Ah - so you mean you want to implement starts_with? yourself. Sure,
then, as you've been shown, you can just implement a method on String.
However, please do note that my solution *is* "simple ruby", not rails.
What I showed you is how I would do it. In other words, there is nothing
wrong with "stealing" existing code by requiring (and possibly
including) an existing module. I do this kind of thing all the time. For
example, I don't use rails, but I do use the active support -> string
core extensions quite a bit (esp. the unicode stuff). Why reinvent the
wheel? Sure, it happens that in your case it's a very easy wheel to
reinvent; I'm just saying that snarfing up stuff from libraries into
your scripts isn't something to run away from, it's something to run
towards. It's the Ruby way. m.
Skave Rat <skaverat@rf-linux.org> wrote:
matt neuburg wrote:
> Skave Rat <skaverat@rf-linux.org> wrote:
>> How can I get this code to work in my classes?
>> http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/CoreExtensions/String/
>> StartsEndsWith.html
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'activesupport'
> include ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String
> puts "howdy".starts_with?("ho")
> Is that the kind of thing you mean? m.
hm, yea, but the problem is it's not rails but simple ruby.
So I'd just like to add
def starts_with?(prefix)
prefix = prefix.to_s
self[0, prefix.length] == prefix
to my code where I can use it on all strings inside.