavior which satisfies that
           definition. As with the above example, you needn't provide a drop-in
           replacement for Kernel.sleep.

# time_demon.rb
# (only tested on windows)

module Time_Demon
  if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
    TimeStrFormat = "time %H:%M:%S"
    TimeStrFormat = "date -s %H:%M:%S"

  def sleep sec
    t = Time.now

if __FILE__ == $0
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep 5
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -5
rescue Exception => ex
  p "caught >>#{ex}<<"
p "the time is #{Time.now}"

include Time_Demon
sleep 100
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -50
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -50
p "the time is #{Time.now}"


Welcome to Ruby, Morton, and thanks for sharing your code with us! :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Jul 14, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Morton Goldberg wrote:

I know that the Sokoban quiz was posted a long time ago. But I didn't even know that Ruby existed back then. I first heard about Ruby and became interested it in April of this year. In June, I picked up Best of Ruby Quiz. It was from that book that I learned about the Sokoban quiz.

i'd like to see more of these quizes :slight_smile:
i think negative sleep means insomnia..
insomnia builds up until one sleeps, so i figure it works this way:

irb(main):001:0> sleep(-5)
=> -5
irb(main):002:0> sleep(6)
* 1 second later *
=> true

so my solution looks like this:



alias :old_sleep :sleep

def sleep(n)
  if $sleep>0

greetings, Dirk.

Mitchell Koch wrote:

* Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> [060714 07:49]:

You could also view a sleep as specifying the relationship between
the computations on either side of it. In that case, sleep(1) might
request that the second computation begin at least a second after
the completion of the first one. Negative sleeps would simply
reverse the order of the two computations, sleep(-1) meaning that
the first computation should begin at least a second after the
completion of the second.

Alright, I basically took that definition of negative sleep, although
I had to decide what should happen when there are three or more
statements separated by negative sleeps and what should happen if a
negative sleep is before after everything else. I decided both

I decided to implement it as a class that takes procs and runs them in
the right order, which I think came out pretty cleanly.


This has to be the most useless Ruby Quiz I've ever seen.

I like it a lot.


But now we all want to see the code so we are curios why you didn't submit it... :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Jul 17, 2006, at 1:16 PM, Pit Capitain wrote:

Ruby Quiz schrieb:

That sounds slightly impossible to implement, doesn't it? But consider
something like this:
  ( Computation.new { ... } + Sleep.new(-1) + Computation.new { ... } ).run

This is not a submission, I just wanted to show that with some evil hacks it isn't even necessary to invent a new syntax:

> 1) Devise an "interesting" definition for sleep which allows
> durations. Alternately, use one of the definitions given
> 2) Write some Ruby code demonstrating behavior which satisfies
> definition. As with the above example, you needn't provide a
> replacement for Kernel.sleep.

When I read this quiz, it reminded me of the time I was working on a
huge realtime 24/7 distributed unix system. Each machine had a time
daemon keeping it in synch with a central time server. During the
first live tests, my application would occasionally core-dump. When I
first saw the traces, It looked like either one of my queues was
getting corrupted, or the system time had jumped backward. The lead
of the services group assured me that it was absolutely impossible
that the daemon could set the clock back. So I spent 2 long days
inspecting core dumps and trace logs, going through my code line by
line, adding more logging, questioning my sanity. In the end, I
presented the lead with a stack of logs proving that the time daemon
was infact occasionally setting the clock backward by one second.

That gave me this idea for how to implement negative sleep:
# time_demon.rb
# (only tested on windows)

module Time_Demon
  if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/
    TimeStrFormat = "time %H:%M:%S"
    TimeStrFormat = "date -s %H:%M:%S"

Dangerous !!!!
Just do not do this, you have to be root to do it anyway, but if you do it
say good bye to your filesystems, databases etc. etc.

Would be nice to do it in a virtual host though :wink:



On 7/18/06, Adam Shelly <adam.shelly@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7/14/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

  def sleep sec
    t = Time.now

if __FILE__ == $0
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep 5
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -5
rescue Exception => ex
  p "caught >>#{ex}<<"
p "the time is #{Time.now}"

include Time_Demon
sleep 100
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -50
p "the time is #{Time.now}"
sleep -50
p "the time is #{Time.now}"


Deux choses sont infinies : l'univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l'univers, je n'en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.

- Albert Einstein

I took the concept of negative sleeping as guaranteeing that the thread will not sleep or relinquish control for that time period. Normal sleep means that the thread concedes to the other threads of the program for the specified time, so negative sleeping is forcing all other threads to concede control to the current thread for the specified time instead. That said, here is my code:

module Kernel
   alias normal_sleep sleep
   def sleep(seconds)
     normal_sleep(seconds) and return if seconds >= 0
     priorities = {}
     (Thread.list - [Thread.current]).each do |thread|
       priorities[thread] = thread.priority
       thread.priority = Thread.current.priority-1
     Thread.new do
       priorities.each do |thread, priority|
         thread.priority = priority

This is difficult to test cleanly since positive sleeping within the current thread gives the de-prioritized threads a chance to run for a short time (though I do see that as appropriate behavior... a thread that is negative sleeping should still be able to positive sleep for a short time). It is testable if you are willing to read extremely long outputs or are willing to put up with using some long, empty loops to minimize output.

