Q about the FasterCSV

Dave Burt [mailto:dave@burt.id.au] :

# Oh, I don't want the patch. It's a terrible idea! "foo, bar, 'baz'"
# aren't CSV, they're CASWSSV (comma and some white-space separated
# values). That's got to be a whole new library :slight_smile:

as long as the values are bounded by a comma, then they are csv delimited. space is a value, right?


   "foo, bar, 'baz'", foo, "bar" , foo"bar", foo'bar'

can be parsed as (by the eye as of the moment):

   ["foo, bar, 'baz'"," foo"," \"bar\" "," foo\"bar\""," foo'bar'"]

maybe, this can be a nice little rubyquiz?

not all data is perfect, that is why there are rubyists like Dave and James :slight_smile:

thanks and kind regards -botp

There's no problem with the space, correct. The quote after it is what makes the document illegal. You always have to escape the escape character, and that's the quote. To do that, a field must begin with a quote...

What's the correct way to handle:

one, "two"

? Is the second field two or "two" or <space>"two". I have no idea. I do know that it is invalid CSV though. :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 27, 2006, at 9:36 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

as long as the values are bounded by a comma, then they are csv delimited. space is a value, right?