Parser for LISP

I am new to ruby, and now I will write a parser for LISP-like language in
ruby, can anyone give me some advices about that? If there is some example
source code, there will be great. Thanks.

mxiao writes:

I am new to ruby, and now I will write a parser for LISP-like language in
ruby, can anyone give me some advices about that? If there is some example
source code, there will be great. Thanks.

I’ve been thinking about doing a parser for sometime. But I don’t have
time yet. Even my Buffer class is not done yet. Anyway, if you want to
do it, consider the ruby-lex and ruby-yacc. Forget regex as it
can’t count nesting depth.


There is a LISP interpreter written in Python on
(might be, you might take inspiration
from that. I tried for those parts I understood and it was a
refreshing experience seeing how nicer the code got in the translation
(to my liking, of course).



On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 02:42:07AM +0900, mxiao wrote:

I am new to ruby, and now I will write a parser for LISP-like language in
ruby, can anyone give me some advices about that? If there is some example
source code, there will be great. Thanks.

In mail “parser for LISP”


mxiao wrote:

I am new to ruby, and now I will write a parser for LISP-like language in
ruby, can anyone give me some advices about that? If there is some example
source code, there will be great. Thanks.

There are some lisp interpreters written in Ruby.
For example:

– Minero Aoki

The URL didn’t work for me…



Massimiliano Mirra ( wrote:

There is a LISP interpreter written in Python on
(might be, you might take inspiration
from that.

Jonathan Gillette