Questions about embedding ruby

Dear All,

(I’m re-asking in a simpler way some previously asked questions)

I’m using ruby1.8 under Linux (Debian/sid x86); I compiled ruby1.8
with gcc-3.3

I have the file myscript.rb

################ file myscript.rb

-- ruby -- script myscript.rb

def sayhello(name)
$stderr.printf(“hello %s\n”, name)

$stderr.printf(“loaded myscript.rb\n”)
################ end of myscript

I also have the following C program:

################ file testemb_ruby.c
// file testemb_ruby.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ruby.h>

main (int argc, char **argv)
VALUE res = 0;
int state = 0;
char *script = 0;
char cmd = 0;
ruby_init ();
ruby_init_loadpath (); /
to find the libraries */
if (argc > 1)
script = argv[1];
printf (“loading ruby script %s\n”, script);
ruby_script (script);
rb_load_file (script);
printf (“after load_file errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
if (argc > 2)
cmd = argv[2];
cmd = “sayhello(“world”)”;
printf (“before eval %s\n”, cmd);
res = rb_eval_string_protect (cmd, &state);
printf (“after eval state=%d res=”, state);
rb_p (res);
printf (“after eval errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
return state;
} // end of main

// eof testemb_ruby.c
################ end of testemb_ruby.c

I’m compiling testemb_ruby.c with ruby1.8 by

cc -g -O -Wall -O -g -I /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux
testemb_ruby.c -o testemb_ruby -L/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux
-lruby_1.8-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm

I’m running it with testemb_ruby myscript.rb and I am getting

loading ruby script myscript.rb
after load_file errinfo=nil
before eval sayhello(“world”)
after eval state=6 res=nil
after eval errinfo=#<NoMethodError: (eval):9: undefined method `sayhello’ for main:Object>

I have some questions:

  1. why the loading of myscript.rb don’t show the "loaded myscript.rb"
    message (without giving any errors)?

  2. why the eval of the ‘sayhello(“world”)’ fails after having loaded
    myscript.rb which defines the sayhello function?

  3. If I run irb1.8 and type load(“myscript.rb”) and then
    sayhello(“world”) it does work (by saying hello to me)



email: basilestarynkevitchnet
aliases: basiletunesorg = bstarynknerimnet
8, rue de la Faïencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France


Dear All,

(I’m re-asking in a simpler way some previously asked questions)

I’m using ruby1.8 under Linux (Debian/sid x86); I compiled ruby1.8
with gcc-3.3

I have the file myscript.rb

################ file myscript.rb

-- ruby -- script myscript.rb

def sayhello(name)
$stderr.printf(“hello %s\n”, name)

$stderr.printf(“loaded myscript.rb\n”)
################ end of myscript

I also have the following C program:

################ file testemb_ruby.c
// file testemb_ruby.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ruby.h>

main (int argc, char **argv)
VALUE res = 0;
int state = 0;
char *script = 0;
char cmd = 0;
ruby_init ();
ruby_init_loadpath (); /
to find the libraries */
if (argc > 1)
script = argv[1];
printf (“loading ruby script %s\n”, script);
ruby_script (script);
rb_load_file (script);
printf (“after load_file errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
if (argc > 2)
cmd = argv[2];
cmd = “sayhello("world")”;
printf (“before eval %s\n”, cmd);
res = rb_eval_string_protect (cmd, &state);
printf (“after eval state=%d res=”, state);
rb_p (res);
printf (“after eval errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
return state;
} // end of main

// eof testemb_ruby.c
################ end of testemb_ruby.c

I’m compiling testemb_ruby.c with ruby1.8 by

cc -g -O -Wall -O -g -I /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux
testemb_ruby.c -o testemb_ruby -L/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux
-lruby_1.8-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm

I’m running it with testemb_ruby myscript.rb and I am getting

loading ruby script myscript.rb
after load_file errinfo=nil
before eval sayhello(“world”)
after eval state=6 res=nil
after eval errinfo=#<NoMethodError: (eval):9: undefined method `sayhello’ for main:Object>

I have some questions:

  1. why the loading of myscript.rb don’t show the “loaded myscript.rb”
    message (without giving any errors)?

  2. why the eval of the ‘sayhello(“world”)’ fails after having loaded
    myscript.rb which defines the sayhello function?

