Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

From: James Koppel <>
Date: June 15, 2007 11:37:34 AM CDT
Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

Here is my solution to Ruby Quiz #128. It simply brute-forces the problem, and thus is O(n!), where n is the number of distinct letters. It took a little bit to output the correct (well, besides being in a different order due to the hash) solution to send+more=money, although on smaller problems it completed (practically) instantaneously.

Since eval does much of the work for it, it was trivial to make this solution work for any mathematical expression.

One significant speed improvement that occurred to me is to have the base case be one level of recursion higher and calculate the value of the last letter using simple algebra. However, that would yield more complex code.

def find_solution(expr)
  expr = expr.sub('=','==')
  chars =
  expr.scan(/./){|c| chars |= [c] unless "*/%+-()=".include? c}
  solution_helper chars, expr

def solution_helper(rem_chars, expr, rem_nums=(0..9).to_a,
  if rem_chars.empty?
    return eval(expr.gsub(/./){|c|
      (char_reps.keys.include? c) ? char_reps[c] : c}) ?
      char_reps : nil

  rem_nums.each do |n|
    next if n==0 && expr =~ /(^|[*\/%+\-(=])#{rem_chars[0]}/
    s = solution_helper(rem_chars[1..-1], expr, rem_nums - [n],
    return s if s

find_solution(ARGV[0]).each_pair do |k,v|
  puts "#{k}: #{v}"

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