Problem with Solaris extension for 'ps'

Hi all,

Ruby 1.6.7 on Solaris 8.

I’m working on a Ruby extension for the ‘ps’ command. I’ve got a
working version for Linux (at home), but I’m hitting a snag with my
Solaris version. It compiles, it runs - then it core dumps. The
problem appears to be something it doesn’t like about the way I create
my return struct. There are some debug printf statements in there. It
appears to core dump the moment it tries to return a rb_struct. Any
ideas? Something wrong with the way I create the struct? Some malloc
that needs doing?

Here’s the source, plus a simple extconf.rb and test.rb

Thanks much.




require 'mkmf’


require 'sys/proctable’
include Sys do |p|
puts "Pid: " +
puts "PPid: " + p.ppid.to_s


  • Solaris specific code for the Ruby ps extension
    #include “ruby.h”
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <dirent.h>
    #include <procfs.h>
    #include <sys/param.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern “C”

VALUE cProcTable, sProcStruct;

static void proctable_free(void *p)

static VALUE proctable_getprocstruct(struct psinfo *p)
printf(“Creating proc struct\n”);
return rb_struct_new(sProcStruct,

static VALUE proctable_ps()
DIR *procdir;
struct dirent *procdirp;
int psdata;
char pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
struct psinfo p;

if( (procdir = opendir( “/proc” )) == NULL ) return;

while( (procdirp = readdir(procdir)) != NULL )
printf(“In the loop…\n”);
/* Only look at this file if it’s a proc id; that is, all numbers
if( strtok(procdirp->d_name, “0123456789”) != NULL ){ continue; }
printf(“We’re looking at numbered dirs…\n”);

  /* Construct path of the form /proc/proc_number */
  strcpy( pathbuf, "/proc/");
  strcat( pathbuf, procdirp->d_name );

  strcat( pathbuf, "/psinfo" ); /* Solaris 2.6+ has process info

here */
printf(“Directory is now: %s\n”,pathbuf);

  if( (psdata = open( pathbuf, O_RDONLY )) == -1 ) continue;

  read(psdata, (void *) &p, sizeof(struct psinfo) );
  printf("Data read into psdata struct\n");
  printf("Pid: %lu\n",p.pr_pid);


  printf("psdata closed\n");
  if( rb_block_given_p() )
     VALUE temp = proctable_getprocstruct(&p);
     /*rb_yield( proctable_getprocstruct(&p) );*/
     printf("Struct created\n");
  printf("Yo - we ain't making it here\n");


void Init_proctable()
VALUE sys_mSys;

sys_mSys = rb_define_module(“Sys”);
cProcTable = rb_define_class_under(sys_mSys, “ProcTable”,


rb_define_singleton_method(cProcTable, “ps”, proctable_ps, 0);

#ifdef __cplusplus



At Tue, 2 Jul 2002 04:34:51 +0900, Mr. Sunblade wrote:

I’m working on a Ruby extension for the ‘ps’ command. I’ve got a
working version for Linux (at home), but I’m hitting a snag with my
Solaris version. It compiles, it runs - then it core dumps. The
problem appears to be something it doesn’t like about the way I create
my return struct. There are some debug printf statements in there. It
appears to core dump the moment it tries to return a rb_struct. Any
ideas? Something wrong with the way I create the struct? Some malloc
that needs doing?

You don’t store the defined Struct.

Nobu Nakada