Passing blocks further down

Hello Rubyists,

at first I must say that after reading this newsgroups for some weeks now I'm happy to learn from so many smart and kind people in here. This is the place where you actually believe that programming is fun.

I'm implementing a red black tree and I'd like to let users of the class be able to traverse it by calling each. I managed to implement the class so far but I am unsure whether I use the right technique to pass the incoming block from each to the helper method traverse_inorder.

I cut the code down to the minimum, @root is of class Node which looks like it's supposed to be :slight_smile:

class RBTree

   # Visits each node in inorder
   def each(&block)

   def traverse_inorder(x, &block)
     if not x.nil? then
       traverse_inorder(x.left){ |n| }
       yield x.key
       traverse_inorder(x.right){ |n| }

t =
t.each{ |node| puts node }

Invoking the call method explicitely on the block seems rather odd to me. Is it the only way?


traverse_inorder(@root, &block)


Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II


On Aug 17, 2005, at 5:56 PM, Matthias Luedtke wrote:


Sorry for late reply, but this is something useful to know about yield
vs. call. See below.

Matthias Luedtke wrote:

Hello Rubyists,

at first I must say that after reading this newsgroups for some weeks
now I'm happy to learn from so many smart and kind people in here. This
is the place where you actually believe that programming is fun.

I'm implementing a red black tree and I'd like to let users of the class
be able to traverse it by calling each. I managed to implement the class
so far but I am unsure whether I use the right technique to pass the
incoming block from each to the helper method traverse_inorder.

I cut the code down to the minimum, @root is of class Node which looks
like it's supposed to be :slight_smile:

class RBTree

  # Visits each node in inorder
  def each(&block)

  def traverse_inorder(x, &block)
    if not x.nil? then
      traverse_inorder(x.left){ |n| }
      yield x.key
      traverse_inorder(x.right){ |n| }

t =
t.each{ |node| puts node }

Invoking the call method explicitely on the block seems rather odd to
me. Is it the only way?


You can also do this by chaining yields:

  class RBTree

    # Visits each node in inorder
    def each
      traverse_inorder(@root){|x| yield x}

    def traverse_inorder(x)
      if not x.nil? then
        traverse_inorder(x.left){ |n| yield n }
        yield x.key
        traverse_inorder(x.right){ |n| yield n }

  t =
  t.each{ |node| puts node }

The idea is that yielding to a block is cheaper than constructing a Proc
object and sending it #call.

Here's a benchmark for some similar code (see below), but YMMV. It
compares the four possibilities (yield or call in the outer method,
yield or call in the inner method).

require 'benchmark'

def outer11(&bl)

def outer12(&bl)

def outer21
  inner1 {yield}

def outer22
  inner2 {yield}

def inner1(&bl)

def inner2

n = 100000

Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |rpt|"outer11") do
    n.times {outer11{}}
  end"outer12") do
    n.times {outer12{}}
  end"outer21") do
    n.times {outer21{}}
  end"outer22") do
    n.times {outer22{}}



Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------
outer11 0.890000 0.010000 0.900000 ( 0.894500)
outer12 0.370000 0.000000 0.370000 ( 0.364880)
outer21 0.770000 0.000000 0.770000 ( 0.776638)
outer22 0.170000 0.000000 0.170000 ( 0.163393)
------------------------------------ total: 2.210000sec

                user system total real
outer11 0.490000 0.000000 0.490000 ( 0.491969)
outer12 0.400000 0.000000 0.400000 ( 0.396264)
outer21 0.760000 0.000000 0.760000 ( 0.764508)
outer22 0.160000 0.000000 0.160000 ( 0.161982)


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

James Edward Gray II wrote:


traverse_inorder(@root, &block)


Fair engouh, really straightforward. Thank you!

I'll not code when I'm too tired.
I'll not code...


Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II



On Aug 17, 2005, at 5:56 PM, Matthias Luedtke wrote:

Fair engouh, really straightforward. Thank you!

I'll not code when I'm too tired.
I'll not code when I'm too tired.
I'll not code when I'm too tired.
I'll not code...


Hey, you know you can optimize this :wink:

puts("I'll not code when I'm too tired\n" * 100)




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