I'd like to open up test::unit to add default logging to setup and
teardown. In java I did this with a base test class that every other
test extended, but that was never very nice as you had to remember to
call super in subclasses. The other option was adding aspects and all
that complexity. So I thought I could do it nicer in ruby with the
alias_method :old_setup, :setup
def setup
logger.debug "**** Beginning setup for: #{name} ****"
Is this the proper way to extend builtin methods, and still preserve
the old behavior? I'm thinking the timing that the above code gets
called is important. Right now I'm getting one test error when I
extend setup as above, as opposed to leaving it out, so I must be dong
something wrong.
Btw - this w/i a Rails app (the above code is w/i test_helper), but I
figured this is more ruby then rails specific.