  - Jake McArthur

"Let's suppose there existed a sleep which accepted negative arguments. Would it actually imply time travel?"

...Well of course! I created the SuperSleep class, which when given a negative argument jumps backwards into the history of execution by the amount of time specified and resumes execution from that point.

So, the program that looks like this:

NegativeSleep.rb (2.77 KB)


tta = TwistyTimeApp.new([Computation.new("x = 0 "),
                                 Computation.new("p x "),
                                 Computation.new("x += 1 "),
                                 Computation.new("p x "),
                                 Computation.new("x += 1 "),
                                 Computation.new("p x "),
                                 Computation.new("x += 1 "),
                                 Computation.new("p x "),
Would have output that might look like this (comments added for clarification of flow):

3 #reaches the first SuperSleep, jumps back .015 seconds
4 #gets to the third Computation, starts flowing again
6 #gets to the second SuperSleep, jumps back .015 seconds
0 #reaches the first Computation (resetting x), and starts flowing again

Wacky, huh?!

  - When a SuperSleep is executed (possibly jumping back in time) it is also destroyed, so that no infinite loops are created (jump back, flow forward, jump back, etc. etc.)
  - The time at which each Computation is executed is set once, the first time it happens. This might change later, if I want to make things really confusing.
  - SuperSleeps with positive delta just sleep for that long, instead of jumping forward into the future. This is definitely going to change, so that they actually jump forward in the execution by the amount of time specified, skipping certain Computations :).
  - If a Negative Sleep goes past the beginning of the program, it simply starts over without accounting for the extra time by which it surpassed the beginning of execution.

  - I'm hoping to make this program continuations/generator based. Expect that later tonight I guess.
  - Jumping into the future with SuperSleeps given positive numbers, instead of just sleeping! :slight_smile:

Attached is my code, check it out and let me know what you think! (Run it a few times to get an idea of how the output can change, and adjust the sleeps for the speed of your computer :P)

James Edward Gray II schrieb:

But now we all want to see the code so we are curios why you didn't submit it... :wink:

Yeah, I think I shouldn't have posted it, but I couldn't resist to make you curious :wink:

As I said, it really was a hack, written in a couple of minutes. In its current form it is pretty useless. It makes use of some evil code I'm still experimenting with. I first want to enhance the codebase before I'll publish it. This won't happen before the end of August, though.


oops. It's been about 10 years since I used Unix regularly, and I was
never the sysadmin.

I suppose this is offtopic, but why would it mess up the filesystem?
I realize if you leave the time set in the past you'll run into
problems with file creation/modification times, but the testscript
restores the time to its original point - where's the lasting harm in

I didn't seem to suffer any permanent side effects after running it on WinXP.



On 7/18/06, Robert Dober <robert.dober@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7/18/06, Adam Shelly <adam.shelly@gmail.com> wrote:
> TimeStrFormat = "date -s %H:%M:%S"
> ...
> system(t.strftime(TimeStrFormat))

Dangerous !!!!
Just do not do this, you have to be root to do it anyway, but if you do it
say good bye to your filesystems, databases etc. etc.

Well, as everybody are sending in solutions here are mines ...

The first one (sleep1.rb) simply takes the computations, order them, and
consider the time to sleep is between the end of the previous and the
beginning of the next.

The second one (sleep3.rb) takes the same arguments but sleep according
to the *beginning* time of each set of operations. All the operations
supposed to begin at the same time will happen in the order they were
defined (i.e. we have one thread per beginning)

At last, the third one (sleep4.rb) uses one thread per computation,
hence there is no predictability in the order of computation for
operations which are suppose to begin at the same time.

Attached also, a test file ... just change the require to test each module.


sleep1.rb (898 Bytes)

sleep3.rb (791 Bytes)

sleep4.rb (818 Bytes)

test_sleep.rb (1.16 KB)

> > TimeStrFormat = "date -s %H:%M:%S"
> > ...
> > system(t.strftime(TimeStrFormat))
> Dangerous !!!!
> Just do not do this, you have to be root to do it anyway, but if you do
> say good bye to your filesystems, databases etc. etc.
oops. It's been about 10 years since I used Unix regularly, and I was
never the sysadmin.

I suppose this is offtopic, but why would it mess up the filesystem?
I realize if you leave the time set in the past you'll run into
problems with file creation/modification times, but the testscript
restores the time to its original point - where's the lasting harm in

Actually I am not clever enough to know myself, I suppose you are pretty
safe on a client box of your own.
It all depends on the implementation of the file system.
My knowledge comes from an excellent NTP tutorial, quite normal for them to
warn about it.
The NTP FAQ and HOWTO Warning: Totally Offtopic.

But I would not assume that all system software is robust against not
contigous time. (think about cronjobs e.g. who would write them reentrant, I
would not !!)

