Pluto.starter - planet ruby quick starter kit - (auto-)build your own (static) planet news sites w/ pluto


   If anyone is interested in building the next planet ruby :wink: -
I've put together pluto.starter[1] - a new quick starter boilerplate /
setup / ready-to-fork repo that lets you (auto-) build your own
(static) planet news sites from web feeds w/ ruby in minutes.

Step 0: Download and unpack (or clone).

e.g. $ git clone

Step 1: Install the planet pluto machinery / tool.

e.g. $ cd pluto.starter
     $ bundle install

Step 2: Build the starter planet.

e.g. $ bundle exec pluto build planet.ini -t starter -o build

This will

1) fetch all feeds listed in planet.ini and

2) store all entries in a local single-file SQLite database,
that is, planet.db in your working folder and

3) generate a planet web page, that is, planet.starter.html in your build folder
using the starter template pack in the planet-starter folder
using all feed entries from the local database.

That's it. Open up build/planet.starter.html in your web browser to
see your planet web page. Voila!

Questions? Comments? Welcome. Cheers. Happy planet.

PS: Why not design your own planet themes? It's just embedded ruby (ERB)
with Rails-style helpers (link_to, stylesheet_link_tag, etc.), see
planet.starter.html.erb [2] to get started.
