Q about the FasterCSV

Dave Burt [mailto:dave@burt.id.au] :
  James Edward Gray II wrote:
# > Good points all around. Dave knows this code better than I do,
# > clearly. :wink:


# Thanks, but credit to you -- IIRC part of your stated aim for
# FasterCSV
# was to make it short, legible, and therefore maintainable,
# and if I can
# pick up this stuff in literally one minute of looking at the code,
# you've succeeded. Well done.

Dave and James, you've done a great work on csv parsing. I really do not mind if you provide a second/another version of fastercsv. maybe name it fastercsv2 or lenientcsv, i do not care, as long as it does the job. in this case, speed comes last (and ignored) once a problem is solved.

thanks for csv and kind regards -botp

To me, the problem is solved. For the record, that problem was that the standard CSV library was too slow for some uses. We fixed that and more.

I'll leave the other library for you. :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 27, 2006, at 9:36 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

in this case, speed comes last (and ignored) once a problem is solved.