[patch] for ri case sensitivity (was - RE: disable ri case se nsit ive)

#> pardon me if it's too elementary or buggy or what, but hey,
#it works great
#> for me and i have lesser worry on my casing/typing :slight_smile:


nobu.nokada@softhome.net [mailto:nobu.nokada@softhome.net] wrote:

#It seems not to work with a multi-worded class name, e.g.,
# $ ./ruby bin/ri -T systemcall#errno
# Nothing known about systemcall#errno

Yes, you're right, sir Nobu. In fact, my patch doesn't even work for the
simple Net::SMTP search...

#Another patch.

Thanks very much for the patch. I hope it will be incorporated..

kind regards -botp

#Nobu Nakada