[QUIZ] Longest Repeated Substring (#153)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.



This week's Ruby Quiz is to write a script that finds the longest repeated
substring in a given text.

Your program will be passed some text on STDIN and is expected to print the
longest repeated substring within that text to STDOUT.

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).


  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb
  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb

Make sure your code runs efficiently when passed a large text.

Posting the strings you find in a given text and/or timings is not a spoiler.

James Edward Gray II


On Jan 18, 2008, at 7:23 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

This week's Ruby Quiz is to write a script that finds the longest repeated
substring in a given text.

Make sure your code runs efficiently when passed a large text.

Should white space and punctuation be treated as part of the substring, or are they to be ignored?



On 18 Jan 2008, at 13:23, Ruby Quiz wrote:

This week's Ruby Quiz is to write a script that finds the longest repeated
substring in a given text.

Your program will be passed some text on STDIN and is expected to print the
longest repeated substring within that text to STDOUT.

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).


  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb
  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb

Make sure your code runs efficiently when passed a large text.

Must they be adjacent, or does "aaabaaa" contain the repeating substring "aaa"?



On Jan 18, 2008, at 7:23 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the
original quiz message, if you can.



On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:23:40 -0500, Ruby Quiz wrote:

This week's Ruby Quiz is to write a script that finds the longest
repeated substring in a given text.

Your program will be passed some text on STDIN and is expected to print
the longest repeated substring within that text to STDOUT.

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is
repeated with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is
no repeated substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).


  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb an
  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb na

Make sure your code runs efficiently when passed a large text.

First testcase:
"your banana my banana" should give " banana"


Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

Here's my solution to the quiz. It's has O(n) behaviour and takes about 1 minute on the illiad and 5 minutes on war and peace on my 1.8GHz linux box (much longer on my powerbook).

It works by constructing a map from every letter in the text to an array of its locations. It then iterates, increasing each string (which sometimes creates splits) and removing strings which don't have at least 2 locations. Thus, for each length n, the algorithm only has to deal with the patterns which already matched with length n-1. This is easiest to see by running it with the verbose option:

$ echo banana | ruby -v find_repeats.rb
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-23 patchlevel 110) [powerpc-darwin9.0.0]
Initial: {"a"=>[1, 3, 5], "b"=>[0], "n"=>[2, 4], "\n"=>[6]}
Filter (len=1): {"a"=>[1, 3, 5], "n"=>[2, 4]}
Grow (len=2): {"an"=>[1, 3], "na"=>[2, 4], "a\n"=>[5]}
Filter (len=2): {"an"=>[1, 3], "na"=>[2, 4]}
Grow (len=3): {"na\n"=>[4], "nan"=>[2], "ana"=>[1, 3]}
Filter (len=3): {}



#!/usr/bin/env ruby

text = ARGF.read
size = text.size

# Build a map from each (1-character) string to a list of its positions
roots = {}
size.times do |o|
   s = text[o,1]
   if roots.has_key? s
     roots[s] << o
     roots[s] = [o]

puts "Initial: #{roots.inspect}" if $VERBOSE
len = 1
first = nil
while true do
   # Remove entries which don't have at least 2 non-overlapping occurances
   roots.delete_if do |s,offsets|
     count = 0
     last = nil
     offsets.each do |o|
       next if last && last+len > o
       last = o
       count += 1
     count < 2
   puts "Filter (len=#{len}): #{roots.inspect}" if $VERBOSE
   break if roots.size == 0
   first = roots[roots.keys[0]][0]

   # Increase len by 1 and replace each existing root with the set of longer roots
   len += 1
   new_roots = {}
   roots.each do |s,offsets|
     offsets.each do |o|
       next if o > size - len
       s = text[o,len]
       if new_roots.has_key? s
         new_roots[s] << o
         new_roots[s] = [o]
   roots = new_roots
   puts "Grow (len=#{len}): #{roots.inspect}" if $VERBOSE

exit if first == nil

puts text[first,len-1]

Here is my solution. It is easy to follow but breaks down on larger inputs:

# Find first non-overlapping repeated substring contained in the input
# Search space is smaller for longer substrings, so search for longest ones
# Returns - Longest repeated substring, or nil if none
def longest_repeated_substring(input)
  len = input.size / 2 # Max size is half total length, since strings cannot

  while len > 0
    # Find all substrings of given length
    sub_strings = {}
    for i in 0...input.size-len
      sub_str = input[i..i+len]

      if not sub_strings.has_key?(sub_str)
        sub_strings[sub_str] = i+len # Add to list, track end pos for
      elsif sub_strings[sub_str] < i
        return sub_str # First non-overlapping match ties for longest

    len -= 1


puts longest_repeated_substring(ARGV[0])



