Platform again

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the


In article,


Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the


Maybe this would be a question best posed as a poll on
(come to think of it, hasn’t it been asked there before?)


Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the


   "I run Ruby primarily on"

Guy Decoux



On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:10, Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the


FreeBSD (-CURRENT and 4.x)


Friedrich Dominicus ( wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the

Eric Hodel - -
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Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the

A combination of Linux, Windows Native & Cygwin


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Linux exclusively. There is no way I would run windows without someone
forcing me. This is the upside of being unemployed.


On Sunday 06 October 2002 6:10 am, Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the


Best essay I’ve read in years:



At Sun, 6 Oct 2002 15:10:25 +0900, Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the

Linux, or compiling/testing ruby on Windows.

Nobu Nakada (Phil Tomson) writes:

Maybe this would be a question best posed as a poll on
(come to think of it, hasn’t it been asked there before?)
Outch, sorry, for asking. I did not know that it was asked before …


Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

Well I ask again. On what platforms are you using ruby most of the

A combination of Linux, Windows Native & Cygwin


Those three most of the time, eh? And where do you run it the rest? :slight_smile:



----- Original Message -----
From: “Robert McGovern”
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Platform again

I run Ruby on Debian GNU/Linux and Gentoo Linux.

Once in a while at work I go into irb in a Windows 2000 shell or test
something I’ve written to see how it looks in Windows (although I don’t
know how well I’ll be able to do that now that I’m switching from working
in Tk to gtk2).



Michael C. Libby
public key:
web site:

A combination of Linux, Windows Native & Cygwin

Those three most of the time, eh? And where do you run it the rest? :slight_smile:

chuckles Thanks Gavin, it seems I need to learn to open my eyes.

I do have the same script running under mingw32 & cygwin at the mo as a
test, so time is evenly split betweem them when it comes to running Ruby :slight_smile:


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Mac OS X, mostly, and NetBSD.


We are all born originals - why is it so many of us die copies? -
Edward Young, poet (1683-1765)

A combination of Linux, Windows Native & Cygwin

Those three most of the time, eh? And where do you run it the rest? :slight_smile:

chuckles Thanks Gavin, it seems I need to learn to open my eyes.

I do have the same script running under mingw32 & cygwin at the mo as a
test, so time is evenly split betweem them when it comes to running Ruby :slight_smile:


Damn! I was hoping you’d say “Commodore 64”…



From: “Robert McGovern”

Just this past week here, Rob Wehrli (of Arizona Cooperative Power) just
gave a talk on uCLinux (micro-controller Linux) for embedded Hitachi
boards. I signed up to get one of the promotional boards they were
giving away. I’m thinking that Ruby would be a cool language to embed
on that board. Just think … Ruby running on an embedded computer.
What cool things could come from that?


On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 20:04, Gavin Sinclair wrote:

Damn! I was hoping you’d say “Commodore 64”…

– Jim Weirich

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.” – Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

Damn! I was hoping you’d say “Commodore 64”…

Strangley enough Gavin, earlier today I recieved a CD of Commodore 64
music done as Rock.

Its by a band called “Press Play On Tape”
(, they’ve put together an album called
“Loading, Read, Run” which features 14 classic tunes that have been
reworked as rock tracks.

Its strange and cool, my favorite at the moment is Thing On A String
originally by Rob Hubbard. Other tracks include Ramon: First Blood Part
II, Ghosts n’ Goblins, Wizardry, Monty on the Run.

I could put up a few of the tracks for anyone interested.


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Damn! I was hoping you’d say “Commodore 64”…

Strangley enough Gavin, earlier today I recieved a CD of Commodore 64
music done as Rock.

Its by a band called “Press Play On Tape”
(, they’ve put together an album called
“Loading, Read, Run” which features 14 classic tunes that have been
reworked as rock tracks.

Its strange and cool, my favorite at the moment is Thing On A String
originally by Rob Hubbard. Other tracks include Ramon: First Blood Part
II, Ghosts n’ Goblins, Wizardry, Monty on the Run.

I could put up a few of the tracks for anyone interested.


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Wow, my first computer exposure was programming BASIC on a Commodore
64. Did you ever use it also? It think it was pretty cool back then (of
course, before Apple took over…)




Gavin Sinclair wrote:

Damn! I was hoping you’d say “Commodore 64”…


My lord, Rob. Thank you so much for mentioning these folks. I
must obtain their CD.

/me is listening to their free sample MP3s now ... Out Run ...
god, I'm going to cry.

-- Dossy


On 2002.10.13, Robert McGovern <> wrote:

> Damn! I was hoping you'd say "Commodore 64"...

Strangley enough Gavin, earlier today I recieved a CD of Commodore 64
music done as Rock.

Its by a band called "Press Play On Tape"
(, they've put together an album called
"Loading, Read, Run" which features 14 classic tunes that have been
reworked as rock tracks.

Dossy Shiobara mail:
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

Hi Jim,

Depending on the power of that embedded board, I am not sure if you can
run the current Ruby version on that board. Just like Java has the J2ME
(Micro Edition), probably you need to tweak Ruby a lot to be able to run
it on an embedded system. If you really want to have a scripting language
running on an embedded system, my guess is your best bet for now is
probably to use Lua.




Jim Weirich wrote:

Just this past week here, Rob Wehrli (of Arizona Cooperative Power) just
gave a talk on uCLinux (micro-controller Linux) for embedded Hitachi
boards. I signed up to get one of the promotional boards they were
giving away. I’m thinking that Ruby would be a cool language to embed
on that board. Just think … Ruby running on an embedded computer.
What cool things could come from that?