Priority queue using RBTree

I couldn't find a nice PriorityQueue in ruby, so I patched one together using Queue and RBTree. Here it is. Hope someone will find it useful. A test of the priority ordering property is included. You can find RBTree using RAA or rpa, but not gem.

require 'rbtree'
require 'thread'

class PriorityQueue < Queue
   module MakeMultiRBTreeLikePriorityQueue
     # Push object with priority specified by +pri+ or the object's
     # #queue_priority method.
     def push(obj, pri = obj.queue_priority)
       store(pri, obj)

     # Return oldest item among those with highest key.
     def shift
       last && delete(last[0])

   def initialize(*)
     @que =
     @que.extend MakeMultiRBTreeLikePriorityQueue

   # Push +obj+ with priority equal to +pri+ if given or, otherwise,
   # the result of sending #queue_priority to +obj+. Objects are
   # dequeued in priority order, and first-in-first-out among objects
   # with equal priorities. Implementation is the same as the std lib,
   # except for the priority arg.
   def push(obj, pri = obj.queue_priority)
     Thread.critical = true
     @que.push obj, pri
       t = @waiting.shift
       t.wakeup if t
     rescue ThreadError
       Thread.critical = false
     begin if t
     rescue ThreadError


Thread.abort_on_exception = true

pq =

n = 100

t1 = do
   n.times do |i|
     pri = rand(5)
     pq.push([pri, i], pri)

result = []

t2 = do
   n.times do
     result << pq.pop


#puts {|a| a.inspect}.join("\n")

sorted_result = result.sort do |(pri1,i1),(pri2,i2)|
   [pri2,i1] <=> [pri1,i2]

#puts {|a| a.inspect}.join("\n")

raise unless result == sorted_result

Thanks! (And thanks for mailing directly--the gateway seems to be
list->ng only these days.)

I would also like rbtree in the stdlib... anyone else?

Btw, these aliases should be added to PriorityQueue for completeness, in case you use << or enq:

   alias << push
   alias enq push

··· wrote:

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

very cool joel - i'm pasting this one into my personal lib. i use rbtree all
the time and think it's one of the most underrated libs on the raa - i'd be
great to see it in the core...

I couldn't find a nice PriorityQueue in ruby, so I patched one together
using Queue and RBTree. Here it is. Hope someone will find it useful. A
test of the priority ordering property is included. You can find RBTree
using RAA or rpa, but not gem.