Overloading methods question please?

def do_something(a as Array)
  puts "first array method"
  puts a.inspect

def do_something(a as Hash)
  puts "Second hash method"
  puts a.inspect

def do_something(a)
  puts "third method anything else"
  puts a.inspect

a = ["something", "something esle"]
b = {"key1" => "something", "key2" => "something else"}
c = 1
d = 'c'


# what's the problem here (A)?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

def do_something(a as Array)
puts "first array method"
puts a.inspect

This is not valid Ruby. Is your problem that you're getting a syntax
error? Are you giving faux-Ruby to demonstrate what you want? See below.

# what's the problem here (A)?

Ruby is dynamically typed and there is no method overloading. Only the
method name distinguishes it from other methods, and you can't specify the
type of an argument in the way you're suggesting. You can fake method
overloading, by calling other methods:

def foo(x)
  foo_for_array(x) if x.is_a? Array
  foo_for_hash(x) if x.is_a? Hash


def foo_for_array(x)
  p "foo for array"
  p x.inspect

def foo_for_hash(x)
  p "foo for hash"
  p x.inspect

But don't do this. You'd be working against the language, instead of with
it, and you'd find yourself with more problems later down the line.

Instead of thinking of object types, follow duck typing[1] and think about
what an object is able to do, instead of what it is — whether an object is
able to respond to a certain method call. In your particular case, it makes
no difference what the argument's class is, because they all respond to

def do_something(arg_of_any_class)
  puts arg_of_any_class.inspect

There's no need to try and restrict the type of arg_of_any_class.

[1] Duck typing: Duck typing - Wikipedia


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:52 PM, jack jones <shehio_22@hotmail.com> wrote:

Having multiple methods with the same name and choose one based on the
argument's class is not possible in Ruby.
You cannot even have multiple methods with the same name and different
number of arguments.
Let experts confirm.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Alexey Muranov and Adam Prescott thank you very much :slight_smile:


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Yes, Hans Mackowiak is right, the case operator is more complicated than
i thought.
How would you case a class in this case?

klass = a.class

  case klass
  when ???



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Method overloading is not supported in Ruby.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 08:52:48PM +0900, jack jones wrote:

def do_something(a as Array)
  puts "first array method"
  puts a.inspect

def do_something(a as Hash)
  puts "Second hash method"
  puts a.inspect

def do_something(a)
  puts "third method anything else"
  puts a.inspect

a = ["something", "something esle"]
b = {"key1" => "something", "key2" => "something else"}
c = 1
d = 'c'


# what's the problem here (A)?

Darryl L. Pierce <mcpierce@gmail.com>
"What do you care what people think, Mr. Feynman?"

Slight mistake. I should have instead said: you can fake the type aspect of
the method overloading you're expecting. As Alexey pointed out, even the
arity isn't taken into consideration, and only the name counts.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Adam Prescott <adam@aprescott.com> wrote:

You can fake method overloading, by calling other methods

Not as inbuilt language feature, anyway.

But with OO design, you can fake it, and dispatch method calls

I'll leave the implementation of this Abomination of All That's Object
Oriented to the reader, though.

*"semi-transparent" since any implementation of such a thing _will_
blow up in your face, with hilarious results thanks to the lack of
static typing.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Alexey Muranov <muranov@math.univ-toulouse.fr> wrote:

Having multiple methods with the same name and choose one based on the
argument's class is not possible in Ruby.

Phillip Gawlowski

phgaw.posterous.com | twitter.com/phgaw | gplus.to/phgaw

A method of solution is perfect if we can forsee from the start,
and even prove, that following that method we shall attain our aim.
-- Leibniz

Alexey Muranov wrote in post #1018634:

P.S. Inside the method you can do

  case a.class
  when Array
  when Hash

you are wrong

it must be

case a
  when Array
  when Hash


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Yes, Hans Mackowiak is right, the case operator is more complicated than
i thought.
How would you case a class in this case?

klass = a.class

case klass
when ???

A generic solution is

def do_something(*args)
  case args.map(&:class)
  when [String, String]
    puts "Working on two Strings"
  when [Integer, String], [Fixnum, String], [Bignum, String]
    puts "Working on int and String"
    raise TypeError, "Dunno what to do with %p" % [args]

As you can see this soon becomes unwieldy. Which brings us back to

> it must be

... never done.

Kind regards



On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Alexey Muranov <muranov@math.univ-toulouse.fr> wrote:

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Alexey Muranov wrote in post #1018634:

P.S. Inside the method you can do

case a.class
when Array
when Hash

you are wrong

You are both wrong.

it must be

... never done.

That's the right way dealing with operator overloading. :wink:


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Hans Mackowiak <hanmac@gmx.de> wrote:

Phillip Gawlowski

phgaw.posterous.com | twitter.com/phgaw | gplus.to/phgaw

A method of solution is perfect if we can forsee from the start,
and even prove, that following that method we shall attain our aim.
-- Leibniz