Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

From: "Stuart Holden" <>
Date: April 23, 2007 4:55:28 AM CDT
To: <>
Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

# [RubyQuiz:121 - MorseCode]


# Recursive solution with a little bit of caching...

require 'memoize'

include Memoize


  'A' => '.-', 'B' => '-...', 'C' => '-.-.', 'D' => '-..', 'E' => '.',

  'F' => '..-.', 'G' => '--.', 'H' => '....', 'I' => '..', 'J' => '.---',

  'K' => '-.-', 'L' => '.-..', 'M' => '--', 'N' => '-.', 'O' => '---',

  'P' => '.--.', 'Q' => '--.-', 'R' => '.-.', 'S' => '...', 'T' => '-',

  'U' => '..-', 'V' => '...-', 'W' => '.--', 'X' => '-..-', 'Y' => '-.--',

  'Z' => '--..'


class String

  def starts_with? s

    return self[0...s.length] == s



def next_steps(code)

  #-- Find eligible steps, return the decoded character and the remaining morse { |alpha_char, morse_char| code.starts_with?(morse_char) }.map do | (alpha_char, morse_char) |

    [alpha_char, code.sub(morse_char, "")]



def decodings(code)

  retval =

  #-- Base: nothing to decode -> return empty string

  if (code == "")

    retval << ""


    #-- Step: Process each possible char-tail tuple, recurse on the tail to construct all possible words...

    next_steps(code).each do |head, tail|

      decodings(tail).each do |plaintext|

        retval << (head + plaintext)






memoize(:next_steps, 'ns.dat') #-- Performance boost when repeatedly checking the same tails.

puts "Please enter some morse code... "


decodings(input).sort.each do |word|

  breakdown = word.split("").map {|alpha_char| ENCODINGS[alpha_char] }.join("|")

  puts "#{word} -> #{breakdown}"


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