Here is my solution using Suffix arrays

class SuffixArray
  attr_accessor :suffix_array
  def initialize(the_string)
    @the_string = the_string
    @suffix_array = Array.new
    #build the suffixes
    last_index = the_string.length-1
    (0..last_index).each do |i|
      the_suffix = the_string[i..last_index]
      the_position = i
      # << is the append (or push) operator for arrays in Ruby
      @suffix_array << { :suffix=>the_suffix, :position=>the_position }
    #sort the suffix array
    @suffix_array.sort! { |a,b| a[:suffix] <=> b[:suffix] }

text = STDIN.read

highest_count = 0
longest_string = ""
sa = SuffixArray.new(text)
sa.suffix_array.each_with_index do |s,i|
  j = 1
  if sa.suffix_array[i+1]
    while sa.suffix_array[i][:suffix][0,j] ==
      if j > highest_count
        highest_count = j
        longest_string = sa.suffix_array[i][:suffix][0,j]
      j += 1

p longest_string



I get the following times

$ time cat homer-illiad.txt | ruby suffix.rb
" who are\nperishing and coming to a bad end. We will, however, since you
so\nbid us, refrain from actual fighting, but we will make
serviceable\nsuggestions to the Argives"

real 1m15.566s
user 1m14.810s
sys 0m0.410s

$ time cat wrnpc12.txt | ruby suffix.rb
"\r\n\r\nThe Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation has been "

real 4m55.145s
user 4m49.979s
sys 0m1.951s

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/-QUIZ--Longest-Repeated-Substring-(-153)-tp14953800p14984651.html
Sent from the ruby-talk mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

I'm guessing that someone wants to break a Vigenere cipher. The
longest repeated substring in text enciphered with a Vigenere cipher
has a close relationship to the length of the key, and once the key
length is determined, the cipher is halfway broken. At least that's
one application for this sort of algorithm...


On Jan 18, 2008 9:23 PM, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:

Your program will be passed some text on STDIN and is expected to print the
longest repeated substring within that text to STDOUT.



With some delay, here is my solution. I started on Friday with my
on making suffix trees respect overlaps but then stopped. I have to
admit that it was Eric's solution that made take another look on
The current version is about 3 times slower than Eric's submission.
passes all my test cases though. It also takes the idea from (IIRC)
Thomas's submission to calculate the original start position on the
basis of the string's length.

BTW it seems to me that ruby19 (cygwin, win xp) uses a __lot__ more
memory for this.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class String
   def longest_substring_st4
        suffixes = Array.new(size) {|i| self[i..size]}
        common = ''
        comlen = 0
        suffixes.each_with_index do |curr, index|
            next if index == 0
            curridx = size - curr.size
            pindex = index - 1
            pindex.downto(pindex - comlen) do |i|
                pred = suffixes[i]
                psize = pred.size
                predidx = size - psize
                maxlen = [(predidx - curridx).abs, psize].min - 1
                next if maxlen < comlen
                prefix = pred[0 .. comlen]
                break if prefix != curr[0..comlen]
                (comlen + 1 .. maxlen).each do |i|
                    p = pred[i]
                    c = curr[i]
                    if p == c
                        prefix << p
                common = prefix
                comlen = common.size
                break if comlen <= maxlen
        return common

if __FILE__ == $0
    if ARGV.empty?
        puts String.new(STDIN.read).longest_substring_st4
        ARGV.each {|f| puts

Suffix tree is brilliant method, but has been invented long time ago,
besides, others submitted 'suffix tree' solution already.
It was challenge!

Please take a look at my solution (attached),
in my experiments it's faster than Eric's code.

Sergey Volkov

Q153_SerVo.rb (3.47 KB)


# Times
[vsv@gx Q153]$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-linux]

### Eric's code
[vsv@gx Q153]$ time ruby Q153_EricI.rb <homer-illiad.txt
" who are
perishing and coming to a bad end. We will, however, since you so
bid us, refrain from actual fighting, but we will make serviceable
suggestions to the Argives" (168 characters)

real 0m14.263s
user 0m14.185s
sys 0m0.076s

### My solution
[vsv@gx Q153]$ time ruby Q153_SerVo.rb <homer-illiad.txt
who are
perishing and coming to a bad end. We will, however, since you so
bid us, refrain from actual fighting, but we will make serviceable
suggestions to the Argives

real 0m7.676s
user 0m7.456s
sys 0m0.220s

### War and Peace
[vsv@gx Q153]$ time ruby Q153_SerVo.rb <wrnpc12.txt

The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation has been

real 0m30.511s
user 0m29.546s
sys 0m0.424s

### Bonus feature:
### With linebreaks removed from paragraph body
[vsv@gx Q153]$ time ruby Q153_SerVo.rb -t <homer-illiad.txt
a messenger from Jove, who, though he be not near, yet takes thought for you and pities you. He bids you get the Achaeans instantly under arms, for you shall take Troy. There are no longer divided counsels among the gods; Juno has brought them over to her own mind, and woe betides the Trojans at the hands of Jove. Remember this

real 0m14.672s
user 0m14.129s
sys 0m0.544s

Hi there,

thought first of two loops, one that moves the start position
of the candidate substring, and another that makes it longer.
It turned out that one loop that combines both is sufficient.

Without considering searching (text.index) the loop is O(n).
However, the index method is O(n). Thus, worst case (for my
program) is O(n^2).

Can one do it in O(n*log(n))?



# ruby quiz 153 - longest repeated substring
# print the first one found if several such substrings exist
# Urs Meyer, 2008-01-22


# read text from STDIN, convert to lower case, as you like
text = STDIN.read.tr("\nA-Z"," a-z")

# start position, determines the remaining search space
start = 0
longest_substring = ""

# search while remaining search space is at least twice the
# the size of the currently longest substring

while (2 * longest_substring.size) < (text.length - start)

    # generate substring to search for with size is one bigger
    # than longest found so far
    substring = text[start...(start+longest_substring.size+1)]

    # search for it
    i = text.index(substring, start+substring.size)

    if i.nil?
        # nothing found, advance start position
        start += 1
        # found a longer one, record it
        longest_substring = substring

puts longest_substring


$ echo banana | ruby lrs.rb
$ echo aa | ruby lrs.rb
$ echo aaa | ruby lrs.rb
$ echo aaaa | ruby lrs.rb

some timings...

using random characters:
$ ruby -e "puts Array.new(100000){('a'[0]+rand(26)).chr}.join" | ( time ruby lrs.rb > /dev/null )
21.015u 0.046s 0:21.39 98.4% 0+0k 0+0io 1636pf+0w

with just a bunch of 'a's the job is easier:
$ ruby -e "puts 'a'*100000" | ( time ruby lrs.rb > /dev/null )
3.390u 0.015s 0:03.50 97.1% 0+0k 0+0io 3705pf+0w

lets see whether the result is correct:
$ ruby -e "puts 'a'*100000" | ruby lrs.rb | wc -c

oops, but
$ echo "a" | wc -c

o.k. we are fine

if you are curious, I ran it a few times on 100000 random chars:


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I vote that we treat all characters equally.

James Edward Gray II


On Jan 18, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Denis Hennessy wrote:

On 18 Jan 2008, at 13:23, Ruby Quiz wrote:

This week's Ruby Quiz is to write a script that finds the longest repeated
substring in a given text.

Your program will be passed some text on STDIN and is expected to print the
longest repeated substring within that text to STDOUT.

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).


  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb
  $ echo banana | ruby longest_repeated_substring.rb

Make sure your code runs efficiently when passed a large text.

Should white space and punctuation be treated as part of the substring, or are they to be ignored?

They do not have to be adjacent. aaa would be a valid answer for aaabaaa.

James Edward Gray II


On Jan 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Dave Thomas wrote:

On Jan 18, 2008, at 7:23 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).

Must they be adjacent, or does "aaabaaa" contain the repeating substring "aaa"?

And a second:
"aaaaaa" should give "aaa"



On Jan 18, 2:38 pm, Ken Bloom <kbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

First testcase:
"your banana my banana" should give " banana"


Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.http://www.iit.edu/~kbloom1/

First testcase:
"your banana my banana" should give " banana"

For the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991, I get:

"customarily used for software interchange; or, "... some more

For the GPL3 I get:

") Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by "...

If somebody can verify this.

I think this really starts to make fun when running the script over
Mark Twains entire work (from Gutenberg) or something similar.

My hack at the substring problem (nice one, James) is based on suffix trees.

