I wonder, what are your solutions for pretty printing Ruby code,
as for printing on real paper, spreading it across a table
and reviewing it and marking it with handwritten notes etc.
Currently I source highlight via enscript and do 4-on-1 like this:
cat bla.ruby |
fold -w 89 |
enscript -Eruby -c -B -h -p- -fCourier10 --margins=15:15:30:30 | pstops -pa4
..but I guess you have also nice solutions to this problem?
Alternative recommendations welcome!
IIRC this is an area where most editors and IDEs excel at. Netbeans is what
I used for printing Ruby code before, it doesn't fuss much about any
language really. Though I imagine most editors that do syntax highlighting
will have a good print option as well.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Martin Pirker <nospam@domain.invalid> wrote:
I wonder, what are your solutions for pretty printing Ruby code,
as for printing on real paper, spreading it across a table
and reviewing it and marking it with handwritten notes etc.
http://richardconroy.blogspot.com | http://twitter.com/RichardConroy
I use Latex with the listings package.
#include the package
#set some nice print options and indicate the file
\lstset{numbers=left, stepnumber=1}
\lstset{commentstyle=\color{blue}, stringstyle=\color{green},showspaces=false}
Kind regards,
On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:10 PM, Martin Pirker wrote:
I wonder, what are your solutions for pretty printing Ruby code,
as for printing on real paper, spreading it across a table
and reviewing it and marking it with handwritten notes etc.
Currently I source highlight via enscript and do 4-on-1 like this:
cat bla.ruby |
fold -w 89 |
enscript -Eruby -c -B -h -p- -fCourier10 --margins=15:15:30:30 | pstops -pa4
..but I guess you have also nice solutions to this problem?
Alternative recommendations welcome!