Hi everybody,
I'm writing a fairly open-ended question. I'm hoping for suggestions,
opinions, advice. Suppose I have n arrays, each of which has m
entries. m is a fairly large integer, on the order of 10,000. Each
entry is either 1 or 0.
The first task I need to accomplish is figuring out how many times a 1
occurs in the ith entry in an array. So for concreteness, if I had
first = [1,0,0,0,0]
second = [1,1,0,0,0]
third = [0,0,0,1,0]
I would end up with
count = [2,1,0,1,0]
I'm just trying to give the general flavor of what I'm working on. I
know I can use some simple each_with_index loops to increment
count[index] (something along the lines of:)
count = Array.new(m,0)
[first, second, third].each do |array|
array.each_with_index do |item, index|
count[index] += item
There are going to be m * 3n * (two constant multipliers for the
looping) object allocations and method calls. m is fairly large, and I
have other, similar, tasks to accomplish with this data. The faster I
can process this data, the more data I can process in a given amount of
time, and the more accurate the analysis will be.
Is there a slick way to do this with unpacking and packing? Or some
other way to do this with strings? Any modules or libraries I should
look into? I'm fairly new to Ruby, though not to scientific
computation. I realize I won't be able to do this any faster than with
m * n * (a constant multiplier), but I need that constant multiplier to
be as small as possible. Any advice would be appreciated.
'cid 'ooh