Problem with ssl and webrick

I have a problem with running webrick as https server.
is this a kown problem or something i could correct in my

s =
  :ServerName => SERVERNAME,
  :Port => 443,
  :SSLEnable => true,
  #:SSLVerifyClient => ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERITY_NONE,
  #:SSLCertName => [ [ 'C','LI' ], ['O','servername'], ['CN','WWW'] ],
  :DocumentRoot => ROOTPATH + "/htdocs" )

# ruby server-test.rb
[2004-06-20 01:49:42] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2004-06-20 01:49:42] INFO ruby 1.8.1 (2004-05-02) [i386-freebsd5]
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ssl.rb:55:in `initialize': cannot convert nil into String (TypeError)
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ssl.rb:55:in `new'
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ssl.rb:55:in `create_self_signed_cert'
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ssl.rb:106:in `setup_ssl_context'
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/ssl.rb:90:in `listen'
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:63:in `initialize'
         from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:24:in `initialize'
         from server-test.rb:114:in `new'
         from server-test.rb:114

I have a problem with running webrick as https server.
is this a kown problem or something i could correct in my

s =
  :ServerName => SERVERNAME,
  :Port => 443,
  :SSLEnable => true,

This requires the next two lines to be un-commented.

  #:SSLVerifyClient => ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERITY_NONE,

This should be VERIFY_NONE

  #:SSLCertName => [ [ 'C','LI' ], ['O','servername'], ['CN','WWW'] ],
  :DocumentRoot => ROOTPATH + "/htdocs" )

# ruby server-test.rb


I cannot dupe your problem, the snippet above is incomplete.


Karl-Heinz Wild ( wrote:

Eric Hodel - -
All messages signed with fingerprint:
FEC2 57F1 D465 EB15 5D6E 7C11 332A 551C 796C 9F04

So stupid. That's the fault. Thank you very much.


On 20.06.2004, at 03:49, Eric Hodel wrote:

I have a problem with running webrick as https server.
is this a kown problem or something i could correct in my

s =
  :ServerName => SERVERNAME,
  :Port => 443,
  :SSLEnable => true,

This requires the next two lines to be un-commented.

  #:SSLVerifyClient => ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERITY_NONE,

This should be VERIFY_NONE
