I thought something like this was in facets... maybe it was one of those
other library collections... either way I can't find what I'm looking
for, so here's an implementation which probably screws up with some
corner cases.
class Reference
instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless /__.*__/ === m}
def initialize(&block) @block = block
def method_missing(*args, &block) @block.call.send(*args, &block)
my_hash["one"] = "Modify"
p my_hash["four"]
=> "Modify"
p my_hash["five"]
=> "Modify"
-----Original Message-----
From: list-bounce@example.com
[mailto:list-bounce@example.com] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2005 9:06 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Point an element in Hash Object
I'm trying to create an hash object using object string for
key and value.
I need to link a key with another key as value... so an
element of hash object can point to another element. But i
need the link to the key and not a copy of the value.
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Just a note about previous solution: referencing a reference does
daisy-chained lookups. So in the above example
will send "to_s" my_hash["four"], which will then forward that message
to my_hash["one"].
So it would be more efficient (computationally) to reference directly,
and not indirectly. This is not the same as pointers in C/C++!
Also, recursive references will overflow the stack:
my_hash["six"] = "Sixth"
my_hash["six"] = Reference.new{my_hash["six"]}
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
from (irb):40:in `method_missing'
Thank too much for your help.
This is what i need...
daniels wrote:
I thought something like this was in facets... maybe it was one of those
other library collections... either way I can't find what I'm looking
for, so here's an implementation which probably screws up with some
corner cases.
class Reference
instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless /__.*__/ === m}
def initialize(&block) @block = block
def method_missing(*args, &block) @block.call.send(*args, &block)
my_hash["one"] = "Modify"
p my_hash["four"]
=> "Modify"
p my_hash["five"]
=> "Modify"
element of hash object can point to another element. But i
need the link to the key and not a copy of the value.
This email has been scanned by MailMarshal, an email content filter.
I thought something like this was in facets... maybe it was one of those
other library collections... either way I can't find what I'm looking
for, so here's an implementation which probably screws up with some
corner cases.
class Reference
instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless /__.*__/ === m}
def initialize(&block) @block = block
def method_missing(*args, &block) @block.call.send(*args, &block)
my_hash["one"] = "Modify"
p my_hash["four"]
=> "Modify"
p my_hash["five"]
=> "Modify"
element of hash object can point to another element. But i
need the link to the key and not a copy of the value.
This is ok... but i have a question.
If i dump the hash into a YAML file, then when i load it, the reference
is lost and there are only copies of the same values.
How can I mantain that reference when I dump/load the YAML file?