James, Jacob, Matthew, Robert, and Pedro:
Thanks for bearing with me!
And thanks for the pointer to the newer API
docs. It's good to have.
Additional comments below.
Jacob Fugal wrote:
The best thing any of us, you and me included, can do about this
situation is not to try to engineer a better solution than RDoc, but
to go in and *write documentation*. I've started with the webrick
library myself -- hopefully another couple months down the road I can
get it finished and added to ruby-doc.org.
Agreed. The issue is not with the mechanism, but the
content. I much prefer the layout of the builder.rubyforge
pages, but that's not really a big issue.
When it comes to making improvements, Wiki pages are terrific. I created InstallingRuby and InstallingRubyGems
pages at http://wiki.rubygarden.org/Ruby, for the very
reason that I wanted to give back to the community. When
I can make things easier for someone coming along behind
me, I figure I've done my job.
I'll be happy to add material to the API comments, as
well. But it would be easier to do if there were some
sort of Wiki mechanism for that purpose.
For the moment, I'm pretty much coming up to speed on the
language and getting standard idioms ingrained so they're
at my fingertips. Things are progressing nicely, but I'm
not yet at the point that I download sources from a
remote cvs repository (although, when it comes to that,
I would prefer a remote Subversion repository).
So, that said, what's the best way to feedback info into
the APIs? Do I need to access the source code? If so,
where is it? The ruby-doc site doesn't have a link. I
tried rexml.sourceforge, but that doesn't exist. REXML's
home page has a link to Kou's Documentation Page, but
that link is broken. I can download the development
tree from that site, it gives no indication of how to
feedback any changes.
In short, I would love to add the following notes to
the API docs, somewhere:
--returns a symbol
:attribute -- use node.value to get text
:comment -- use node.to_s to get text
:text -- use node.value to get text
:cdata (maybe. not verified)
:element -- see below
--returns an attribute node . Use .value on the
attribute node (like a text node) to get it's string
--iterates over all child nodes
see also: each_element, each_recursive
--returns an array of child nodes
But feeding back information like this should be
trivial. It should be a no-brainer. It should not
be the major undertaking that it is turning out to be.
thanks again, all
it's good to have friends