Q: How do I

Hallo ruby users,

I' writing a tool to display bibliographical data in columns and I want to
employ glade for the first time. My display gets built with the source
below, but I don't get any columns. Can someone please comment?



require 'libglade2'

class Rbib
  def initialize(path)
    @glade = GladeXML.new(path) {|handler| method(handler)}
    @view = @glade.get_widget("treeview1")
    # key, title, name, year, rank, category
    @liststore = Gtk::ListStore.new(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
    iter = @liststore.append
    iter[0] = "key"
    iter[1] = "title"
    iter[2] = "name"
    iter[3] = "year"
    iter[4] = "rank"
    iter[5] = "category"

    %w{key title name year rank category}.each_with_index do |title, i|
      col = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, Gtk::CellRendererText.new, {:text => 0})

# just do simple stuff for now
  def on_quit

Gnome::Program.new("test", "0.1")
Rbib.new(File.dirname($0) + "/test.glade")


Hallo ruby users,

I' writing a tool to display bibliographical data in columns and I want to
employ glade for the first time. My display gets built with the source
below, but I don't get any columns. Can someone please comment?



require 'libglade2'

class Rbib
  def initialize(path)
    @glade = GladeXML.new(path) {|handler| method(handler)}
    @view = @glade.get_widget("treeview1")
    # key, title, name, year, rank, category
    @liststore = Gtk::ListStore.new(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
    iter = @liststore.append
    iter[0] = "key"
    iter[1] = "title"
    iter[2] = "name"
    iter[3] = "year"
    iter[4] = "rank"
    iter[5] = "category"

You seem to forgot to plug your model (liststore) in the view there.

    %w{key title name year rank category}.each_with_index do |title, i|
      col = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, Gtk::CellRendererText.new, {:text => 0})

I believe you meant

:text => 1


# just do simple stuff for now
  def on_quit

Gnome::Program.new("test", "0.1")
Rbib.new(File.dirname($0) + "/test.glade")

This is the best I can do without seeing the .glade file. If these
changes do not work please post your .glade file :slight_smile:



On 5/11/05, Guido de Melo <gdm@animanga.de> wrote: