Parseexcel, spreadsheet-excel merger? Gems?

There was indication of the merging of spreadsheet-excel and parseexcel.
Does anyone know of
any progress in this endeavor?

Also, I see spreadsheet-excel has a gem file whereas parseexcel doesn't.
Does parseexcel
have a gem file in someones local gem repository or is it going to have one
in the future?



There was indication of the merging of spreadsheet-excel and parseexcel.
Does anyone know of
any progress in this endeavor?

Due to my being Very Busy (TM) at the moment, I can't take any big
steps until April 07. You're always welcome to submit patches though

Also, I see spreadsheet-excel has a gem file whereas parseexcel doesn't.
Does parseexcel
have a gem file in someones local gem repository or is it going to have one
in the future?

There is a gem-file for parseexcel on rubyforge - you should be able to simply:
$> gem install parseexcel




On 10/24/06, Dominic Sisneros <> wrote: