ParseTree 1.3.4 Released

ParseTree version 1.3.4 has been released!


ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and

As an example:

   def conditional1(arg1)
     if arg1 == 0 then
       return 1
     return 0


       [:args, :arg1],
        [:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
        [:return, [:lit, 1]],
       [:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]


+ Uses RubyInline, so it just drops in.
+ Includes SexpProcessor and CompositeSexpProcessor.
  + Allows you to write very clean filters.
+ Includes show.rb, which lets you quickly snoop code.
+ Includes abc.rb, which lets you get abc metrics on code.
  + abc metrics = numbers of assignments, branches, and calls.
  + whitespace independent metric for method complexity.
+ Only works on methods in classes/modules, not arbitrary code.
+ Does not work on the core classes, as they are not ruby (yet).


+ 2 bug fixes
  + bug:1459: Cleaned up and corrected superclass naming code.
  + bug:1458: Fixed while to support post-conditional while/until nodes.


-- -

Hello Ryan,

thanks for your efforts with ParseTree. I was wondering if one could
implement a Lisp style macro system for Ruby using your library. What
do you think?

George Moschovitis

ps: I am really amazed at the latest developments in Ruby Land
(ParseTree, RubyInline, RubyToC, Yarv, etc...) Great time to be a Ruby
hacker :slight_smile:

thanks for your efforts with ParseTree. I was wondering if one could
implement a Lisp style macro system for Ruby using your library. What
do you think?

Hrm. I don't have the ability to put the modified AST back into ruby... but you might be able to fake it using ruby2ruby and evaling back into the class... :confused:

ps: I am really amazed at the latest developments in Ruby Land
(ParseTree, RubyInline, RubyToC, Yarv, etc...) Great time to be a Ruby
hacker :slight_smile:



On Feb 10, 2005, at 2:25 AM, George Moschovitis wrote: