Quick noob questino: GUIs

Does Ruby support GUIs?

Sure it does.
If you don't know which GUI-toolkit to use, take a look at

or search the archives of this list for several discussions about the
different toolkits.



On 25/09/05, Matt Roth <theguy0000@gmail.com> wrote:

Does Ruby support GUIs?

Matt Roth wrote:

Does Ruby support GUIs?

The One Click Installer for Win32, at RubyForge, supports FOX, Tk, and I
suspect raw Win32. Download them and try them, and you will be GUI-ing
before you know it.

Many other GUI bindings are variously available, including Qt, KDE,
wxWidgets, FTLK (?), and various systems to support HTML & HTTP.

Now about the philosophy of your question. It is unfortunate that Visual
Basic, Delph, and Java have leverage the idea that a language and a GUI must
somehow form this incestuous bond, so you can't have a GUI without its
attendant language, and vice versa. The best situation is a GUI and a
language that both support sufficiently clean abstractions they can
interface with each other easily but optionally.


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