  3. If I run irb1.8 and type load(“myscript.rb”) and then
    sayhello(“world”) it does work (by saying hello to me)


Well, cmd is pointing to an area of the stack which no longer exists
when the if statement returns. Subsequent calls to printf and calls
inside rb_eval_string_protect are probably stomping around on the
string. Before I looked elsewhere, I’d fix that.

Change your code to this, and try again:

main (int argc, char **argv)
VALUE res = 0;
int state = 0;
char *script = 0;
char *cmd = 0;
char defaultcmd = “sayhello("world")”;
ruby_init ();
ruby_init_loadpath (); /
to find the libraries */
if (argc > 1)
script = argv[1];
printf (“loading ruby script %s\n”, script);
ruby_script (script);
rb_load_file (script);
printf (“after load_file errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
if (argc > 2)
cmd = argv[2];
cmd = defaultcmd;
printf (“before eval %s\n”, cmd);
res = rb_eval_string_protect (cmd, &state);
printf (“after eval state=%d res=”, state);
rb_p (res);
printf (“after eval errinfo=”);
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
return state;
} // end of main

Sean O'Dell

// file testemb_ruby.c

write it like this

svg% cat testembed_ruby.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ruby.h>

int execute(int argc, char **argv)
    int state = 0;
    char *script = 0;
    char *cmd = 0;
    VALUE res = 0;

    if (argc > 1) {
        script = argv[1];
        printf ("loading ruby script %s\n", script);
        ruby_script (script);
        rb_load_protect (rb_str_new2(script), Qfalse, &state);
        printf ("after load_file errinfo=");
        rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
    if (argc > 2)
        cmd = argv[2];
        cmd = "sayhello(\"world\")";
    printf ("before eval %s\n", cmd);
    res = rb_eval_string_protect (cmd, &state);
    printf ("after eval state=%d res=", state);
    rb_p (res);
    printf ("after eval errinfo=");
    rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
    return state;

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    ruby_init ();
    ruby_init_loadpath (); /* to find the libraries */
    return execute(argc, argv);
} // end of main

svg% testembed_ruby myscript.rb
loading ruby script myscript.rb
loaded myscript.rb
after load_file errinfo=nil
before eval sayhello("world")
hello world
after eval state=0 res=#<IO:0x400a0258>
after eval errinfo=nil

Guy Decoux

ts wrote:

“B” == Basile STARYNKEVITCH writes:

// file testemb_ruby.c

write it like this

svg% cat testembed_ruby.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ruby.h>

int execute(int argc, char **argv)
int state = 0;
char *script = 0;
char *cmd = 0;
VALUE res = 0;

if (argc > 1)  {
    script = argv[1];
    printf ("loading ruby script %s\n", script);
    ruby_script (script);
    rb_load_protect (rb_str_new2(script), Qfalse, &state);
    printf ("after load_file errinfo=");
    rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
if (argc > 2)
    cmd = argv[2];
    cmd = "sayhello(\"world\")";
printf ("before eval %s\n", cmd);
res = rb_eval_string_protect (cmd, &state);
printf ("after eval state=%d res=", state);
rb_p (res);
printf ("after eval errinfo=");
rb_p (ruby_errinfo);
return state;


int main (int argc, char *argv)
ruby_init ();
ruby_init_loadpath (); /
to find the libraries */
return execute(argc, argv);
} // end of main

svg% testembed_ruby myscript.rb
loading ruby script myscript.rb
loaded myscript.rb
after load_file errinfo=nil
before eval sayhello(“world”)
hello world
after eval state=0 res=#IO:0x400a0258
after eval errinfo=nil

That’s interesting; does this way work because Ruby marks the stack and
it was being loaded within an if block, and moving the load calls to a
permanent place on the stack solves the problem?

Sean O'Dell

ts wrote:


rb_load_protect (rb_str_new2(script), Qfalse, &state);


That's interesting; does this way work because Ruby marks the stack and
it was being loaded within an if block, and moving the load calls to a
permanent place on the stack solves the problem?

No, read carefully my example and the original message. In the original
message there is rb_load_file(), but I use rb_load_protect()

  * rb_load_file() read a file and compile it into an AST

  * rb_load_protect() call rb_load() but trap all errors (to be sure to
    don't crash the executable if ruby find an error)
     * rb_load() call rb_load_file() *and then* execute the nodes.

Now if it's written like this

int main (int argc, char **argv)
ruby_init ();
ruby_init_loadpath (); /* to find the libraries */
return execute(argc, argv);
} // end of main

this is to try to protect the VALUE res, if ruby call the GC

Guy Decoux