Hi all,
Ruby 1.8.2
Windows XP Pro
I'm trying to add a local user account with the following code:
# adsi_test.rb
require "socket"
require "win32ole"
host = Socket.gethostname
adsi = WIN32OLE.connect("WinNT://#{host},Computer")
u = adsi.create("user","bar")
u.setinfo # Boom!
It chokes on the setinfo call with this:
win32.rb:345:in `method_missing': setinfo (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
OLE error code:800708C5 in <Unknown>
<No Description>
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
Exception occurred. from win32.rb:345:in `add_user'
from win32.rb:385
Where "800708C5" is the error code for a password policy violation,
which generally means it's too short or has been used previously.
However, no matter what password I try, I get the same error.
What am I doing wrong?