Suffix trees and suffix arrays and a great tool for substring operations. The idea is to create a list of all the possible suffixes in the original string. For "banana" this would be


Because the list contains an entry starting at every position in the string, we know that all possible substrings of the original string must occur at the start of one of these list elements. The substring "nan", for example, occurs at the start of the 3rd entry.

Now sort them


Now we know that all substrings that start with the same sequence of characters must occur at the start of items in the list that are adjacent. Searching through to list to find these is a linear operation.

A suffix array is basically this data structure. For efficiency, though, it doesn't store the actual strings. Instead it stores the offset of the start of the string (for our example, this would be [6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3]). You'll find a whole bunch of stuff on using suffix arrays for searching and string matching, particularly in the area of DNA sequencing.

It turns out that in Ruby, you don't always have to go to the trouble of constructing the suffix array. When you take a substring in Ruby, it doesn't copy the string data. Instead, it just constructs a new string object (just a few words of memory) that references into the original string. Only when either string is modified does the string content get copied. This means the code for constructing the suffix list is both simple and relatively efficient:

   def initialize(text)
     @suffix_list = []
     len = text.length
     len.times { |i| @suffix_list << text[i, len] } # the ,len] is a hack...

The only ugly part is the use of [i, len] to create the substring. Technically it should be 1..len, but that constructs a new, unnecessary range object. Using 'len' as the final index does the same thing, because the substring stops at the end of the input string, but it can be misleading to read.

The code to scan the suffix list looks at each adjacent pair, and sees if it can find a longer matching substring at the start of each that it has previously found. Because James disallowed overlapping substrings, you have to be careful to look at no more that 1/2 of the longest string. The basic loop looks like this:

     s1 = @suffix_list[0]

     1.upto(@suffix_list.size - 1) do |i|

       s2 = @suffix_list[i]
       max_possible = s2.length / 2 # stop them overlapping

       while # quick sanity check - saves doing the more expensive substring if it fails
              s1[max_length_so_far] == s2[max_length_so_far] &&
              # stop strings from overlapping
              max_length_so_far < max_possible &&
              # brute force comparison
              s1[0,max_plus_one] == s2[0,max_plus_one]

         max_length_so_far = max_plus_one
         max_plus_one += 1
         found_at = i
       s1 = s2

The while loop has three conditions. The last one is the money earner: it looks for a match at the start of the two strings which is one longer that the longest match found so far. If it finds it, it records this as the new longest match, and then tries for a even longer one with the current pair.

The second condition on the while loop stops us considering more than 1/2 the second string. Because our strings are sorted, if thereis overlap, the second string will always be the one that contains the overlapping segment of the first.

The first condition is just an optimization: it stops us doing the more expensive substring comparison if the last characters of the two substrings we're comparing don't match.

So, put it all together, and we have

# - - - - - - - - - - - - -

class CommonSeq

   def initialize(text)
     @suffix_list = []
     len = text.length
     len.times { |i| @suffix_list << text[i, len] } # the ,len] is a hack...

   def find_substrings
     max_length_so_far = 0
     max_plus_one = 1 # save a little math in the loop
     found_at = nil

     # Look at all adjacent pairs of suffices.
     s1 = @suffix_list[0]

     1.upto(@suffix_list.size - 1) do |i|

       s2 = @suffix_list[i]
       max_possible = s2.length / 2 # stop them overlapping

       while # quick sanity check - saves doing the more expensive substring if it fails
              s1[max_length_so_far] == s2[max_length_so_far] &&
              # stop strings from overlapping
              max_length_so_far < max_possible &&
              # brute force comparison
              s1[0,max_plus_one] == s2[0,max_plus_one]

         max_length_so_far = max_plus_one
         max_plus_one += 1
         found_at = i
       s1 = s2

     if found_at
       suffix = @suffix_list[found_at]
       [max_length_so_far, suffix[0, max_length_so_far]]

if __FILE__ == $0
   seq = CommonSeq.new(STDIN.read.chomp)
   puts seq.find_substrings

# - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Run times are shown for the Illiad and War and Peace:

   dave[tmp/seq] time ruby seq.rb <homer.txt
    who are
   perishing and coming to a bad end. We will, however, since you so
   bid us, refrain from actual fighting, but we will make serviceable
   suggestions to the Argives
   ruby seq.rb < homer.txt 2.82s user 0.05s system 99% cpu 2.872 total

   dave[tmp/seq] time ruby seq.rb <war.txt

   The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation has been
   ruby seq.rb < war.txt 12.49s user 0.17s system 99% cpu 12.737 total

