I am using OptionParser to parse command-line options. I would like to
run a program in following manner:
$ multiply-by.rb --factor 3 4
$ 12
where last number '4' is an input argument which should not need any
option flag/switch. Any hints on how can it be done? Is it possible with
OptionParser or should I write my own option parser method?
Yes, just use the ARGV as if you would without using OptionParser;
once it has parsed everything it recognizes, it will leave the rest of
arguments in ARGV.
You could just access it directly in ARGV after parsing everything else
using OptionParser.
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:03:07AM +0900, Neubyr Neubyr wrote:
I am using OptionParser to parse command-line options. I would like to
run a program in following manner:
$ multiply-by.rb --factor 3 4
$ 12
where last number '4' is an input argument which should not need any
option flag/switch. Any hints on how can it be done? Is it possible with
OptionParser or should I write my own option parser method?
Thanks for the reply everyone. I am taking approach as suggested by
Bartosz and Chad to assign 'left-over' ARGV to the input decimal number.
@Mike, the commandable gem looks really useful. I am not using it right
now, but it looks like it will be useful in some of my other
projects/command-line apps. Thanks for providing a detailed example.
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.on '-f', '--factor=F', Integer, 'Multiplication factor' do |v|
factor = v
end.parse! ARGV
abort "ERROR: need a factor" unless factor
ARGV.each {|v| puts(Integer(v) * factor)}
Kind regards
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Neubyr Neubyr <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
I am using OptionParser to parse command-line options. I would like to
run a program in following manner:
$ multiply-by.rb --factor 3 4
$ 12
where last number '4' is an input argument which should not need any
option flag/switch. Any hints on how can it be done? Is it possible with
OptionParser or should I write my own option parser method?
command "multiply a set of numbers"
def factor(*numbers)
numbers.inject(1) {|memo, i| i.to_f * memo}
# end
And you would run it like this:
$ ./MultiplyBy factor 3 4
No ugly "--" and you can even do more natural looking verbage like:
$ ./Multiply 3 by 4
Using code like:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'commandable'
class MultiplyBy
extend Commandable
command "the base number", :default, :required, priority: 1
def number(base_number) @base_number = base_number.to_f
command "multiply a set of numbers by the base number"
def by(*numbers)
numbers.inject(@base_number) {|memo, i| puts "memo: #{memo}"; i.to_f * memo}
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Bartosz Dziewoński <matma.rex@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, just use the ARGV as if you would without using OptionParser;
once it has parsed everything it recognizes, it will leave the rest of
arguments in ARGV.
if you need flexibility, then ARGV by itself is more than enough.
eg, re your sample,
$ cat -n test2.rb
2 operator=ARGV.shift
4 ops=%w(* / + -)
6 if not (ops).include? operator
7 raise "operator argument must be one of #{ops}"
8 end
10 factors=ARGV
11 if factors.size < 2
12 raise "need at least two args for operator"
13 end
15 factors=ARGV.map(&:to_f)
17 p factors.inject(operator.to_sym)
$ ruby test2.rb - 3 4 5 #subtract
$ ruby test2.rb + 3 4 5 #add
$ ruby test2.rb "*" 3 4 5 #multiply; need to quote
just a thought.
kind regards -botp
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:56 AM, Neubyr Neubyr <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
Thanks for the reply everyone. I am taking approach as suggested by
Bartosz and Chad to assign 'left-over' ARGV to the input decimal number.
@Mike, the commandable gem looks really useful. I am not using it right
now, but it looks like it will be useful in some of my other
projects/command-line apps. Thanks for providing a detailed example.