Hello Rubyists,
I'm happy to announce a project/release that delivers Ruby/Rubygems Solaris packages. Also bundled are DTrace support, extensions, performance fixes for Solaris. We plan to add the Rails ecosystem in our next release.
So if you're in need of a installable packages( or code to create them), please visit:
There are, of course, at least a couple of other ways to get your pre-built copy on Solaris, and the RubyOpenSolaris project does not overlap with those.
Feel free to add yourself to the below mailing lists to track / influence the contents / delivery of these packages @
rubyopensolaris-discuss@rubyforge.org for general discussions / feature requests etc.,
rubyopensolaris-announce@rubyforge.org for new release announcements.
rubyopensolaris-development@rubyforge.org for development discussions.
Best Regards,
Prashant Srinivasan
F/OSS Enthusiast
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x82FBDE5A