Pass array methods for

Hello I am looking to do a class with two methods, a push and a pop, how
do I define the methods for receiving the "array", something the user
insert a choice given the array, then enter for example with "a" method
and insert is required, and then the added element is the same for the
pop .... I do not know if it was clear ... excuse the bad English


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It was not very clear (at least to me) and this also looks like a homework assignment for implementing a stack. I suggest, you have a look at the std lib documentation at RDoc Documentation




On 02.11.2008 04:06, Edipofederle Edipofederle wrote:

Hello I am looking to do a class with two methods, a push and a pop, how
do I define the methods for receiving the "array", something the user
insert a choice given the array, then enter for example with "a" method
and insert is required, and then the added element is the same for the
pop .... I do not know if it was clear ... excuse the bad English