Problem building mod_ruby 1.1.2 on Mac OS X 10.3

I’m trying to set up my Mac so I can write .rhtml files in Ruby.

I’ve downloaded and built eRuby 1.0.5 and apache 2.0.48 and they both seem

I’m now trying build mod_ruby.

I start with ./configure --with-apxs

Then make

With this I get the following error after a load of other stuff before that
looks like it works.

ld: Undefined symbols:
make: *** [] Error 1

What do I do to solve this? Where do I start? What should I look at? Should
I be pointing to a directory? Where would all these things that are missing

I’m kind of out of my depth here, as I’m not an expert in any of this



In article 40283837$0$16188$,


Roman Marszalek wrote:

I’m trying to set up my Mac so I can write .rhtml files in Ruby.

I’ve downloaded and built eRuby 1.0.5 and apache 2.0.48 and they both seem

I’m now trying build mod_ruby.

I start with ./configure --with-apxs

Then make

With this I get the following error after a load of other stuff before that
looks like it works.

ld: Undefined symbols:

My guess is you need to include some directory or library that contains
these functions. Is it possible ‘ap’ means Apache? If so, check out
the Apache libraries.

Robert B. Peirce, Venetia, PA 724-941-6883
bob AT [Mac]
rbp AT [Office]

Hello Robert,

Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 2:05:05 AM, you wrote:

In article <40283837$0$16188$>,

I'm trying to set up my Mac so I can write .rhtml files in Ruby.

I've downloaded and built eRuby 1.0.5 and apache 2.0.48 and they both seem

I'm now trying build mod_ruby.

I start with ./configure --with-apxs

Then make

With this I get the following error after a load of other stuff before that
looks like it works.

ld: Undefined symbols:

My guess is you need to include some directory or library that contains
these functions. Is it possible '_ap_' means Apache? If so, check out
the Apache libraries.

This is off-topic here. Please use the mod_ruby mailing list.


Roman Marszalek <> wrote:

Best regards,