Question about regular expression

^ as a first character inside indicates negation, for example [^abc] means a character other then 'a', 'b' or 'c'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gennady Bystritsky
Sent: Mon 1/16/2006 23:47
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Question about regular expression

^ means from the beginning of a line ($ - end of line).
* means that a preceding character or group may be repeated 0 or more times.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Luo []
Sent: Mon 1/16/2006 23:17
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Question about regular expression

Thanks very much, I really appreatiate your help

It does work, but I couldn't figure out what the ^ and * do? could you
explain that in more detail?


2006/1/17, <>:

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Eric Luo wrote:

> Thanks for your replay.
> To make the problem clear.
> I want to only change the regular expression, but not the code to
> this function.
> Actually, the regular expression comes from a configurable table. I'll
> supposed to only have the privilege to update the table.
> So What I really want is a alternative way to in place of the regular
> expression
> (?<!STR )SNPB

   harp:~ > cat a.rb
   strings = "STR SNPB", "STR", "SNPB"

   re = %r/^ (?: (?:[^S]) | (?:S[^T]) | (?:ST[^R]) )* SNPB /ox

   strings.each do |string|
     permutations = string, "foo #{ string }", "#{ string } bar", "foo #{
string } bar"
     permutations.each do |permutation|
       puts "<#{ permutation }> matches" if re.match permutation

   harp:~ > ruby a.rb
   <SNPB> matches
   <foo SNPB> matches
   <SNPB bar> matches
   <foo SNPB bar> matches


strong and healthy, who thinks of sickness until it strikes like
preoccupied with the world, who thinks of death, until it arrives like
thunder? -- milarepa