[QUIZ] Hello, world? (#158)

Forwarded solution from Florian Gilcher:


Date: February 29, 2008 8:20:11 PM EST
Subject: Re: [QUIZ] Hello, world? (#158)


I have a solution for Hello, world? This may not be the nicest one (from a programming perspective), but i only hat 10 Minutes before i'll head off on a vacation ;). But i somewhat liked the idea. It uses a significant portion of the Ruby Core-Library, especially some of the "Stars" ;).

['logger', 'webrick', 'drb'].map{|lib| require lib}

puts [Hash, Enumerable, LocalJumpError, Logger, ObjectSpace, nil, WEBrick, Object, Regexp, LoadError, DRb].inject("") {|string, klass|
  unless klass.nil?
    (string.empty? || string[-1..-1] == " ") ? string + klass.name[0..0] : string + klass.name[0..0].downcase
    string + " "

Florian Gilcher