I did not mean to criticise your Quiz submission BTW, quit nice and original
but not safe I am afraid.


I didn't seem to suffer any permanent side effects after running it on


On 7/18/06, Adam Shelly <adam.shelly@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7/18/06, Robert Dober <robert.dober@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/18/06, Adam Shelly <adam.shelly@gmail.com> wrote:


Deux choses sont infinies : l'univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l'univers, je n'en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.

- Albert Einstein

Just something little I whipped up!
class TimeTravelProc < Proc
  attr_accessor :sleep
  def initialize(*args,&block)
    @sleep = 0
class TimeTravelArray < Array
  def +(o)
    TimeTravelProc === o ? push(o) : Integer === o ? last.sleep = o :
  def sort
  def run
class Integer
  def sleep
t = TimeTravelArray.new
t2=TimeTravelProc.new{print "Second\n"}
t3=TimeTravelProc.new{print "First\n"}
t4=TimeTravelProc.new{print "last\n"}
t + t4 + -1.sleep + t3 + -3.sleep + t2 + -2.sleep



On 7/16/06, Pierre Barbier de Reuille < Pierre.Barbier_de_Reuille@sophia.inria.fr> wrote:

Well, as everybody are sending in solutions here are mines ...

The first one (sleep1.rb) simply takes the computations, order them, and
consider the time to sleep is between the end of the previous and the
beginning of the next.

The second one (sleep3.rb) takes the same arguments but sleep according
to the *beginning* time of each set of operations. All the operations
supposed to begin at the same time will happen in the order they were
defined (i.e. we have one thread per beginning)

At last, the third one (sleep4.rb) uses one thread per computation,
hence there is no predictability in the order of computation for
operations which are suppose to begin at the same time.

Attached also, a test file ... just change the require to test each


class Sleep

  attr_reader :time

  def initialize time
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    if Sleep === comp
      @time += comp.time
      Comp.new(time) << comp


class Comp

  Op = Struct.new :time, :op

  attr_reader :ops

  def initialize(time = 0, &block)
    @ops =
    @ops << Op.new(time, block) if block
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    case comp
    when Sleep
      t = comp.time
      @time += t
    when Comp
      @ops.concat comp.ops.map { |o| Op.new(o.time+@time, o.op) }
    when Proc
      @ops << Op.new(@time, comp)

  def run
    h = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = }
    @ops.each do |c|
      h[ c.time ] << c.op
    order = h.keys.sort
    time = order[0]
    ref_time = time
    order.each do |t|
      h[t].each { |b| b.call(t) }
      time = t


class Sleep

  attr_reader :time

  def initialize time
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    if Sleep === comp
      @time += comp.time
      Comp.new(time) << comp


class Comp

  attr_reader :ops

  def initialize(time = 0, &block)
    @ops = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = }
    @ops[time] << block if block
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    case comp
    when Sleep
      @time += comp.time
    when Comp
      comp.ops.each { |t,bs| @ops[t+@time].concat bs }
    when Proc
      @ops[@time] << comp

  def run
    ref_time = @ops.keys.min
    ts = @ops.map do |t,bs|
      Thread.new(bs) do |bs|
        bs.each { |b| b.call(t) }
    ts.each { |t| t.join }


class Sleep

  attr_reader :time

  def initialize time
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    if Sleep === comp
      @time += comp.time
      Comp.new(time) << comp


class Comp

  attr_reader :ops

  def initialize(time = 0, &block)
    @ops = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = }
    @ops[time] << block if block
    @time = time

  def <<(comp)
    case comp
    when Sleep
      @time += comp.time
    when Comp
      comp.ops.each { |t,bs| @ops[t+@time].concat bs }
    when Proc
      @ops[@time] << comp

  def run
    ref_time = @ops.keys.min
    ts = @ops.map do |t,bs|
      bs.map do |b|
        Thread.new(b) do |b|
          b.call t
    ts.flatten.each { |t| t.join }


require "sleep1"

puts "Test 1"

c = Comp.new { |t| sleep 1; puts "#{t} :: Foo here" } <<
    Sleep.new(-1) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Bar there" } <<
    Sleep.new(1) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Well ..." } <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Why not" } <<
    Sleep.new(-2) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Just another test" } <<
    Sleep.new(2.5) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: A last one ?" }

puts "Test 2"

c = Comp.new { |t| sleep 1; puts "#{t} :: Foo here" } <<
    Sleep.new(-1) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Bar there" } <<
    Sleep.new(2) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Well ..." } <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Why not" } <<
    Sleep.new(-3) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Just another test" }

puts "Test 3"

c = Comp.new(10) { |t| sleep 1; puts "#{t} :: Foo here" } <<
    Sleep.new(-1) <<
    lambda { |t| puts "#{t} :: Bar there" } <<
    ( Sleep.new(2) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Well ..." } <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Why not" } <<
    Sleep.new(-3) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: Just another test" } ) <<
    Sleep.new(1.5) <<
    Comp.new { |t| puts "#{t} :: A last one ?" }