
Ahh, I think I understand what you're doing.

Something like this maybe?

class RegExProcessor
      attr_reader :results
  def initialize(pattern, location)
    @pattern, @location = pattern, location
    @result =
  def process_line(line)
    if m = @pattern.match(line)
      @results << m[@location]

class ProcProcessor
      attr_reader :results
  def initialize(&block)
    @block = block
    @results =
  def process_line(line)
    if x = @block.call(line)
      @result << x

processors = [
  bracketThing = RegExProcessor.new(/#include\s*[<"](.*)[>"]/, 1),
  specialThing = ProcProcessor.new { |line| line[2..4] + line[8..12] },

File.open("foo.cpp") do |f|
  f.each_line do |line|
    processors.each {|p| p.process_line(line) }

includesArr = bracketThing.results
specialArr = specialThing.results


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben [mailto:benbelly@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, 26 September 2005 11:57 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Overloading

On 9/25/05, Daniel Sheppard <daniels@pronto.com.au> wrote:

I don't quite understand your original problem (wouldn't the the
ProcExtractor and the PatternLocationExtractor be two different

Well, maybe. I would like to pass through the files just once - there
are likely to be several hundred files, and they will sometimes be quite
long. I was hoping to use Ruby's ability to store multiple types to do
that. Hmm. Maybe . . .
I'll make a pattern / location parser, and the extracter will just hold
parsers. That makes more sense. Thanks.
It always helps to talk things out, eh? :slight_smile:


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