Printing on new lines


iv written a class which prints a a number of hashes of refrences

however it all prints on one line. What i was wondering was it is
possible to print each reference on a different line.

Any help would be much appreciated
my code is below


$linecount = 0

  database = {}

  opts.each do |opt, arg|
    case opt
      when '--style'
         require arg
      when '--database' { | handle |
  last_tag = nil

  handle.each { | line |

  m = line.match(/^(\w+):\s*([\w+,\s]+)$/i)

    if m # if m is a match (i.e., not nil)

      if m[1] == 'Tag' # adds a key to the hash

        last_tag = m[2].chomp

        database[last_tag] = {} # makes a subhash as the value


        database[last_tag][m[1]] = m[2].chomp






  print "Number of References: ", database.length, "\n" # prints number
of references

  print "Hash Contents: ", database.inspect, "\n" # prints hash contents


Posted via

Hello Jonathan,

For readability and reusability you should extract the database making
code out of the when block and into its own method (and $linecount is
obsolete now), so...


On Dec 7, 6:18 am, Johnathan Smith <> wrote:


iv written a class which prints a a number of hashes of refrences

however it all prints on one line. What i was wondering was it is
possible to print each reference on a different line.

Any help would be much appreciated
my code is below


$linecount = 0

  database = {}

  opts.each do |opt, arg|
    case opt
      when '--style'
         require arg
      when '--database' { | handle |
  last_tag = nil

  handle.each { | line |

  m = line.match(/^(\w+):\s*([\w+,\s]+)$/i)

    if m # if m is a match (i.e., not nil)

      if m[1] == 'Tag' # adds a key to the hash

        last_tag = m[2].chomp

        database[last_tag] = {} # makes a subhash as the value


        database[last_tag][m[1]] = m[2].chomp






  print "Number of References: ", database.length, "\n" # prints number
of references

  print "Hash Contents: ", database.inspect, "\n" # prints hash contents
Posted via


def make_database(filename)
  database = {} { | handle |
    last_tag = nil
    handle.each { | line |
      m = line.match(/^(\w+):\s*([\w+,\s]+)$/i)
      if m # if m is a match (i.e., not nil)
        if m[1] == 'Tag' # adds a key to the hash
          last_tag = m[2].chomp
          database[last_tag] = {} # makes a subhash as the value
          database[last_tag][m[1]] = m[2].chomp
  return database

database = {}

## where is opts coming from in this code??

opts.each do |opt, arg|
  case opt
    when '--style'
      require arg
    when '--database'
      database = make_database(arg)


Now after #make_database has been called, you can do whatever you like
with the database hash, for example (assuming your previous
reference.txt), to print out a sorted inventory with metadata:


# this makes an array of arrays, and each
# subarray is an array of strings, sorted
# on the hash keys, which are composed of
# each hash entry and its subhash data
refs = { | title |
  subhash = database[title]
  ["Reference: #{title}",
   "Type: #{subhash['Type']}",
   "Author: #{subhash['Author']}"]

# refs now looks like:
#[["Reference: ref1",
# "Type: Book",
# "Author: Little, S R"],
# ["Reference: ref2",
# "Type: Journal",
# "Author: Smith, J"],
# ["Reference: ref3",
# "Type: Conference Paper",
# "Author: Williams, M"]]

refs.each_with_index { | ref, i |
  puts ref # puts automatically prints each
           # item of an array on a new line

  # print a newline in between refs unless
  # its the last one
  puts if i < refs.length-1


This outputs:

Reference: ref1
Type: Book
Author: Little, S R

Reference: ref2
Type: Journal
Author: Smith, J

Reference: ref3
Type: Conference Paper
Author: Williams, M

Look at the Hash and Array classes to see exactly what these methods
are doing:


require 'pp'
puts "Hash Contents: ", database.pretty_inspect # prints hash


On Dec 7, 5:18 am, Johnathan Smith <> wrote:

iv written a class which prints a a number of hashes of refrences

however it all prints on one line. What i was wondering was it is
possible to print each reference on a different line.