Powered by Ruby icon?


I want to put an icon saying "Powered by Ruby" on my web site. Where's the
official one to use?

I also want to say "Powered by WEBrick", so I invented this proof-of-concept

If anyone wants to put a little more brick into that, or to re-do it, if the
result works I will use it.



  http://www.greencheese.org/ZeekLand <-- NOT a blog!!!

Phlip wrote:


I want to put an icon saying "Powered by Ruby" on my web site. Where's the official one to use?

Luckily, very little in Ruby is "official".

But there is a selection listed at




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys


I want to put an icon saying "Powered by Ruby" on my web site.
Where's the official one to use?

I use portable network graphics (PNG) file that is 87 pixel wide and
17 pixel high and has a file size of 202 byte. I manifactured it using
a text editor; feel free to use it.

I think it is okay to attach such a tiny file so here it is. If you
have trouble viewing the attachment you can find the icon at

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt


At Sat, 24 Sep 2005 07:01:40 +0900, Phlip wrote:
It's high time to realize that no matter where you live protecting
the environment and saving oil and other rare ressources is a matter
of national security and sustained prosperity.

Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT wrote:

I think it is okay to attach such a tiny file so here it is.

Google admitted it, but in general most servers will strip it, or
bounce your post.

If you
have trouble viewing the attachment you can find the icon at

It turns out I already say "powered by webrick", so I didn't want
another "powered" in the badge strip. So I went with one that says
"ruby the language".

It's high time to realize that no matter where you live protecting
the environment and saving oil and other rare ressources is a matter
of national security and sustained prosperity.

You liberal! Don't you know that buying lots of SUVs intimidates other
countries and keeps the prices low??