Here's the somewhat basic set of tests I used

# - - - - - - - - - - - - -
require 'seq'
require 'test/unit'

class CommonSeq
   attr_reader :suffix_list

class TestSeq < Test::Unit::TestCase

   def test_basic_suffix_creation
     cs = CommonSeq.new("banana")
     assert_equal(%w{a ana anana banana na nana}, cs.suffix_list)

   def test_empty
     cs = CommonSeq.new("")
     assert_nil cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_one
     cs = CommonSeq.new("a")
     assert_nil cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_two_no_match
     cs = CommonSeq.new("ab")
     assert_nil cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_two_with_match
     cs = CommonSeq.new("aa")
     assert_equal [ 1, "a"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_three_no_match
     cs = CommonSeq.new("abc")
     assert_nil cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_three_adjacent_match
     cs = CommonSeq.new("aab")
     assert_equal [ 1, "a"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_length_three_separated_match
     cs = CommonSeq.new("aba")
     assert_equal [ 1, "a"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_does_not_find_overlapping_match_length_one
     cs = CommonSeq.new("aaa")
     assert_equal [ 1, "a"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_does_not_find_overlapping_match_length_three
     cs = CommonSeq.new("aaaa")
     assert_equal [ 2, "aa"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_does_not_find_overlapping_match_length_two
     cs = CommonSeq.new("ababa")
     assert_equal [ 2, "ab"], cs.find_substrings

   def test_banana
     cs = CommonSeq.new("banana")
     assert_equal [ 2, "an"], cs.find_substrings
# - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wouldn't be surprised if the idea of searching only 1/2 of the second string to prevent overlaps is wrong.. :slight_smile:


I had the idea to use suffix trees too, but I literally built a tree.
Each node holds a start index and length for a suffix.
As I add more substrings, I count the number of matching characters
with any previous suffixes, and record the max as needed (after
handling overlap).

Unfortunately, this turns out to be slower that the ones that just
sort all the strings,
and runs out of memory on the Illiad...




class String
  #helper - counts number of matching characters.
  def matchlen other
      break if b!=self[i]

class Node
  def initialize start,len,tail=nil
    @h=tail ? tail : {}

  def insert idx,len,matched=0
    match = @h[$STR[idx]]
    #add or expand child
    if match

  def expand idx,len,matched
    #count matching characters
    matchlen = $STR[@i,@l].matchlen($STR[idx,len])

    updateMax(idx-matched, matchlen+matched) if matchlen+matched > $max
    if matchlen < @l
      #split if partial match
      split_at(matchlen, idx,len)
      #else add remainder of unmatched characters
      insert(idx+@l, len-@l, matchlen+matched)

  def split_at point, idx,len
    #one child contains the remainder of the original string(s)
    newchild = Node.new(@i+point,@l-point, @h)
    #the other child has the remainder of the new str
    @h[$STR[idx+point]]=Node.new(idx+point, len-point)
    @l=point #shorten our length

  def updateMax idx,matchlen
    #if our string ends past the beginining of the match,
    # discount the overlap
    overlap = @i+@l-idx-1
    matchlen-=overlap if overlap > 0
    if matchlen>$max
      $max = matchlen
      $maxpt = idx

slen = $STR.length
half= (slen/2.0).ceil

#we don't have to look at any substrings longer than half the input
#and the ones that start in the second half of the input are shorter still
  len = slen-i
  break if len<$max

puts $STR[$maxpt,$max].inspect
puts "\n#{$max} chars"

I hope I get some time to take a shot at this one. It looks like fun.


On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:43 AM, James Gray wrote:

On Jan 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Dave Thomas wrote:

On Jan 18, 2008, at 7:23 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

Repeated substrings may not overlap. If more than one substring is repeated
with the same length, you may print any of them. If there is no repeated
substring, the result is an empty string (print nothing).

Must they be adjacent, or does "aaabaaa" contain the repeating substring "aaa"?

They do not have to be adjacent. aaa would be a valid answer for aaabaaa.

James Edward Gray II

It should, otherwise "banana" would give "ana" rather than "an".

My question is (I'm not familiar with RubyQuiz too much :)): episode
focus on algorithm (speed) or source code (readable)?


On Jan 18, 2008 10:00 PM, yermej <yermej@gmail.com> wrote:

On Jan 18, 2:38 pm, Ken Bloom <kbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

And a second:
"aaaaaa" should give "aaa"


Radosław Bułat

http://radarek.jogger.pl - mój blog