[QUIZ] Chess960 (#106)

From: showaltb@gmail.com
Date: December 19, 2006 10:58:08 AM CST
To: "Ruby Quiz" <james@grayproductions.net>
Subject: Re: [QUIZ] Chess960 (#106)

Can I suggest a nice little ruby program to generates all 960 possible starting
positions and outputs a random one on request.

Here's my feeble solution: http://pastie.caboo.se/28568



Begin forwarded message:

On Dec 15, 8:50 am, Ruby Quiz <j...@grayproductions.net> wrote:

As they say in France, there is no Two without Three, though it is much
easier to prove the inverse theorem :wink:
The last one, promised.
# This solution still uses Jim Weirich's Amb class
# but this time it is inlined into the Chess960 class
# and adapted for the exact problem.
# As a matter of fact we do not use assert as
# the constraints for the positions can be expressed
# declaratively, all work Amb has to do is the callcc trick
# to back up to the next solution


class Chess960
  ExhaustedError = Class.new RuntimeError

  # We use objects which respond to #each already
    # optimize the calls so that we do not have to splat
  def choose(choices)
    choices.each { |choice|
            # avoid any duplicate positions
            if @free.delete( choice ) then
                callcc { |fk|
                    @back << fk
                    return choice
                @free.unshift choice

  def failure

    N = 8
    Queen = ?Q
    King = ?K
    Rook = ?R
    Bishop = ?B

    attr_accessor :b1, :b2, :r1, :r2, :k, :q
    attr_reader :solutions

    # prepare the constraints
    LeftBishop = proc {
        @b1 = choose 1..N-1
    RightBishop = proc {
        @b2 = choose( (@b1.succ..N).select{ |b| b & 1 != @b1 & 1 } )
    LeftRook = proc {
        @r1 = choose 1..N-2
    SoleKing = proc {
        @k = choose @r1.succ..N-1
    RightRook = proc {
        @r2 = choose @k.succ..N
    SoleQueen = proc {
        @q = choose 1..N

    def initialize
        @free = [*1..8]
    @back = [
      lambda { fail ExhaustedError }
        @solutions = []
        raise RuntimeError, "Illegal Number of solutions #{@solutions.length}"
            @solutions.length == 960
    def [] sol_nb
        @solutions[ sol_nb ]

    def init
        @sol="N " * N
    # So all boils down to place the pieces :wink:
    def generate
        instance_eval( &LeftBishop )
        instance_eval( &RightBishop )
        instance_eval( &LeftRook )
        instance_eval( &SoleKing )
        instance_eval( &RightRook )
        instance_eval( &SoleQueen )
        rescue ExhaustedError
    def save_solution
        @sol[2*(b1-1)]= Bishop
        @sol[2*(b2-1)]= Bishop
        @sol[2*(r1-1)]= Rook
        @sol[2*(r2-1)]= Rook
        @sol[2*(q-1)]= Queen
        @sol[2*(k-1)]= King
        @solutions << @sol
        # force another solution if there is one


c = Chess960.new
puts %<enter a number to show a specific solution (0 based) or
enter r for a random solution or
enter a to see all solutions
enter q to go back to work>
until (n = gets.strip) =~ /^q/i
    if n =~ /^a/i then
        c.solutions.each_with_index do
            >sol, i|
            puts "%3d: %s" % [i, sol]
    i = n.to_i
    i = rand(960) if n =~ /^r/i
    puts "%3d: %s" % [i, c [i]]

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