Question about -r command line option, rubygems

Hi all,

Ruby 1.8.5 (one click)
Windows XP

I'm trying to require a gem from the command line but it's failing:

>C:\ruby -rubygems -rturn test.rb
ruby: no such file to load -- turn (LoadError)

But, I clearly have it installed:

>C:\>ruby -e "require 'turn'"
Loaded suite .


  pass: 0, fail: 0, error: 0
  total: 0 tests with 0 assertions in 0.0 seconds

What am I doing wrong?



Daniel Berger wrote:

Hi all,

Ruby 1.8.5 (one click)
Windows XP

I'm trying to require a gem from the command line but it's failing:

C:\ruby -rubygems -rturn test.rb

ruby: no such file to load -- turn (LoadError)

But, I clearly have it installed:

C:\>ruby -e "require 'turn'"

Loaded suite .

pass: 0, fail: 0, error: 0
total: 0 tests with 0 assertions in 0.0 seconds

-r probably only uses the "vanilla" semantics of require, and only
interpreted code picks up the hacks^Wimprovements that rubygems makes.

David Vallner

The problem is that unfortunately the -r option doesn't use the
hookable require method, but rather the C function that require
delegates to (which isn't a Ruby method, so it's not overrideable).
So, you're not doing anything wrong.



On 11/17/06, Daniel Berger <> wrote:

Hi all,

Ruby 1.8.5 (one click)
Windows XP

I'm trying to require a gem from the command line but it's failing:

>C:\ruby -rubygems -rturn test.rb
ruby: no such file to load -- turn (LoadError)

But, I clearly have it installed:

>C:\>ruby -e "require 'turn'"
Loaded suite .

  pass: 0, fail: 0, error: 0
  total: 0 tests with 0 assertions in 0.0 seconds

What am I doing wrong?

Chad Fowler wrote:


> What am I doing wrong?

The problem is that unfortunately the -r option doesn't use the
hookable require method, but rather the C function that require
delegates to (which isn't a Ruby method, so it's not overrideable).
So, you're not doing anything wrong.

Hm, could it be altered to use the hookable require method? If so, what
would be the downside?

- Dan