Popen, open3 problems


I think this problem is surely solved but hven't found anything on the net:

I get two programs:
1. a ruby (master)
2. a perl (slave)

I want the master to set commands to the slave and wait for the answer
(repeatedly). So a conversation could look like this:

m: set_var
m: v=8
s: set
m: get_var
m: v
s: 8

The problem is that ruby refuses to write to stdin of the slave until I
close the pipe. But I want to use the pipe repeatedly. Did I miss
something about IPC?


My curent progs look like this:

require 'fcntl'
require 'open3'

pin, pout, perr = Open3.popen3('perl test.pl')
    pin.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK)
    pout.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK)
    perr.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK)

pin.syswrite "set_var\n"
pin.syswrite "v=8\n"
#pin.close_write #<----------don't want to do this but have to!
puts result


perl slave:

while ($line = <STDIN>) { #first line is the command
if ($line eq "set_var") { &set_var;}
elsif ($line eq "quit") { exit 0;}

sub set_var {
$var=<STDIN>; #second...lines are the params; get the var
print "set."; #return a confirmation


I think this problem is surely solved but hven't found anything on the net:

I get two programs:
1. a ruby (master)
2. a perl (slave)

I want the master to set commands to the slave and wait for the answer
(repeatedly). So a conversation could look like this:

m: set_var
m: v=8
s: set
m: get_var
m: v
s: 8

The problem is that ruby refuses to write to stdin of the slave until I
close the pipe. But I want to use the pipe repeatedly. Did I miss
something about IPC?

   man stdio

My curent progs look like this:

require 'fcntl'
require 'open3'

     harp:~ > cat a.rb
     require 'open3'

     Open3.popen3 "perl a.pl" do |i,o,e|
       i.puts 'set_var'
       i.puts 'v=8'
       i.flush # <<---

       puts o.gets

     harp:~ > cat a.pl

     $| = 1; # <<---

     while ($line = <STDIN>) {
       if ($line eq "set_var") { &set_var;}
       elsif ($line eq "quit") { exit 0;}

     sub set_var { $var=<STDIN>; chomp($var); print "set.$var\n"; }

     harp:~ > ruby a.rb



On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Peter Schrammel wrote:
my religion is very simple. my religion is kindness. -- the dalai lama

Peter Schrammel wrote:

/ ...

pin.syswrite "set_var\n"
pin.syswrite "v=8\n"
#pin.close_write #<----------don't want to do this but have to!

Have you tried "pin.flush" ?


Paul Lutus

Are you sure it's that Ruby didn't send the data, and not that perl
didn't answer yet?

I.e., have you tried setting $| on the perl side?

I love perl, it's an awesome language, but unfortunately there are many
magic nooks and crannies.

lg, Bernd


Peter Schrammel <peter.schrammel@gmx.de> wrote:

The problem is that ruby refuses to write to stdin of the slave until I
close the pipe. But I want to use the pipe repeatedly. Did I miss
something about IPC?


      i.puts 'v=8'
      i.flush # <<---

ok. i don't need this if I use syswrite (flush flushes only ruby buffers)

      puts o.gets

    harp:~ > cat a.pl

    $| = 1; # <<---

yes! that's it. I knew there was some perl-guru-thing about it.

    while ($line = <STDIN>) {
      if ($line eq "set_var") { &set_var;}
      elsif ($line eq "quit") { exit 0;}

    sub set_var { $var=<STDIN>; chomp($var); print "set.$var\n"; }

    harp:~ > ruby a.rb

thanks very much.


ara.t.howard@noaa.gov wrote: