Passing a block with define_method

Hi list,

I've got a bit of a problem whereby I need to pass a block to a method
defined using define_method this works:

def some_method(*args, &block)
  # ...

but this does not -- the interpreter complains about unexpected ampersands:

define_method(:some_method) do |*args, &block|
  # ...

Is there any way to make this work? I'm doing something a little meta, so I
don't know the name of the method or the number of arguments, so it's all
got to be dynamic.


James Coglan

module_eval a string.

a @


On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:30 AM, James Coglan wrote:

Hi list,

I've got a bit of a problem whereby I need to pass a block to a method
defined using define_method this works:

def some_method(*args, &block)
# ...

but this does not -- the interpreter complains about unexpected ampersands:

define_method(:some_method) do |*args, &block|
# ...

Is there any way to make this work? I'm doing something a little meta, so I
don't know the name of the method or the number of arguments, so it's all
got to be dynamic.

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama



In message "Re: Passing a block with define_method" on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 23:30:21 +0900, "James Coglan" <> writes:

but this does not -- the interpreter complains about unexpected ampersands:

define_method(:some_method) do |*args, &block|
# ...

You have to wait until 1.9.


a working example:

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
module Continuations
  Funcs = {}
  def Continuations.funcs() Funcs end

  def accepts_continuation *argv
    argv.flatten.compact.each do |arg|
      arg = arg.to_s
      klass = Class === self ? self : self.class
      Funcs[arg] = klass.send(:instance_method, arg)
      klass.module_eval <<-code
        def #{ arg }(*a, &b)
          Continuations.funcs[#{ arg.inspect }].bind(self).call(*a, &b)
          STDERR.puts 'wrapped!'

def foo &b 'bar'

foo{|bar| puts "foo#{ bar }"}

include Continuations
accepts_continuation :foo

foo{|bar| puts "foo#{ bar }"}

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb

a @


On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:30 AM, James Coglan wrote:

Hi list,

I've got a bit of a problem whereby I need to pass a block to a method
defined using define_method this works:

def some_method(*args, &block)
# ...

but this does not -- the interpreter complains about unexpected ampersands:

define_method(:some_method) do |*args, &block|
# ...

Is there any way to make this work? I'm doing something a little meta, so I
don't know the name of the method or the number of arguments, so it's all
got to be dynamic.

James Coglan

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

module_eval a string.

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

module Continuations
  def accepts_continuation(*args)
    args.each do |method_name|
      func = instance_method(method_name)
      define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
        value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

here's another way to do it:

    m = instance_method(method_name)

    define_method "__call__#{method_name}" do |b, *a|
        m.bind(self).call(*a, &b)
        p :WRAPPED!

    eval <<-EOF
      def #{method_name} *a, &b
        __call__#{method_name}(b, *a)

- steve


On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:28 PM, ara.t.howard <>wrote:

On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:30 AM, James Coglan wrote:

Hi list,

I've got a bit of a problem whereby I need to pass a block to a method
defined using define_method this works:

def some_method(*args, &block)
# ...

but this does not -- the interpreter complains about unexpected

define_method(:some_method) do |*args, &block|
# ...

Is there any way to make this work? I'm doing something a little meta, so
don't know the name of the method or the number of arguments, so it's all
got to be dynamic.

James Coglan

a working example:

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
module Continuations
Funcs = {}
def Continuations.funcs() Funcs end

def accepts_continuation *argv
  argv.flatten.compact.each do |arg|
    arg = arg.to_s
    klass = Class === self ? self : self.class
    Funcs[arg] = klass.send(:instance_method, arg)
    klass.module_eval <<-code
      def #{ arg }(*a, &b)
        Continuations.funcs[#{ arg.inspect }].bind(self).call(*a, &b)
        STDERR.puts 'wrapped!'

def foo &b 'bar'

foo{|bar| puts "foo#{ bar }"}

include Continuations
accepts_continuation :foo

foo{|bar| puts "foo#{ bar }"}

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb

a @
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being
better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

module Continuations
def accepts_continuation(*args)
   args.each do |method_name|
     func = instance_method(method_name)
     define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
       value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

To clarify, this formulation does not work:

module Continuations
  def accepts_continuation(*args)
    args.each do |method_name|
      func = instance_method(method_name)
      module_eval <<-EOS
        def #{method_name}(*params, &block)
          value = func.bind(self).call(params)

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

I think I saw this "trick" in one of Ara's posts :smiley:

* Store the method somewhere so it is not GC by ruby
* Retrieve the method object from its object_id with ObjectSpace._id2ref
* use eval instead of define_method

module Continuations

    NOGC =

  def accepts_continuation(*args)
    args.each do |method_name|
      func = instance_method(method_name)

        NOGC << func # Stop garbage collection of the method.
        func_object_id = func.object_id

      #define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
      # value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

        eval(<<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
          def #{ method_name }(*params, &block)
            func = ObjectSpace._id2ref(#{ func_object_id })
            func.bind(self).call(*params, &block)



Posted via\.

Hi --

module_eval a string.

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

module Continuations
def accepts_continuation(*args)
   args.each do |method_name|
     func = instance_method(method_name)
     define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
       value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

In Ruby 1.9 you can do this:

func = ->(*a,&block) { if block; puts a }

=> #<Proc:0x388bdc@(irb):1 (lambda)>

C = { define_method(:hi, &func) }

=> C { puts "In block" }

In block

The ->(){} thing lets you create a lambda with method-argument



On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, James Coglan wrote:

Rails training from David A. Black and Ruby Power and Light:
   Intro to Ruby on Rails January 12-15 Fort Lauderdale, FL
   Advancing with Rails January 19-22 Fort Lauderdale, FL
See for details and updates!

off the top of my head (un-tested but similar will work)

module Continuations

   Funcs = {}

   def Continuations.funcs() Funcs end

   def accepts_continuation *argv

     argv.each do |arg|

       arg = arg.to_s

       Funcs[arg] = instance_method(arg)

       module_eval <<-code
         def #{ arg }(*a, &b)
           Contiuations.funcs.bind(self).call(*a, &b

a @


On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:03 AM, James Coglan wrote:

module_eval a string.

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

module Continuations
def accepts_continuation(*args)
   args.each do |method_name|
     func = instance_method(method_name)
     define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
       value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

To clarify, this formulation does not work:

module Continuations
  def accepts_continuation(*args)
    args.each do |method_name|
      func = instance_method(method_name)
      module_eval <<-EOS
        def #{method_name}(*params, &block)

          value = func.bind(self).call(params)

            where does the "func" method come from here? because you are
using module_eval, this is just calling a method named "func" on the
target class (the class where you included the module). I don't think
this would do what you want, even if you do have a "func" method lying



Posted via\.

Hi --

Hi --

module_eval a string.

I'm actually wrapping existing methods so I need to use define_method to
retain access to the old method. Here's my (broken) code so far:

module Continuations
def accepts_continuation(*args)
   args.each do |method_name|
     func = instance_method(method_name)
     define_method(method_name) do |*params, &block|
       value = func.bind(self).call(*params)

In Ruby 1.9 you can do this:

func = ->(*a,&block) { if block; puts a }

=> #<Proc:0x388bdc@(irb):1 (lambda)>

C = { define_method(:hi, &func) }

=> C { puts "In block" }

In block

The ->(){} thing lets you create a lambda with method-argument

Actually the fix is in: you can now (and I think permanently) do this
in 1.9 without the ->(){}.

class C; define_method(:hi) {|*a,&block| if block; puts
a }; end

=> #<Proc:0x1d5754@(irb):1 (lambda)> { puts "In block" }

In block

I'd lost track of where this stood -- I'm very glad to see that it's
there in the block syntax (thanks to Eric Mahurin's patch, if I'm not



On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, David A. Black wrote:

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, James Coglan wrote:

Rails training from David A. Black and Ruby Power and Light:
   Intro to Ruby on Rails January 12-15 Fort Lauderdale, FL
   Advancing with Rails January 19-22 Fort Lauderdale, FL
See for details and updates!

that's correct. you just need to store the data/block somewhere whcih won't be GC'd and pull it back using the id

a @


On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Emmanuel Oga wrote:

I think I saw this "trick" in one of Ara's posts :smiley:

* Store the method somewhere so it is not GC by ruby
* Retrieve the method object from its object_id with ObjectSpace._id2ref
* use eval instead of define_method

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Just did something similar to Emmanuel's suggestion, works a treat:

module Continuations
  METHODS = {}

  def accepts_continuation(*args)
    args.each do |method_name|
      func = instance_method(method_name)
      id = func.object_id
      METHODS[id] = func

      module_eval <<-EOS
        def #{method_name}(*params, &block)
          value = Continuations::METHODS[#{id}].bind(self).call(*params)
 if block