FYI: I've added two new chapters to the Planet Ruby.
The new Ruby Links 'n' Bookmarks page [1] collects links about all
things Ruby. The first entries include:
- How I Start Series - Ruby Edition - Let's build a Ruby gem together
- Learn Ruby in Y Minutes - A whirlwind tour of Ruby - learnruby.rb
- Practicing Ruby - Delightful lessons for dedicated programmers
- RubyBench - Long Running Ruby Benchmark
- The Ruby Bibliography - Programming Language Research Papers 'n' Articles
- Ruby Quick Reference - Language, Standard Library, Tools
The new Ruby Books 'n' Screencasts page [2] lists books and
screencasts about all things Ruby. The first entries include:
- Effective Ruby: 48 Specific Ways to Write Better Ruby by Peter J. Jones
- Engineering Software as a Service: An Agile Approach Using Cloud
Computing by Armando Fox 'n' David Patterson
- Learn Ruby the Hard Way by Zed Shaw
- Ruby Under a Microscope - An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals
by Pat Shaughness
Note: As always you can subscribe to the entries with web feeds, or
browse the "rendered" page on the planet or read the "raw" entry on
GitHub. New links, books and tips welcome. Happy planet. Cheers.
[1] feedreader.github.io/planet-ruby/links
[2] feedreader.github.io/planet-ruby/books