Q: send_file with Ruby 1.9.1 only works for text files

When I use Ruby 1.8.6 my Rails app works fine. Under Ruby 1.9.1 in
development mode Webrick is trying to "split" binary data and throws
an error:

#<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>
webrick_server.rb:136:in `split'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/
`extract_header_and_body'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/
`handle_dispatch'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/
rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:74:in `service'", "/Users/markw/bin/
ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'", "/Users/
markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'", "/
Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block
in start_thread'"]

As much as possible I am trying convert all my Ruby code and Rails
apps to Ruby 1.9.x and this is one of the last problems that I am
having problems working around.

I have tried several combinations of send_file calls like:

send_file(filename, :filename => asset.filename, :type => :jpeg)

and none work - unless I am sending a plain text file.

This is obviously a unicode problem.


When I use Ruby 1.8.6 my Rails app works fine. Under Ruby 1.9.1 in
development mode Webrick is trying to "split" binary data and throws
an error:

#<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>

Is webrick part of the standard distribution? (been years since I used it!) Does its tests run?

Does Thin work for you? I've been running Ruby 1.9.1 for a while now on Thin and it works pretty well. I haven't sent any binary data yet though.


On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 02:10:00 +0900, Mark Watson wrote:

webrick_server.rb:136:in `split'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/
`extract_header_and_body'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/
`handle_dispatch'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/
rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:74:in `service'", "/Users/markw/bin/
ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'", "/Users/
markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'", "/
Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block
in start_thread'"]

As much as possible I am trying convert all my Ruby code and Rails
apps to Ruby 1.9.x and this is one of the last problems that I am
having problems working around.

I have tried several combinations of send_file calls like:

send_file(filename, :filename => asset.filename, :type => :jpeg)

and none work - unless I am sending a plain text file.

This is obviously a unicode problem.


BTW, I can patch webrick_server.rb to make everything work:

    def extract_header_and_body(data)
      data = data.read

      # MLW 2/1/2009
      if data.ascii_only?
        raw_header, body = *data.split(/^[\xd\xa]{2}/on, 2)
        aa = data.lines.to_a
        ind = aa.index("\r\n")
        raw_header = aa[0...ind].join
        body = aa[ind+1..-1].join

      #raw_header, body = *data.split(/^[\xd\xa]{2}/on, 2)
      header = WEBrick::HTTPUtils::parse_header(raw_header)

      return header, body


On Feb 1, 10:08 am, Mark Watson <mark.wat...@gmail.com> wrote:

When I use Ruby 1.8.6 my Rails app works fine. Under Ruby 1.9.1 in
development mode Webrick is trying to "split" binary data and throws
an error:

#<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>
webrick_server.rb:136:in `split'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/
`extract_header_and_body'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/
`handle_dispatch'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/
rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:74:in `service'", "/Users/markw/bin/
ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'", "/Users/
markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'", "/
Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block
in start_thread'"]

As much as possible I am trying convert all my Ruby code and Rails
apps to Ruby 1.9.x and this is one of the last problems that I am
having problems working around.

I have tried several combinations of send_file calls like:

send_file(filename, :filename => asset.filename, :type => :jpeg)

and none work - unless I am sending a plain text file.

This is obviously a unicode problem.


Thanks for the reference David.

I could not build thin on OS X using Ruby 1.9.1:
rubymain.cpp: In function ‘VALUE t_invoke_popen(VALUE, VALUE)’:
rubymain.cpp:466: error: ‘struct RArray’ has no member named ‘len’

Looks like the code is not updated for the unicode implementation in
Ruby 1.9.1


On Feb 1, 11:34 am, David Palm <dvd...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 02:10:00 +0900, Mark Watson wrote:
> When I use Ruby 1.8.6 my Rails app works fine. Under Ruby 1.9.1 in
> development mode Webrick is trying to "split" binary data and throws
> an error:

> #<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>

Is webrick part of the standard distribution? (been years since I used it!) Does its tests run?

Does Thin work for you? I've been running Ruby 1.9.1 for a while now on Thin and it works pretty well. I haven't sent any binary data yet though.

> ["/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/
> webrick_server.rb:136:in `split'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/
> gems/1.9.1/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:136:in
> `extract_header_and_body'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/
> 1.9.1/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:109:in
> `handle_dispatch'", "/Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/
> rails-2.2.2/lib/webrick_server.rb:74:in `service'", "/Users/markw/bin/
> ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'", "/Users/
> markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'", "/
> Users/markw/bin/ruby19/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block
> in start_thread'"]

> As much as possible I am trying convert all my Ruby code and Rails
> apps to Ruby 1.9.x and this is one of the last problems that I am
> having problems working around.

> I have tried several combinations of send_file calls like:

> send_file(filename, :filename => asset.filename, :type => :jpeg)

> and none work - unless I am sending a plain text file.

> This is obviously a unicode problem.

> Thanks,
> Mark