Problems to Compile Ruby19 using MSYS and MinGW on Windows for Ruby19 Snapshots starting 2007

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner schrieb:

I cannot create Ruby 1.9 on Windows for snapshots starting January 2007. For older snapshots I have a working envoironment and procedure...

I tried it again today - and it works :-))

The snapshot I used is from yesterday and the MSYS/MinGW environment is not the newest one. I deleted the "win32ole" subdirectory before I started (there were several Problems related to it in the past).

I don't know if changes in the snapshot or changes of the environment made the difference, but now it works.

Here are the detailed steps for your information:

     * MinGW-5.0.2.exe installed
     * MSYS-1.0.10.exe installed
     * msysDTK-1.0.1.exe installed
     * bison-2.0-MSYS.tar.gz, msys-autoconf-2.59.tar.bz2, and
       msys-automake-1.8.2.tar.bz2 copied to the "msys" directory
     * start MSYS Prompt:
           o cd /
           o tar -jxf msys-automake-1.8.2.tar.bz2
           o tar -jxf msys-autoconf-2.59.tar.bz2
           o tar -zxf bison-2.0-MSYS.tar.gz
     * to users home extracted
     * actual Ruby snapshot snapshot.tar.gz copied to users home
     * start MSYS Prompt:
           o tar xzvf snapshot.tar.gz
     * directory \home\<user>\ruby\ext\win32ole deleted.
     * start MSYS Prompt:
           o cd ruby
           o autoconf
           o mkdir build
           o cd build
           o ../configure --with-baseruby=/home/wolfgang/ruby-1.8.6/bin/ruby.exe --prefix=/ruby19 --program-suffix=19
           o make
           o make test (several errors)
           o make install-nodoc (problems with 128 MB to generate doc)

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner