Persistent Objects with Ruby - simple beginning

Object persistence, I want it, without SQL or other schemes that could be
implemented in ruby and somewhat automated instead. Smalltalk and Squeak
inspired. Objects exist, no CRUD or 'saving' or 'writes'.

So, as an attempt to I made this Storage singleton and Storable -class.
(code at end or at )

It is very simple and crude. I am not a computer scientist, more like an
artist with tourettes.

Nevertheless, I was hoping to get input. I think perhaps the next step
would be changing this into a module.

If time and skills permit it, it would be fun to make a ruby fork with
persistence similar to Prevayler (mem + snapshots&transactions record) or
Squeak (save image of VM), like DHH suggested in 2k8 Rubyconf:


Have fun,

#start START
#See example at end of file. Paste into IRB or save as file and load to

class Storable

  #Marshals objects, creates meta-data labels
  #Intent: abstracts marshaling, unique filename, structured labeling

attr_accessor :filename, :label, :label_str, :user, :private, :tags, :description

  def initialize(given_name = "unknown_object")
    @creation_time =
    @given_name = given_name.to_s
    @tags = "storable" #for metainfo
    @description = "desc"

    #generate label

    #generate filename
    filename_str = @given_name +"."+ self.object_id.to_s
# +"."+ @creation_time.to_s
    filename_str = filename_str.gsub(" ", "_")
    @filename = filename_str #why this again?!?
  end #init

  def labelize #sets storable's attribs for the purposes of labeling them
    @label = {
      # - object class
      :class => self.class.to_s,
      # - given name
      :given_name => @given_name,
      # - object id
      :object_id => self.object_id.to_s,
      # - time created
      :time_created => @creation_time.to_s, #seconds since epoch
      # - owner
      :user => "user",
      # - tags_str
      :tags => @tags.to_s,
      # - description_str
      :description => @description.to_s
      # - date now (filesystem?)
    #Label packaged to a String -form
    @label_str = ""
    self.label.each_pair { |key, val|
      #each pair into string delimited by |
      label_str << key.to_s + "|" + val.gsub("|", "!").to_s + "\n"

  end #end labelize

  def put_into_storage
  #marshals, labels and stores object in Storage
    #future args command_msg_str
    #set object label
    #marshal object
    package = Marshal.dump(self)
    #store label and object
    #resolve 'storage path'
    relative_path_str = "serialized." + self.class.to_s + "." +

    #store label
    lbl_path = relative_path_str + ".label", @label_str)
    #store file, package)

   def self.find_by_fname(fname) #not implemented
     found = nil
     ObjectSpace.each_object(Object) { |o|
       found = o if o.fname == fname

end #Class Storable

# Storage.rb - datastore-module
# - Storage abstraction 1st. Scalability 2nd.
# - gold spike: store marshaled objects
# - future store YML -objects in a namespace of some kind.
# - future SQL

# DB/QL support
# I. Marshall objects
# - serialize/re-instance
# - namespace?
# IV. MySQL and so on


#Inteface Roadmap
# * Make a module instead of inheritable?!?
# * store.config. Configurable parameters.
# * Store object.
# * Retrieve object.
# * Sort/Compare/etc

require "singleton.rb"

class Storage

  include Singleton

  #Instantiated with:
  #Storage = Storage.instance
  #writable storage_home_local_path -directory
  #Object to be stored is of class storable
  #Usage:, path_str)
  #future: status code indicating the result
  #TODO move this to config-file

  @@storage_home_local_path = '/tmp/'

  attr_reader :storage_home_local_path

  ### Constructor ###############################
  def initialize()

  end #init

  def set_storage_configuration()

   ### CLASS METHODS #############################
  def, content_string)
    store_content_string(relative_path_str, content_string)

  def self.store_content_string(relative_path_str, content_string)
      target_path = @@storage_home_local_path + relative_path_str
      #print target_path
      wf_io =, "w")
        unless wf_io.closed?

  def self.query(selector_str, keyword_str)

    case selector_str
      when "by_path"
        items = Dir[@@storage_home_local_path + keyword_str]
        labels = Dir[@@storage_home_local_path + keyword_str + ".label"]
        items = items-labels

      when "by_class"
        #etc etc
    end #case

  def self.unpack(relative_path_or_filename_str)
    #returns unpacked stored object
    #resolve path
    relative_path_or_filename_str = relative_path_or_filename_str.gsub
(@@storage_home_local_path, "") #remove path in case exists so no dbl path
    target_path = @@storage_home_local_path +

      open(target_path) do |f|
      @loaded_object = Marshal.load(f)
    rescue StandardError => crash
      print "Storage unpack: Standard Error opening file "
      print target_path.to_s + ", returned: " + crash + ". "
    return @loaded_object

end #e Storage

#Example code

Storage.instance #a instance of the Storage

class Tester < Storable
  def initialize(some_str)
    @stuff =
    20.times { @stuff.push(some_str.to_s) }

  attr_reader :stuff

this_test ="Test for comp.lang.ruby")
print this_test = "blah"

presumed_obj = Dir["/tmp/**unknown_object**"][0].to_s
unserred = Storage.unpack(presumed_obj)
print unserred.inspect()
print unserred.stuff #??!??

#end END END

Casimir Pohjanraito - Portfolio

Casimir Pohjanraito wrote:

Object persistence, I want it, without SQL or other schemes that could be implemented in ruby and somewhat automated instead. Smalltalk and Squeak inspired. Objects exist, no CRUD or 'saving' or 'writes'.

So, as an attempt to I made this Storage singleton and Storable -class. (code at end or at )

It might be interesting to compare your ideas with fsdb[1]. It does have metadata for objects, but the only meta attr currently used is file version.

[1] FSDB


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Casimir Pohjanraito wrote:

Object persistence, I want it, without SQL or other schemes that could
implemented in ruby and somewhat automated instead. Smalltalk and Squeak
inspired. Objects exist, no CRUD or 'saving' or 'writes'.

Have you looked at Madeleine?


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