FYI, I brought this issue up at, where
attr_ methods did what you meant with regards to '?' and '!'.
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Hurley []
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:23 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Question mark in attr_*On 4/13/06, Wiebe Cazemier <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Methods which return booleans end with a question mark, by
> But how about boolean attributes (attr_[reader, accessor, writer])?
> Saying "attr_reader :variable?" won't work. I find it
rather strange
> when you have to access boolean attributes without the
question mark,
> but the methods with the question mark.
>As ruby does not have data types, the onus is on the
developer to spell out that she/he wants such an accessor. So
add this to your
program:class Module
def battr_reader(sym, *more)
battr_reader(*more) unless more.empty?
define_method("#{sym}?") {
!!instance_variable_get("@#{sym}") } end endThen you can add a battr_reader to any class...