I want to parse some strings into Date object and I find in rdoc that
strptime is the right place to go. For some formats of string it's
really easy to parse it. For instance, '%Y.%m.%d' will parse something
like '2007.09.12'. But I have two kinds of string that I don't now how
to parse.
'20070912': there is no '.', '-' or '/' as the seperator and '%Y%m%d'
doesn't work, it will throw an exception saying that: "ArgumentError: 3
elements of civil date are necessary".
'2007.09': in this kind of string, I don't care about the exactly
date(in fact, the data I received is lacked of that information). As a
result, '%Y.%m' doesn't work with the same error as above.
How can I deal with this two kinds of string? Thanks a lot.
strptime is the right place to go. For some formats of string it's [...]
'20070912': there is no '.', '-' or '/' as the seperator and '%Y%m%d'
doesn't work, it will throw an exception saying that: "ArgumentError: 3
elements of civil date are necessary".
looks like it would be handy if there is something like
Date.strptime("010207", "%2m%2d%2y").to_s
but right now that won't run. maybe it tries to avoid ambiguity.
you can at least use one of these:
a = "20070923"
if match = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}$)/.match(a)
puts a
'20070912': there is no '.', '-' or '/' as the seperator and '%Y%m%d'
doesn't work, it will throw an exception saying that: "ArgumentError: 3
elements of civil date are necessary".
'2007.09': in this kind of string, I don't care about the exactly
date(in fact, the data I received is lacked of that information). As a
result, '%Y.%m' doesn't work with the same error as above.
How can I deal with this two kinds of string? Thanks a lot.
pieces = str.split(".")
d = Date.new(Integer(pieces[0]), Integer(pieces[1]), 1)
puts d.year #2007
puts d.month #9
rescue ArgumentError
puts "invalid date, e.g. day = 32"
I want to parse some strings into Date object and I find in rdoc that
strptime is the right place to go. For some formats of string it's
really easy to parse it. For instance, '%Y.%m.%d' will parse something
like '2007.09.12'. But I have two kinds of string that I don't now how
to parse.
'20070912': there is no '.', '-' or '/' as the seperator and '%Y%m%d'
doesn't work, it will throw an exception saying that: "ArgumentError: 3
elements of civil date are necessary".
'2007.09': in this kind of string, I don't care about the exactly
date(in fact, the data I received is lacked of that information). As a
result, '%Y.%m' doesn't work with the same error as above.
How can I deal with this two kinds of string? Thanks a lot.
rescue ArgumentError
puts "invalid date, e.g. day = 32"
Actually, that ArgumentError could be caused by both the Integer() and
the Date.new() methods, so if you want to distinguish between the two
errors, you should convert to an Integer() in a different begin/rescue